Recap: IMBeR Eutrophication Study Group Meeting Held on Feb. 29

Author:Suhui Date:2024-03-19 Hits:58


IMBeR富营养化工作组(Eutrophication Study GroupESG)于2024229日召开了第九次会议,由工作组联合主席Peter Thompson教授(澳大利亚联邦科学与工业研究组织,CSIRO)主持会议,共计14位专家和IMBeR IPO成员在线出席。Peter Thompson教授对与会专家表示欢迎,并介绍了工作组的新成员,来自俄勒冈州立大学海洋生态系统与资源合作研究所(CIMERSUSA)的Nina Bednaršek助理教授。同时,Peter Thompson教授介绍,对于即将于2024923日在摩洛哥首都拉巴特举办的第七届IMBeR IMBIZO国际学术研讨会IMBIZO7),来自奥胡斯大学的Jacob Carstensen教授将受邀做主旨报告。Peter Thompson教授与刘东艳研究员作为IMBIZO7“应对富营养化的成因与危害——基于科学的适应性管理与政策”专题的召集人表示,工作组愿意听取成员的推荐意见,考虑吸纳新的报告摘要,扩充专题的专业视角。

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本次会议的IMBeR富营养化主题系列报告(IMBeR-ESG-Talks)环节邀请了美国环境保护署(US Environmental Protection AgencyEPA)的海岸带生态学专家James D. Hagy III博士做了题为“Trajectories of Eutrophication and Hypoxia in United States Estuaries and Coastal Waters”的精彩报告。James的报告讲述了他的研究方向从对富营养化的切萨皮克湾水质变化的研究,转变为基于大量且不断增加的生态时间序列对生态修复和量化生态变化的研究。






Recap: IMBeR Eutrophication Study Group Meeting Held on Feb. 29

The ninth IMBeR Eutrophication Study Group (ESG) Meeting was successfully held on February 29, 2024, with Co-Chair Prof. Peter Thompson of CSIRO (Australia) leading the virtual gathering, while fourteen experts and IMBeR IPO staff attended. Peter commenced the session with a warm welcome and introduced the new member to the ESG, Dr. Nina Bednaršek, assistant professor of senior research at Oregon State University, Cooperative Institute for Marine Ecosystems and Resources Studies (CIMERS, USA). Peter mentioned that Professor Jacob Carstensen, from Aarhus University, was invited to give a keynote presentation at the upcoming IMBIZO7 conference, slated to be held in Rabat, Morocco, on September 23, 2024. As the Co-conveners of a workshop titled "Science based adaptive management and policy responses to the causes and consequences of eutrophication" of IMBIZO7, Prof. Peter Thompson and Prof. Dongyan Liu mentioned that, the workshop was open to listening to the recommendations from ESG members and considering accepting new abstracts to expand professional perspectives.

The enlightening IMBeR-ESG-Talk was delivered by the coastal ecologist Dr. James D. Hagy III from the United States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), titled "Trajectories of Eutrophication and Hypoxia in United States Estuaries and Coastal Waters." James's presentation described how his own research shifted from examining water quality change in a eutrophying Chesapeake Bay to examining successful restoration and quantifying ecological change in recovering systems with large and growing ecological time series.

The nitrogen deposition trends and management strategies across diverse ecosystems were discussed. James emphasized that, despite a decrease in atmospheric deposition in the northeastern US, nitrogen inputs persist due to agricultural use and population growth. Particularly noteworthy were the successful reduction strategies implemented in Narragansett and Tampa Bays, emphasizing local initiatives. James underscored the necessity for advanced modeling and obligatory measures with well-defined timelines to effectively tackle nitrogen pollution.

Attendees lively discussed presentation content. Plans for upcoming activities, including selecting a new presentation volunteer and enhancing group communication, were also addressed. Once again, welcome Nina to the IMBeR Eutrophication Study Group!

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文 |  梁欣宇、钱苏慧

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