IEC Delegates Visit IMBeR IPO-China

Author:秦恺 Date:2022-12-02 Hits:147

YOU Wenhui, Director of the Institute of Eco-Chongming (IEC), and ZHAO Changqing, Deputy Director of IEC, paid a visit to IMBeR IPO-China on the afternoon of November 28, 2022.

Professor HONG GiHoon, IMBeR Strategy Director, extended a warm welcome to Director YOU and his delegation. ZUO Fang, Deputy Director, introduced the IMBeR science plan, the implementation in the Asia-Pacific, the Middle East, and African region, and plans for academic activities in the coming years.

Director YOU expressed his appreciation for activities carried out by IMBeR. He introduced the establishment of the IEC, its mission and goals, key research areas, and recent achievements. He pointed out that IEC is committed to serving the development of Chongming world-class eco-island. With a focus on island atmosphere and ecology, IEC aims to tackle grand challenges in developing Chongming world-class eco-island, which requires interdisciplinary studies and integrated approaches. It is expected that the two parties will exchange and learn from each other to identify areas for synergies.

Prof. HONG GiHoon was impressed by IEC’s research achievements. He commented that research work by IEC is unique and that the development of Chongming world-class eco-island has a typical global value. With IMBeR’s international framework, the IPO-China hopes to introduce  IEC and Chongming eco-island to a broader international community, presenting its unique contribution to global ecological governance.

Group photo

left-right: ZHAO Changqing, YOU Wenhui, MENG Shifang, HONG GiHoon, and ZUO Fang

Both parties then exchanged views on specific issues, such as capacity building, training of young talents, and potential cooperation. It is unanimously agreed that both parties will further strengthen ties in the future, focusing on the integration of resources, research collaboration, and joint academic activities to provide an added value for the development of Chongming world-class eco-island.

Director YOU gifted the Green Book of Chongming World-class Eco-island 2020 to Professor HONG

Director YOU also presented Prof. HONG with the Green Book of Chongming World-class Eco-island 2020one of the academic achievements of IEC. Prof. Hong expressed his gratitude for the gift, which can improve a comprehensive and deeper understanding of Chongming eco-island.

The Integrated Marine Biosphere Research (IMBeR) is a large global research project co-sponsored by the Scientific Committee for Oceanic Research (SCOR) and Future Earth. The IMBeR International Project Office (IPO) - China has been hosted by SKLEC of ECNU since 2020, being responsible for promoting IMBeR research with a focus on the Asia-Pacific Region, the Middle East, and Africa. The IPO-China and IPO-Canada share administrative responsibilities and collaborate closely in promoting IMBeR Science Plan and Implementation Strategy. The IMBeR-endorsed Forum “Experiencing China – Dialogue on the Maritime Silk Road” was held at the IEC in 2019, and has been recognized as one of the flagship capacity-developing programs in this region.



IMBeR国际项目办公室(中国)战略主任HONG GiHoon教授对由文辉院长一行的到来表示热烈欢迎。该办公室执行主任左芳简要介绍了IMBeR的科学计划、在亚太、中东和非洲地区的实施进展、以及未来的学术活动计划。




(左起为赵常青、由文辉、孟石芳、HONG GiHoon、左芳)


由文辉院长向HONG GiHoon教授赠书


海洋生物圈整合研究(IMBeR, Integrated Marine Biosphere Research)是国际海洋研究委员会(SCOR)和“未来地球”(Future Earth)共同资助的、致力于全球变化影响下海洋生物圈跨学科研究的国际大科学计划。2020年,华东师范大学与IMBeR合作,共同设立IMBeR国际项目办公室(中国)IMBeR国际项目办公室(中国)IMBeR国际项目办公室(加拿大)分担行政职责,同时在组织和推动IMBeR科学计划的重要学术活动和倡议方面紧密合作。在促进IMBeR的学术推广方面,IMBeR国际项目办公室(中国)重点面向亚太、中东和非洲地区。“感知中国—共话海上丝路”在华留学生科学论坛曾于2019年在崇明生态研究院举行,该论坛得到了IMBeR的支持,成为IMBeR能力建设活动的标志性项目。