Let my Narration lead you to the Persian Gulf --From Maryam Ghaemi, a SCOR visiting scholar

Author:IMBeR IPO Date:2023-10-16 Hits:85

SCOR访问学者Maryam Ghaemi:让我的讲述带你直抵波斯湾畔


IMBeR办公室推荐,波斯湾海洋学中心主任Maryam Ghaemi博士获2023SCOR访问学者荣誉,应邀来到华东师范大学河口海岸学国家重点实验室进行学术交流。1010日,MaryamIMBeR Coffee Reception带来了一场题为“波斯湾:印度洋上的半封闭边缘海”的精彩讲座,作为暖场活动顺利开启为期两周的学术访问。


波斯湾,这片璀璨又神秘的海域,以其高盐度海水、丰富的生物多样性和独特的栖息地而闻名。然而,这片地区也面临着来自气候和环境方面的威胁。波斯湾是全球能源贸易的关键水道之一,每6分钟就有一艘游轮驶过连接波斯湾和阿曼湾的霍尔木兹海峡,大约20%的全球海上石油运输经此而过。该地区众多的石油设施和石化工厂显著加剧了水污染问题,对水质、珊瑚礁、红树林等栖息地产生了不小的影响。然而,报告也展示了伊朗国家海洋学和大气科学研究所(INIOAS)自2018年以来启动的多个研究计划,旨在全面了解和应对波斯湾面临的海洋环境问题。报告强调,为了保护波斯湾独特的海洋环境,继续深化地区与国际合作至关重要。在此方面,联合国海洋十年框架下的西亚碧水(The West Asia Blue Waters)项目、联合国教科文组织(UNESCO)设立的西亚海洋学教育与研究中心(RCOWA)、以及联合国教科文组织政府间海洋学委员会(IOC- UNESCO)设立的海洋学委员会中印度洋小组委员会(IOCINDIO)等组织的参与被视为实现该地区可持续发展和环境保护的重要议程。





IMBeR Coffee Reception

The Persian Gulf: A Semi-enclosed Marginal Sea of   the Indian Ocean




特邀研究生课程讲座SCOR Visiting Scholar Program


Introduction on Ocean Acidification and Its   Potential Effects on Marine Ecosystems






Introduction on INIOAS and Iranian Status of   Coastal and Marine Scientific Research Activities



特邀研究生课程讲座SCOR Visiting Scholar Program


Carbonate Chemistry in Mangrove Ecosystems

 Let my Narration lead you to the Persian Gulf 

--From Maryam Ghaemi, a SCOR visiting scholar 


Nominated by the IMBeR International Project Office - China, Dr. Maryam Ghaemi, director of the Persian Gulf Oceanography Center, was awarded the honor of SCOR Visiting Scholar in 2023 and was invited to the State Key Laboratory of Estuarine and Coastal Research in East China Normal University for academic exchanges. On Oct. 10, Maryam gave an exciting lecture titled “The Persian Gulf: A Semi-enclosed Marginal Sea of the Indian Ocean” at the IMBeR Coffee Reception. This warm-up event served as a fantastic way to kick off the two-week academic visit.

Maryam’s report is highly informative, offering detailed insights into many aspects, including the geographical and climatic characteristics of the Persian Gulf region, its environmental pressures and challenges, Iran’s marine researches and scientific expeditions as well as frameworks for regional cooperation.

The Persian Gulf, an enchanting while enigmatic area, is renowned for its high-salinity water, biodiversity and unique habitats. It faces, however, climatic and environmental threats as well. The Gulf is a crucial waterway for international energy trade, with a cruise ship passing through the Strait of Hormuz, which connects the Persian Gulf and the Gulf of Omen, every six minutes. Some 20 percent of the global offshore oil transportation ships pass this route. The numerous oil facilities and petrochemical plants in this region have significantly aggravated water pollution, which in turn has had detrimental effects on its water quality, coral reefs and mangroves and other habitats. Nevertheless, this report also highlights various research programs initiated by Iranian National Institute for Oceanography and Atmospheric Science (INIOAS) since 2018, with the aim of gaining a comprehensive understanding of and addressing the marine environmental issues present in the Persian Gulf. As is underlined in the report, it is of great importance to deepen regional and international cooperation with a view to preserving the unique marine environment of the Persian Gulf. In this regard, the West Asia Blue Waters project, under the framework of the United Nations Ocean Decade, is considered an important initiative for achieving sustainable development and environmental protection in the region. The Regional Education and Research Center on Oceanography for West Asia (RCOWA), established by UNESCO, along with the IOC Sub- Commission for the central Indian Ocean (IOCINDIO) of the IOC-UNESCO, play a crucial role in this agenda. Their participation is vital to the advancement of the United Nations' goals in the region.

This report offers valuable insights into the importance of protecting the marine ecosystem of the Persian Gulf while highlighting the significance of global cooperation in addressing environmental challenges in this critical region. Maryam's visit signifies not only an academic exchange between West Asia and East Asia, but also marks the commencement of a fresh phase in regional cooperation.

图 | 林秋汛、左芳

文 | 左芳

翻译 | 叶晟晖