CLIOTOP Task Team Wins "Excellent Poster Award" at the Third AI Oceanography Forum in Qingdao, China

Author:IMBeR IPO Date:2024-06-07 Hits:206

CLIOTOP Task Team成果获“第三届人工智能海洋学论坛”优秀海报奖

2024527日至29日,CLimate Impacts on TOp Predators (CLIOTOP) Task Team 项目成员连鹏,穆玉蓉赴中国科学院海洋研究所参加第三届人工智能海洋学论坛。本次论坛由中国海洋学会人工智能海洋学专业委员会、中国科学院海洋研究所和南京信息工程大学共同主办,中国科学院海洋研究所、海洋动力环境观测与预报重点实验室承办。来自百余所高校、科研机构和政府企业的近600名专家学者参会。



据悉,该课题聚焦气候变化背景下高频海洋热浪Marine heatwaves对热带金枪鱼时空分布影响,通过研究热带大洋金枪鱼时空变动及其栖息地的环境要素变化规律,探究海洋热浪对热带大洋金枪鱼资源变动的影响机制。课题由中国水产科学研究院助理研究员连鹏博士和美国加州大学圣克鲁斯分校Barbara Muhling博士共同负责。


CLIOTOP Task Team Wins "Excellent Poster Award" at the Third AI Oceanography Forum in Qingdao, China

From May 27 to 29, 2024, Dr. Peng Lian and Yurong Mu of the CLimate Impacts on TOp Predators (CLIOTOP) Regional Programme Task Team, attended the Third AI Oceanography Forum held at the Institute of Oceanology, Chinese Academy of Sciences, in Qingdao, China. The forum was co-organized by the AI Oceanography Committee of the Chinese Society for Oceanography, the Institute of Oceanology, Chinese Academy of Sciences, and Nanjing University of Information Science and Technology. Nearly 600 experts and scholars from over 100 universities, research institutions, and government enterprises participated.

Dr. Peng Lian, Assistant Professor at the Chinese Academy of Fishery Sciences, and the co-leader of the CLIOTOP Task Team of “The Climatic Impacts of Marine Heatwaves (MHWs) on Top Predators in the Tropical Oceans”, presented his poster, "XAI Analysis of the Variation Patterns of Tuna Fisheries in the Tropical Pacific," and won the Excellent Poster Award.

This Task Team focuses on the impact of high-frequency marine heatwaves on the spatiotemporal distribution of tunas in the tropical oceans under global climate change. By investigating the spatiotemporal variations of tuna in the tropical oceans, and the environmental elements variation patterns of their habitats, they aim to identify key drivers and progress of MHWs to tuna species in the tropical oceans. This team is also co-led by Dr. Barbara Muhling, a CLIOTOP Scientific Steering Committee member from the University of California, Santa Cruz.

CLIOTOP is a regional programme of IMBeR, operating since 2005 and currently in its third phase (2016-2025). It aims to elucidate key processes involved in the interaction between climate variability and change and human uses of the ocean on the structure of pelagic ecosystems and large marine species.

供稿 | 连鹏

翻译 | 钱苏慧

审阅 | 连鹏  Barbara Muhling

编辑 | 秦恺