Call for AbstractsInternational conference on Dialogue between Land and Sea: Challenges and Solutions


Call for Abstracts

International conference on
Dialogue between Land and Sea: Challenges and Solutions
November 20-22, 2024,  Shanghai,China
Rivers are crucial links between river basins and the sea, yet large river basins are often faced with flooding/draught, pollution, and sediment issues caused by climate change and human activities. Balancing economic development in these basins while mitigating negative impacts on the sea requires effective communication among scientists, policy makers, and practitioners from various sectors. This conference aims to bridge the gap between science and policy by facilitating such a dialogue.

- Flux of materials from rivers to estuaries under climate change and human activities
- Influence of human activities, sea level rise and storm surges on estuaries and marginal seas, coping strategies
- Dialogue with city mayors: Privileges and challenges in economic development, nature conservation, navigation, and hazard prevention along large rivers
- Coastal management: Coordination and optimization of resources between land and sea

- Big data and AI digital twins

Key Dates

2024/10/10  Abstract submissions close
2024/10/20  Abstract acceptance notifications
2024/10/21  Registration opens
2024/11/01   Early bird registration closes
2024/11/20  Conference onsite registration
2024/11/21-22  Conference

2024/11/23  Excursion

Organized By

The State Key Laboratory of Estuarine and Coastal Research (East China Normal University)

Submit abstract

Please visit the conference website (/ecnu/smu_internationalmeeting/megadelta2024/) to submit your abstract 

Submission deadline: 2024/10/10


The Payment link will be updated after 2024/10/20.


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