Frontier in Marine Science 专刊 “Understanding the Role of Atmospheric Transport in Marine Microplastic Cycle” Topic Editor
2017.9-2021.6 华东师范大学,博士,海洋生物学,李道季教授(导师)
2014.9-2017.6 江苏海洋大学,硕士,海洋生物学,冯志华教授(导师)
2010.9-2014.6 华北理工大学,学士,资源勘查工程
2021.8-至今 华东师范大学,博士后,海洋化学,李道季教授(合作导师)
Environmental Science & Technology, Environmental International, Journal of Hazardous Materials, Science of the Total Environment, Environmental Pollution, Environmental Monitoring and Assessment, Archives of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology, Marine Pollution Bulletin, Atmospheric Pollution Research, Scientific Reports, Journal of Hazardous Materials Advances, Microplastics and nanoplastics and S/N Applied Science等期刊审稿人。
- Liu, K*.; Zhu, L.; Wei, N.; Li, D. Underappreciated Microplastic Galaxy Biases the Filter-based Quantification. Journal of Hazardous Materials. 2024, 463, 132897 DOI: 10.1016/j.jhazmat.2023.132897.
- Liu, K*.; Li, Q.; Andrady, A.L.; Wang, X.; He, Y.; Li, D. Underestimated activity-based microplastic intake under scenario-specific exposures. Environmental Science & Ecotechnology. 2024, 18, 100316. DOI: 10.1016/j.ese.2023.100316.
- Liu, K.; Wu, T.; Wang, X.; Song, Z.; Zong, C.; Wei, N.; Li, D*. Consistent Transport of Terrestrial Microplastics to the Ocean through Atmosphere. Environmental Science & Technology. 2019, 53(18), 10612-10619. DOI: 10.1021/acs.est.9b03427.
- Li, D*.; Liu, K(equally contribute).; Li, C.; Peng, G.; Andrady, A.L.; Wu, T.; Zhang, Z.; Wang, X.; Song, Z.; Zong, C.; Zhang, F.; Wei, N.; Bai, M.; Zhu, L.; Xu, J.; Wu, H.; Wang, L.; Chang, S.; Zhu, W. Profiling the Vertical Transport of Microplastics in the West Pacific Ocean and the East Indian Ocean with a Novel in Situ Filtration Technique. Environmental Science & Technology. 2020, 54(20), 12979-12988. DOI: 10.1021/acs.est.0c02374.
- Liu, K.; Courtene-Jones, W.; Wang, X.; Song, Z.; Wei, N.; Li, D*. Elucidating the vertical transport of microplastics in the water column: A review of sampling methodologies and distributions. Water Research. 2020, 186, 116403. DOI: 10.1016/j.watres.2020.116403
- Liu, K.; Wang, X.; Song, Z.; Wei, N.; Ye, H.; Cong, X.; Zhao, L.; Li, Y.; Qu, L.; Zhu, L.; Zhang, F.; Zong, C.; Jiang, C.; Li, D*. Global inventory of atmospheric fibrous microplastics input into the ocean: An implication from the indoor origin. Journal of Hazardous Materials. 2020, 400, 123223.
- Liu, K.; Wang, X.; Wei, N.; Song, Z.; Li, D*. Accurate quantification and transport estimation of suspended atmospheric microplastics in megacities: Implications for human health. Environment International. 2019, 132, 105127.
- Liu, K.; Wang, X.; Fang, T.; Xu, P.; Zhu, L.; Li, D*. Source and potential risk assessment of suspended atmospheric microplastics in Shanghai. Science of The Total Environment. 2019, 675, 462-471. ESI high citation paper
- Liu, K.; Wang, X.; Song, Z.; Wei, N.; Li, D*. Terrestrial plants as a potential temporary sink of atmospheric microplastics during transport. Science of The Total Environment. 2020, 742, 140523.
- Liu, K.; Zhang, F.; Song, Z.; Zong, C.; Wei, N.; Li, D*. A novel method enabling the accurate quantification of microplastics in the water column of deep ocean. Marine Pollution Bulletin. 2019, 146, 462-465.
- Liu, K.; Zhang, Z.; Wu, H.; Wang, J.; Wang, R.; Zhang, T.; Feng, Z.; Li, D*. Accumulation of microplastics in a downstream area of a semi-enclosed bay: Implications of input from coastal currents. Science of The Total Environment. 2021, 148280.
- Song, Z.; Liu, K*.; Wang, X.; Wei, N.; Zong, C.; Li, C.; Jiang, C.; He, Y.; Li, D*. To what extent are we really free from airborne microplastics? Science of The Total Environment. 2021, 754, 142118.
- 刘凯; 冯志华; 方涛; 徐军田; 叶浩达. 3种典型潮滩沉积物微塑料分离方法研究. 水生态学杂志. 2017, 38(04), 36-42
- Wang, X.; Liu, K.; Zhu, L.; Li, C.; Song, Z.; Li, D*. Efficient transport of atmospheric microplastics onto the continent via the East Asian summer monsoon. Journal of Hazardous Materials. 2021, 414, 125477.
- Wang, X.; Zhu, L.; Liu, K.; Li, D*. Prevalence of microplastic fibers in the marginal sea water column off southeast China. Science of The Total Environment. 2021, 150138.
- Wang, X.; Li, C.; Liu, K.; Zhu, L.; Song, Z.; Li, D*. Atmospheric microplastic over the South China Sea and East Indian Ocean: abundance, distribution and source. Journal of Hazardous Materials. 2020, 389, 121846.
- Wang, X.; Wei, N.; Liu, K.; Zhu, L.; Li, C.; Zong, C.; Li, D*. Exponential decrease of airborne microplastics: From megacity to open ocean. Science of The Total Environment. 2022, 157702
- Li, C.; Wang, X.; Liu, K.; Zhu, L.; Wei, N.; Zong, C.; Li, D*. Pelagic microplastics in surface water of the Eastern Indian Ocean during monsoon transition period: Abundance, distribution, and characteristics. Science of The Total Environment. 2021, 755, 142629.
- Li, C.; Wang, X.; Zhu, L.; Liu, K.; Zong, C.; Wei, N.; Li, D*. Enhanced impacts evaluation of Typhoon Sinlaku (2020) on atmospheric microplastics in South China Sea during the East Asian Summer Monsoon. Science of The Total Environment. 2021, 150767.
- Li, C.; Zhu, L.; Wang, X.; Liu, K.; Li, D*. Cross-oceanic distribution and origin of microplastics in the subsurface water of the South China Sea and Eastern Indian Ocean. Science of The Total Environment. 2021, 150243.
- Wang, F.; Lai, Z*.; Peng, G.; Luo, L.; Liu, K.; Huang, X.; Xu, Y.; Shen, Q.; Li, D. Microplastic abundance and distribution in a Central Asian desert. Science of The Total Environment. 2021, 800, 149529.
- Dong, X.; Zhu, L.; Jiang, P.; Wang, X.; Liu, K.; Li, C.; Li, D*. Seasonal biofilm formation on floating microplastics in coastal waters of intensified marinculture area. Marine Pollution Bulletin. 2021, 171, 112914.
- Hou, D.; Hong, M.; Wang, K*.; Yan, H.; Wang, Y.; Dong, P.; Li, D.; Liu, K.; Zhou, Z.; Zhang, D. Prokaryotic community succession and assembly on different types of microplastics in a mariculture cage. Environmental Pollution. 2020, 268, 115756.
- Li, D*.; Xu, J.; Wu, H.; Zhu. L.; Bai, M., Liu, K.; Wang, X.; Li, C. Life cycle of microplastics in the ocean in 70 years of excellence: ECNU’s ongoing commitment cutting-edge, cross-disciplinary research. Science. 2021. 30-32.
- Allen, D*.; Allen, S.; Abbasi, S.; Baker, A.; Bergmann, M.; Brahney, J.; Butler, T.; Duce, R.A.; Eckhardt, S.; Evangeliou, N.; Jickells, T.; Kanakidou, M.; Kershaw, P.; Laj, P.; Levermore, J.; Li, D.; Liss, P.; Liu, K.; Mahowald, N.; Masque, P.; Materić, D.; Mayes, A.G.; McGinnity, P.; Osvath, I.; Prather, K.A.; Prospero, J.M.; Revell, L.E.; Sander, S.G.; Shim, W.J.; Slade, J.; Stein, A.; Tarasova, O.; Wright, S. Microplastics and nanoplastics in the marine-atmosphere environment. Nature Reviews Earth & Environment. 2022, 3, 393-405
- Fu, Y.; Pang, Q.; Zhuo Ga, S.L.; Wu, P.; Wang, Y.; Mao, M.; Yuan, Z.; Xu, X.; Liu, K.; Wang, X.; Li, D.; Zhang, Y*. Modeling atmospheric microplastic cycle by GEOS- Chem: An optimized estimation by a global dataset suggests likely 50 times lower ocean emissions. One Earth. 2023, 6(6), 705-714.
- 张涛; 刘凯; 孙一鑫; 王孝天; 方涛; 吴亚平; 冯志华*. 微塑料对双齿围沙蚕生理代谢的影响研究. 生态毒理学报. 2021, 1-9
- 方涛*; 刘凯; 冯志华; 李游. 春季海州湾临洪河口浮游植物粒级结构及环境因素. 海洋科学. 2019, 43(12), 67-73
Courtene-Jones, W.; Liu, K.; Li, D. Plastics and the Ocean: Origin, Characterization, Fate, and Impacts: “Estimating Microplastics in Deep Water” (chapter 5), Wiley, 2022, 131-149.
李道季,刘凯,朱礼鑫,卫念 等译.《微塑料污染物》,中国环境出版集团,2021-3-1
刘凯, 王晓辉, 顾靖华, 宋张裕, 蒋春华, 李道季. 多水层塑料垃圾和微塑料同步采集装置及使用方法[P]. 上海市: CN202111471077.3.
刘凯,李青青,王晓辉,何轶男,卫念,李道季. 一种环境微塑料浮选过程的同步提取装置及其使用方法[P]. 上海市: CN202211684248.
刘凯,张新新,王晓辉,李青青,何轶男,李道季. 一种环境微塑料高效浮选分离装置及其使用方法[P]. 上海市: CN202211362281.6.
2023年6月5日-8日,第四届全国环境微塑料污染与管控学术研讨会, 专题四“微塑料的海-气输运过程、通量及模式”,专题召集人和分会场主席,上海.
2023年4月28日-27日,微塑料检测与分析研讨会, 城市冠层及海气边界层大气微塑料赋存观测. 口头报告(线上), 特邀. 上海
2022年9月8日-23日,7th international Marine Debris Conference, Deciphering the role of atmospheric transport in marine microplastic pollution, 口头报告(线上), 釜山, 韩国
2021年11月20日-21日,海洋塑料、微塑料源汇过程、风险及应对学术研讨会. 口头报告. 上海
2021年12月18日,海洋塑料污染全球治理进程研讨会. 上海
2020年11月17日-20日, GESAMP (The Joint Group of Experts on the Scientific Aspects of Marine Environmental Protection) Workshop: The Atmospheric Transport of Microplastics to and from the Ocean, Atmospheric microplastics in West Pacific and Eastern Indian Ocea
2019年11月6日-9日, The Second WESTPAC Scientific symposium and third WESTPAC workshop on distribution, source, fate and impacts of marine microplastics and plastics in Asia and the Pacific, 1) A novel method enabling the accurate quantification of microplasti
2019年11月4日, Combating Marine Plastic Waste 2019 Shanghai Forum, 上海.