
CALM TALK 171 | Glass Formation and Thermal Stability of Organic Semiconductor Mixtures


主题:CALM TALK 171 | Glass Formation and Thermal Stability of Organic Semiconductor Mixtures

主讲人:Christian Müller 教授

时间:2024-07-04 14:30:00



报告人简介Christian Müller is a Professor in Polymer Science atthe Department of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering of Chalmers University of Technology, Sweden. Prior toChalmers, where he has been working since 2012, he completed postdoctoral staysat the Institut deCiència de Materials de Barcelona (ICMAB-CSIC) in Barcelona, Spain (2011-2012) and LinköpingUniversity, Sweden (2008-2010). He holds a Dr.Sc. in Materials Science from theEidgenössische Technische Hochschule (ETH) Zürich,Switzerland (2004-2008)and a M.Sci. in Natural Sciences from Cambridge University, UK (2000-2004). He is a WallenbergScholar and was awarded an ERC Consolidator Grant in 2022.He was selected as a Future Research Leader by the Swedish Foundation forStrategic Research in 2016. His research interests include the physicalchemistry of organic semiconductors, polymer blends and composites, and theiruse in the fields of wearable electronics and energy technology. He hasco-authored more than 160 peer-reviewed papers and is a co-inventor of morethan 20 patents or patent applications.

报告摘要:The nanostructure of solution-processed organicphotovoltaic blends tends to evolve with time, which can have a detrimentaleffect on device performance. This talk will discuss the crystallizationkinetics of polymeric and small-molecular organic semiconductors usingtime-temperature-transformation diagrams. The impact of mixing on thecrystallization kinetics is explored. Blending of structurally similarperylenes, anthradithiophenes, fullerenes or non-fullerene acceptors is foundto strongly suppress crystallization, instead resulting in the formation ofhighly stable glassy films. As a result, mixtures of up to eight structurallysimilar perylene derivatives display an unprecedented ability to form amolecular glass, and hexanary blends of five non-fullerene acceptors and adonor polymer yield photovoltaic devices with a thermally stable active layer.

视频: 摄影: 撰写: 信息员:张妮 编辑:高坤