Associate professor Zhuhao Wang attended the Seminar of International Criminal Justice Procedure and Judicial Civilization and gave a keynote speech

To discuss about the international criminal judicial process in-depth, research on innovation of  judicial civilization and promote the improvement of the judicial system, the seminar "International Criminal Justice Procedure and Judicial Civilization", sponsored by the Zhejiang University, hosted by "2011"–Collaborative Innovation Center of Judicial Civilization and Zhejiang University Guanghua Law School, was held during 2016 March 22 and 23 in Zhejiang University Zhijiang Campus. More than 40 leading experts and represents of the practitioners at home or from abroad, including Judge from the UN International Criminal Court, attended the seminar.

Vice-dean of the Zhejiang University Guanghua Law School Professor Ming Hu presided over the opening ceremony, UN ICTY Registrar Mr. John Hocking, vice-president of ICTY Justice Daqun Liu and vice-president of Zhejiang University Professor Weidong Luo delivered speeches respectively. The theme of the conference is "International Criminal Justice Procedure and Judicial Civilization ", which includes the following topics: (1) International criminal jurisdictions and their contribution; (2) Crimes under the jurisdiction of the International criminal justice agencies; (3) International criminal justice procedure and evidence law.

Young scholar from our institute, associate professor Zhuhao Wang was invited to this conference and made a keynote speech, which is named "Searching for the Best Rules of Evidence: China's Evidence Legislation Movement, US FRE, Rules of Evidence in International Criminal Tribunals and Beyond".

Associate professor Zhuhao Wang made a systematic analyze and comparison on the development of evidence rules in China, United States and International Criminal Court from the perspective of Comparative law. First, Professor Wang introduced the legislative process and current situation of Chinese evidence law, and analyzed the driving factors behind the legislation, including prevention of unfair trials and globalization of rule of law. Subsequently, Professor Wang introduced the "Federal Rules of Evidence" and analyzed its difference from China on its basis of existence, including the jury system, the preference of oral testimony, as well as the hypothesis of trial. As Professor Wang pointed out, the evidence rule system of United States is not the most suitable model for China. Finally, Professor Wang referred to the International Criminal Tribunal’s evidence rules, and pointed out that there are many similarities between China’s court and the International Criminal Tribunal, evidence rules of the International Criminal Tribunal is of great significance to learn for China.

Professor Wang's statement aroused the resonance and consideration of the scholars present. In the Q&A session, many foreign experts and scholars asked Professor Wang questions about China’s relevant legislations and together they conducted an in-depth and practical discussion.

Meanwhile, a master student majored in Evidence Law from our institute who is in her second year, Miss Yuanhang Liang also received an official invitation, and behaved very well, had an splendid communication with scholars from aboard and home on issues of evidence law.

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