The Vice-President of International Criminal Tribunal for the Former Yugoslavia, Judge Daqun Liu Gave Lectures on International Criminal Trial in CUPL

Invited by the "2011 Plan" China Collaborative Innovation Center of Judicial Civilization, the "111 Plan" Base for Evidence Science Innovation and Talent Recruitment and the Institute of Evidence Law and Forensic Science, the Vice- President of ICTY, Judge Daqun Liu gave lectures on International Criminal Trial for our students once again from December 16 to 24, 2016 in China University of Political Science and Law.

Judge Daqun Liu is a judge in the Appeals Chamber for both the ICTY and ICTR and for the Mechanism for International Criminal Tribunals, and he was elected Vice-President on 21 October 2015. From 2001 to 2005, Judge Liu was the Presiding Judge of Trial Chamber I presiding over many famous cases. Since 2005, Judge Liu has worked on appeals from both the ICTY and the ICTR. He is also a member of the Permanent Court of Arbitration and the Institute de Droit International. Prior to being elected to the Tribunal, Judge Liu was appointed in 1999 as Ambassador of the People’s Republic of China to Jamaica and as Permanent Representative of the People’s Republic of China to the International Seabed Authority. Judge Liu was also Deputy Head and Chief Negotiator of the Chinese Delegation to the Rome Conference on the establishment of the International Criminal Court. Besides, Judge Liu has enjoyed a distinguished academic career.

Since 2013, Judge Liu has been hired as the Professor for the "2011 Plan" Collaborative Innovation Center of Judicial Civilization and given several lectures on International Criminal Trial for our students in China University of Political Science and Law. In his courses, Judge Liu elaborated about the proceedings of the international criminal cases, relevant rules of evidence and the problems of the substantive law from the point of some significant cases in international criminal tribunals, especially combining with his own experience. Judge Liu’s courses are very popular among our students, and many students from Shanghai, Wuhan, Guangzhou also came to CUPL to attend this course.

This course consists of nine lectures totally, containing the principles of International Criminal Law, the settings of International Criminal Courts, international crimes (genocide, war crimes, crime against humanity, crime of aggression), personal liability and the mode of the liability, and the rules of evidence and procedures. Judge Liu gave lectures in a very clear and humorous way, and the students participated in the class discussions very actively. Through the nine-day course, students have grasped the basic method to learn International Criminal Law, meanwhile many of them also realized their shortcomings, which may encourage them to enhance the skills in the future.


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