“2011 Plan”- Collaborative Innovation Center of Judicial Civilization Hosts the International Conference on Facts and Evidence: A Dialogue Between Philosophy and Law in Shanghai

On May 28th and 29th, 2016, the “2011 Plan”-Collaborative Innovation Center of Judicial Civilization and East China Normal University Department of Philosophy and School of Law cohosted the International Conference on Facts and Evidence: A Dialogue Between Philosophy and Law, in Shanghai. The goal of the ICFE is to promote academic exchanges on the evidence law concept of “facts and evidence” between legal scholars and philosophical scholars. About 40 scholars, who are from China, the U.S., Norway, Australia, Italy, Singapore, and Sweden, delivered speeches and joined panel discussions at the conference. The ICFE not only sets up a stage that allows Chinese scholars spreading their ideas to the international academic community, but also starts a innovative research methodology by inviting the philosophical perspective in furthering the study of law. The distinguished speakers delivered their speeches in ten panels at the conference. Scholars at the conference expect future opportunities to engage more interdisciplinary discussions on evidence law.


Panel I -- Facts and Evidence: A Dialogue Between Philosophy and Law

Moderator: Professor Michele Taruffo, University of Pavia, Italy

Evidence and Facts: Dialogue Between Law and Philosophy

Professor Gunnar Skirbekk

University of Bergen, Norway

Law and Philosophy in China and Elsewhere

Professor Ronald J. Allen

John Henry Wigmore Professor of Law

Northwestern University, U.S.A.


Panel II -- Facts and Evidence: Perspectives from Philosophy and Law

Moderator: Senior Fellow Lei Zhao(赵磊), Social Sciences in China, China

Fact and Evidence

Professor Bo Chen(陈波)

Peking University, China

Fact, “Mirror of Evidence” and Fact-Finding

Professor Baosheng Zhang(张保生)

China University of Political Science and Law, China

Rethink the theory of mutual corroboration

Professor Zongzhi Long(龙宗智)

Sichuan University, China

Truth and Facts in the Judicial Process: A Philosophical Perspective

Professor Guoying Shu(舒国滢)

China University of Political Science and Law, China


Panel III -- Facts and Evidence in the Context of Philosophical Epistemology

Moderator: Professor H. Otto Sibum, Uppsala University, Sweden

Yin/yang Epistemology

Professor Michael A. Slote

UST Professor of Ethics

University of Miami, U.S.A.

Knowing as Simply Being Correct

Professor Stephen Hetherington

University of New South Wales, Australia


Panel IV – Facts and Evidence in the Context of Legal Epistemology

Moderator: Professor ChienKuo Mi(米建国), Soochow University, Taiwan

Truth, Justification, and Knowledge in the Epistemology of Adjudication

Professor Dale A. Nance

John Homer Kapp Professor of Law

Case Western Reserve University, U.S.A.

Fact Argumentation in Argumentation-based Litigation Games

Professor Minghui Xiong(熊明辉)

Sun Yat-sen University, China


Panel V – Rules Governing the Fact Finding in Judicial Process

Moderator: Professor Ruihua Chen(陈瑞华), Peking University, China

Towards Evidence and Fact in the Criminal Investigation

Professor Ming Liu(刘铭)

National Police University of China, China

The Multidimensional Studies of The Theory of The Standard of Criminal Proof Under The Principle of Trial Centered Criminal Procedure

Associate Professor Bo Yang(杨波)

Jilin University, China

Res Ipsa Loquitur: Another Way to Solve the Proof Difficulties in Medical Disputes

Associate Professor Gefei Ji(纪格非)

China University of Political Science and Law, China


Panel VI – The Nature of Fact Finding in Judicial Process

Moderator: Professor Ronald J. Allen, Northwestern University, U.S.A.

Facts, Evidence and Truth in Judicial Decisions

Professor Michele Taruffo

University of Pavia, Italy

Two Modes of Adjudicative Fact Identified

Professor Ruihua Chen(陈瑞华)

Peking University, China

Truth in Trial: the Dimensions of Truth and the Unification of Reason

Dr. Xi Chen(陈曦)

Shenzhen University, China


Panel VII – Judicial Proof: In and Beyond the Context of Epistemology

Moderator: Dale A. Nance, Case Western Reserve University, U.S.A.

Law and Epistemology: An Account of Judgment

Professor ChienKuo Mi(米建国)

Soochow University, China, Taiwan

Confession and the Criminal Process

Professor Ho Hock Lai

National University of Singapore, Singapore


Panel VIII – Wrongful Conviction and Evidence Law

Moderator: Professor Jingbin Wang(王景斌), East China Normal University, China

Reflections on the Miscarriage of Justice in Criminal Cases: Revisit and Reconstruction of the “Corroborative” Mode of Proof in China

Professor Weimin Zuo(左卫民)

                                                                       Sichuan University, China

Miscarriage of Justice and Reform of Evidence Law in China

Associate Professor Hongqi Wu(吴洪淇)

China University of Political Science and Law, China


Panel IX –Probability and Proof

Moderator: Professor Guoying Shu(舒国滢), China University of Political Science and Law, China

Probability in the Law: A Case Study

Associate Professor Brad Weslake

New York University, U.S.A.

A Philosophical Analysis of Different Types of Standards of Criminal Proof

Associate Professor Hongbo Zhou(周洪波)

Southwest University for Nationalities, China

Epistemological Limitations on Probabilistic Evidence Theory

Dr. Candidate Hanbing Gong(巩寒冰)

China University of Political Science and Law, China


Panel X – Evidence and Proof in Diverse Contexts

Moderator: Professor Zongzhi Long(龙宗智), Sichuan University, China

Providing Evidence: C.A. Coulomb’s ‘Balance Électrique’ and the Culture of French Enlightened Rationality

Hans Rausing Professor H. Otto Sibum

Uppsala University, Sweden

Facts as Evidence in Analytic Philosophy

Professor Yi Jiang(江怡)

Beijing Normal University, China

How to Transform Evidence into Fact? Analysis on the Evidence of Cui Yingjie Case

Associate Professor Luping Zhang(张鲁平)

China University of Political Science and Law, China


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