Professor Ronald J. Allen from Northwestern University visited the Fada Institute of Forensic Medicine & Science, CUPL

On May 25, 2016, Professor Ronald J. Allen from Northwestern University Law School visited the Fada Institute of Forensic Medicine & Science, CUPL (FdFS). Professor Lin CHANG, Dean of the Institute of Evidence Law and Forensic Science and FdFS director, Professor Dong ZHAO, Professor Zhuhao WANG and Post-Ph.D. Candidate Mr. Shiquan LIU accompanied professor Allen and visited the offices and laboratories of each subfield of forensic science, and the Chinese Forensic Science Museum lately opened on May 20, 2016.



Professor Allen gave a remark on the development of Chinese forensic science in recent years, especially for the achievements of FdFS as follows – “Thank you for the tour of Fada Institute of Forensic Medicine & Science. The speed of development of this institution is more rapid than any other laboratory I have experienced. Indeed, I am astonished by what I see in this building. Forensic science in this institution started ten years ago from almost nothing and now has advanced to the current stage of cutting-edge technologies applied in every field. I express my deepest congratulations to you for your remarkable success and my deepest gratitude for your allowing me to be a small part of this remarkable journey of evidence science in China”.



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