Meisen Shi

Meisen Shi

​Associate Professor in Law
(86) 1352 031 5030, (86-10) 6862-1174
116, Lugu road, Shijingshan district, Beijing 100088, P.R.China
Curriculum Vitae (PDF) (121.5 KB)      
2002 – 2005,  Doctoral Program,Department of Forensic Biology,Sichuan University of China,  Chengdu,Ph.D. in Forensic Medicine, July 2005
1999 – 2002,  Graduate Program,Department of Epidemic and Health Statistics ,                        Harbin Medical University of China, Harbin,M.D., Epidemic and Health Statistics, July 2002
1994 – 1999,  Undergraduate Program,Department of Preventive Medicine, Shenyang Medical                       College of China, Shenyang,B.D. in Preventive Medicine, July 1999
  • 2015. Analysis of 24 Y chromosomal STR haplotypes in a Chinese Han population sample from Henan Province, Central China. Forensic Science International: Genetics 17 (2015) 83–86 (SCI Index)

  • 2015. Population data of 30 insertion–deletion markers in four Chinese populations. Int J Legal Med.2015,129(1):53-56. (SCI Index)

  • 2013.Haplotype diversity of 17 Y-STR loci in a Chinese Han population sample from Shanxi Province, Northern China. Forensic Sci Int Genet 7 (2013) 214-216. (SCI Index)

  • 2011.Population genetics for Y-chromosomal STRs haplotypes of Chinese Xibe ethnic group.

  • Forensic Science International: Genetics, 2011 (5): e119-e121. (SCI Index )

  • 2009. Haplotype diversity of 22 Y-chromosomal STRs in a southeast China population sample(Chaoshan area). Forensic Sci Int: Genetics, 2009 (3): e45-e47. (SCI Index )

  • 2008. Population genetics for Y-chromosomal STRs haplotypes of Chinese Tujia ethnic group. Forensic Sci Int: Genetics, 2008 (2): e65–e68 (SCI Index)

  • 2008. Genetic polymorphism of 14 non-CODIS STR loci for forensic use in southeast China population. Forensic Sci Int, 2008,174(1):77-80.(SCI Index)

  • 2007. Haplotypes of 20 Y-chromosomal STRs in a population sample from southeast China(Chaoshan area). Int J Leg Med, 2007,121(6): 455-62. (SCI Index)

  • 2007. 6 Y-SNP typing of China and Korean samples using primer extension and DHPLC.J Forensic Sci. 2007,52(1):235-6. (SCI Index)

  • 2007. Southwest China Han Population data for nine Y-STR loci by multiplex polymerase chain reaction. J Forensic Sci. 2007, 52(1):228-30. (SCI Index)

  • 2006. Y-STR loci multiplex amplification and haplotype analysis in a Chinese Han population. International Congress Series.2006, 1288:189-91. (SCI Index)

  • 2005. Distribution of Haplotypes for Four Y-STR Loci in a Han ethnic group of Chinese population. J Forensic Sci. 2005,50(3):714-5. (SCI Index)

  • 2004. Allelic Frequencies of Three X-Y Homologous STR loci in Chinese population. J Forensic Sci. 2004,49(5):1130-1. (SCI Index)

  • 2003. Y-chromsome STR haplotypes in Han ethnic group of Chinese popnlation. J Forensic Sci. 2003, 48(6):1431-2. (SCI Index)

  • 2003. Two X-chromosome STR loci DXS6807 and DXS7133 frequency data in Chinese population. J Forensic Sci. 2003 ,48(3):689. (SCI Index)

  • 2006. Y-SNP typing with the matrix-assisted laser desorption/ionization time-of-flight mass spectrometry. International Congress Series. 2006,1288:16-18.

  • 2012. Discussion on the correct application of DNA evidence. Chinese J Forensic Sciences, 2012,63(4):87-91. HEREDITAS(Beijing), 2012, 34(8):1020-1030. [Article in Chinese]

  • 2012. Polymorphism of 17 Y-STR loci in She ethnic population in Fujian and genetic relationship with 11 populations. [Article in Chinese]

  • 2012. Further characterization of six miniSTR loci in the Han population from China. Med J of Chinese People's Liberation Army, 2012,37(2):94-97.

  • 2011. Polymorphism of 17 Y-STR loci in Shanxi Han population and genetic relationship with 13 populations. HEREDITAS(Beijing), 2011, 33(3):228-238. [Article in Chinese]

  • 2010. The Cluster Analysis of 11 Y-chromosomal STR haplotypes in 24 populations. Int J Genet, 2010,33(5): 257-262. [Article in Chinese]

  • 2008. Polymorphism of 11 Y-chromosomal short tandem repeat loci in Tujia ethnic group and Genetic relationships with 16 populations. Chin J Med Genet, 2008,25(4): 477-482.[Article in Chinese]

  • 2008. Polymorphism analysis of 11 Y-STR loci in Manchu population and genetic relationships with 16 populations. HEREDITAS(Beijing), 2008, 30(5):583-589. [Article in Chinese]

  • 2008. Polymorphism of 22 Y-STR loci in Guangdong Han population and genetic relationship with 12 populations. HEREDITAS(Beijing).2008, 30(9): 1136-1142. [Article in Chinese]

  • 2007. Twenty Y-STR locus multiplex amplification and genetic polymorphism analysis in Han population in Chaoshan area. Chin J Med Genet,2007,24(3):345-349. [Article in Chinese]

  • 2007. Genetic polymorphism of 6 miniSTR loci using fluorescence-labeled multiplex-PCR techniques, J Forensic Medicine, 2007,23(3):201-205. [Article in Chinese]

  • 2007. Genetic polymorphisms of eight short tandem repeats loci in the Han population of Guangdong province, J Shantou Univ Med College, 2007,20(2):90-93,102. [Article in Chinese]

  • 2006. Genetic polymorphism of six short tandem repeats loci of Chinese Han population in Chaoshan area, J Shantou University Medical College, 2006,19(4):190-196,200. [Article in Chinese]

  • 2006. Y-STRs multiplex amplification and validation for forensic science. CHIN J Forensic Med, 2006, 21(1):17-21. [Article in Chinese]

  • 2006. Forensic application of 9 Y-STRs fluorescence-labeled multiplex amplification system. J Forensic Medicine, 2006, 22(3):204-6,209. [Article in Chinese]

  • 2005. Distribution of haplotypes for four Y-STR loci and validation in forensic science by using a double-fluorescent multiplex PCR system. J Forensic Medicine, 2005,21(1):1-5. [Article in Chinese]

  • 2005. Genetic polymorphisms of four STR loci on chromosome X and their forensic applications in a Chinese Han population. Chin J Med Genet, 2005,22(3):268-271. [Article in Chinese]

  • 2004. Genetic polymorphisms of three STR loci on chromosome X and their forensic application in a Chinese Han population. J Sichuan Univ (Med Sci Edi). 2004, 35(4): 473-476. [Article in Chinese]

Research Project: 
  • Founded by the China Postdoctoral Science Foundation(grant NO. 2013M530371): The study of forensic application based on X chromosomal Indel multiplex system. (2013-, PI)

  • Founded by the Department of Beijing city outstanding talents (grant NO. 2012D002023000002): The study of population genetics and forensic application based on X chromosomal Indel multiplex system. (2012-, PI)

  • Founded by Ministry of Education’s Program for New Century Excellent Talents in University (grant NO. NCET-10-0773): Development of MiniSTR Series Systems and Their Application in Forensic Medicine. (2010-, PI)

  • Founded by the Nova of Beijing science and technology plan (grant NO. 2010B073): Development of Non-CODIS MiniSTR Systems and Their Application in Forensic Medicine. (2010-, PI)

  • Founded by the Key Project of Ministry of Education(grant NO. 109037): Development of Mini X-STR System and its Application in Forensic Special DNA Testing, (2009-, PI)

  • Founded by the National Natural Science Foundation of China(grant NO.30801820): Development of Mini Y-STR System in Forensic DNA Testing of Low Copy Number Template, (2008-, PI)

  • Founded by the Natural Science Foundation of Guangdong Province(grant NO.D6301091): Development of Mini Y-STR System and Forensic Application. (2006-, PI)

  • Founded by the China Postdoctoral Science Foundation(grant NO.2005038506): Microorganism of Soil Applied For Forensic Medicine. (2005-, PI)

  • Founded by the National Natural Science Foundation of China(grant NO.81172902): The Study of Multi Markers and Factors on Wound Age Estimation by mRNA. (2011-,)

  • Founded by the National Natural Science Foundation of China(grant NO.30771195): Refine Mapping of Susceptibility Genes and haplotype TagSNPs marker screening in Familial Esophageal Cancer Patients. (2007-,)

  • Founded by the National Natural Science Foundation of China(grant NO.30772458): Biomechanical Mechanism and its quantitative pathological study of Traumatic Subarachnoid Hemorrhage Precipitated by Alcohol. (2007-,)

  • Founded by the National Natural Science Foundation of China(grant NO.30271446): The Research of Y chromosome Specific SNP by Using MALDI-TOF (2003-,)

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