
学校主页 OA
首页 - 师资队伍 - 副高职称教师 - 正文

undefined 基本信息


undefined 研究方向






undefined 代表性专利

1.何登科,彭苏萍. 基于互联网共享的应用地球物理实践教学系统及其方法, 2018

2.何登科,彭苏萍,孙亮. 基于地质单元体的地震正演方法及装置, 2017

3.何登科,彭苏萍,孙亮. 基于共姿态道集的静校正方法及装置, 2016


5.何登科,彭苏萍,刘琳. 共姿态道集方位角分析和校正方法及装置,2016

6.直流电阻率法勘探正演模拟演示系统(软件著作登记号2016SR004553), 2016


8.地震勘探速度反演分析应用软件(软件著作登记号2015SR026222), 2015


undefined 主要论文及著作

1.何登科,彭苏萍,孙亮. 基于共姿态道集的静校正方法.地球物理学报, 2018, 61(1):258-266(SCI)

2.何登科,彭苏萍,孙亮,等.基于共姿态道集的地表一致性振幅补偿方法及应用.煤炭学报,2017,42( S2) : 465-471(EI)

3.D.K. HE, S.P. PENG. Correcting the Orientation of the Horizontal Receiver Based on the Common Attitude Gather in 3D3C Seismic Exploration,78th EAGE Conference and Exhibition 2016. (EI)

4.DengKe HE. Acquisition footprints extracting from raw data can be estimated by the azimuth and offset Entropy of the geometry. 7th International Conference on Environment and Engineering Geophysics & Summit Forum of Chinese Academy of Engineering on Engineering Science and Technology 2016. (EI)

5.D.K. He*, C. Chen. A new method based on the surface consistence for picking the first arrival time of the seismic data. IEEE 11th International Conference on Signal Processing, 2012, 2292-2294. (EI)

6.H.Q. LI*, S.P. PENG, D.K. HE, et al. A New Method to Remove the Moveout of Azimuth Anisotropy Based on Difference. 73rd EAGE Conference & Exhibition incorporating SPE EUROPEC, 2011,4199-4203. (EI)

7.S.P. Peng, D.K. He, H.L. Xian, et al. New Way for Reversible Tau-P Transform by FFT. IEEE 10th International Conference on Signal Processing, Beijing, 2010: 2576~2579. (EI)

8.D.K. He*, S.P. Peng, J.W. Gou, et al. How to Acquire Even Fold Distribution in a Converted-Wave Seismic Geometry, EAGE workshop on Developments in Land Seismic Acquisition for Exploration, 2010. 73-77. (EI)

9.S.P. Peng, D.K. He*, J.W. Gou, et al. Quantitative Evaluating Offset and Azimuth Uniformity Based on Entropy. EAGE workshop on Developments in Land Seismic Acquisition for Exploration, 2010. 129-133. (EI)

10.彭苏萍,何登科,勾精为, 等. 观测系统的面元划分与覆盖次数计算. 煤炭学报,2008,33(1): 55~58. (EI)



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