近日,我院林志强副教授(通讯作者)指导的2023级硕士研究生罗鸿欣(第一作者),在国际期刊《Journal of Flood Risk Management》(JCR二区,IF=3.0)上发表了题为“Assessments of Multiple Precipitation Products and Application in Hydrodynamic Simulations: A Case Study of Casualty-Inducing Mountain Torrents in Sichuan, Southwest China”的研究论文。论文的合作者包括成都信息工程大学苏东生博士、陈海萌同学,四川省气象台肖递祥首席和高原气象研究所陈功研究员等,由国家自然科学基金(42030611,42165005)和西藏科委重大项目(XZ202201ZY0008G)联合资助。

Fig.6Evolution of the flood inundate depth via the hydrodynamic simulation with variant precipitation products at the occurrence location of mountain torrents of: (a) Dapuzi village, (b) Incident location at the national road of G108, (c) Dawamu village, and (d) High-way intersection. The dashed line and the triangle denote the maximum inundate depth and the reported time of the mountain torrents by the post-disaster survey, respectively. The center graph (shaded) indicates the landcover in the region where the mountain torrents occurred.

Fig.7 Spatial distribution of the maximum flooding inundate depth (unit: m) on 00:00UTC June 27 2020 simulated by FloodArea using the precipitation product of: (a) Rain gauges, (b) CMPAS, (c) CLDAS-Prcp, (d) CMORPH-RT, (e) FY2F, (f) FY2G, (g) FY2H, (h) FY4A, (i) GSMaP-RT, (j) IMERG-Early, (k) PDIR-Now, (l) ERA5, (m) ERA5-land, (n) ECMWF-HRES, (o) CMA-GFS, and (p) CMA-MESO. The triangles denote the occurrence location of mountain torrents.
论文信息:Luo HX, Lin ZQ*, Chen HM, Xiao DX, Chen G, Su DS. 2024. Assessments of multiple precipitation products and application in hydrodynamic simulations: A case of casualty-inducing mountain torrents in Sichuan, Southwest China. Journal of Flood Risk Management, 17(4): e13016, DOI: 10.1111/JFR3.13016