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Ignatius Fomunung: A Framework for Quantitative Assessment of the Environmental and Social Benefits of Green Infrastructure Projects(绿色基础设施项目环境和社会效益量化评估体系框架)

2024年05月20日 09:13 来源:科学技术处


报告内容::A Framework for Quantitative Assessment of the Environmental and Social Benefits of Green Infrastructure Projects (绿色基础设施项目环境和社会效益量化评估体系框架)

报告人姓名:Ignatius Fomunung

报告人所在单位:University of Tennessee at Chattanooga(田纳西大学查塔努加分校)

报告人职称/职务及学术头衔:Professor; Director of CETE

报告时间:5月22日 14:30-16:30


报告人简介:Dr. Ignatius Fomunung是田纳西大学查塔努加分校(UTC)教授,能源、运输和环境中心(CETE)主任,长沙理工大学(CSUST)国际工学院(ICE)客座教授。Fomunung教授拥有佐治亚理工学院(Georgia Tech)土木工程(交通运输方向)硕士和博士学位,还获得佐治亚州克拉克亚特兰大大学的原子和分子物理学硕士学位和中国东南大学土木工程学士学位。Fomunung教授在智能交通系统(ITS),交通-能源-空气质量分析和建模,交通规划和土地利用开发,基础设施系统设计、分析、监测和修复等领域开展了广泛的科研和教学工作。过去10年,作为学术带头人或共同负责人进行的研究项目经费超过500万美元。

英文简介:Dr Ignatius Fomunung is a Professor at the University of Tennessee at Chattanooga (UTC). Since 2016, he also has an appointment as Visiting Professor in the International College of Engineering (ICE), at Changsha University of Science and Technology (CSUST) in Hunan Province China. He obtained the MS and Ph.D. degrees in Civil (Transportation) Engineering from the Georgia Institute of Technology (Georgia Tech). He also holds a MS in Atomic and Molecular Physics from Clark Atlanta University, GA, and a BS in Civil Engineering from the Southeast University, China. Dr Fomunung teaches courses and conducts research in the fields of intelligent transportation systems (ITS), transportation-energy-air quality analysis and modeling, transportation planning and land use development, and in infrastructure systems design, analysis, monitoring, and rehabilitation.  He is the director of UTC’s Center for Energy, Transportation, and the Environment (CETE) where research and advanced testing of alternative fuels, including batteries (Electric Vehicles) and hydrogen propulsion of vehicles is carried out. Recently, Dr Fomunung has diversified his focus area to include research in STEM education, exploring strategies that promote student matriculation, persistence, and success in STEM fields. Dr Fomunung has published extensively and conducted externally funded research worth over $5 million as PI and Co-PI in the last 10 years.

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