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19888月参加工作,先后在原长沙交通学院机械工程系、路桥工程系、桥梁与结构工程系等任教。20032月至20054月,在华东理工大学机械工程学院从事博士后研究工作。2009-2010年在美国里海大学(Lehigh University)作访问学者。曾任长沙理工大学校第一届学术委员会委员,长沙理工大学学报(自然科学版)第一届编委会编委。湖南省青年骨干教师培养对象,湖南省普通高校学科带头人培养对象。现为湖南省力学学会常务理事,湖南省新世纪121人才工程第二层次人选,《力学与实践》杂志第九届编委,多家国际与国内学术期刊的审稿人,国家自然科学基金项目通信评审专家等。  


一、 教育背景  



20017 月研究生毕业于北京航空航天大学固体力学专业,获工学博士学位。  

二、 目前研究领域或主要研究方向  



三、 已完成或已在承担的主要课题  

主持完成   国家 博士后自然科学基金课题   1项,主持完成湖南省自然科学基金课题2项,主持完成教育部博士点基金课题1项。目前参加国家973项目1项,参加国家自然科学基金面上项目2项。  

四、 已出版的主要著作  

[1]      唐雪松, 郑健龙, 蒋持平. 连续损伤理论与应用(学术专著). 北京: 人民交通出版社, 2006.

[2]      肖勇刚, 唐雪松(主编). 结构力学(教材). 北京: 人民交通出版社, 2012.

[3]      唐雪松. 断裂力学与损伤力学中若干问题的研究[R]. 博士后出站报告, 上海: 华东理工大学, 2005.

[4]      薛昌明著, 唐雪松译. 与非平衡问题相关的尺度效应: 场与微粒(译著)[J]. 力学进展, 2004, 34(2): 145-170.

[5]      唐雪松. 损伤力学的热力学理论研究及工程应用[D]. 博士学位论文,北京: 北京航空航天大学, 20017. (北京航空航天大学优秀博士论文)

五、 已发表的学术论文  

[6]      X. S. Tang, X. L. Peng. An energy density zone model for fatigue life prediction accounting for non-equilibrium and non-homogeneity effects. Theoretical and Applied Fracture Mechanics, 2015, http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.tafmec.2015.05.011. (SCI/EI)

[7]      Chen Minwei, Li Min, Tang Xuesong. Moving line crack accompanied with a damage zone subjected the remote tensile loading. Applied Mathematics and Mechanics, 2015, 36(9): 1213-1222. (SCI/EI)

[8]      魏天添, 唐雪松. 耦合宏微观效应的约束应力区疲劳裂纹模型的求解与应用. 机械强度, 2015, 已录用. (EI)

[9]      唐雪松,李欣然,魏天添. 低合金超高强度钢跨尺度疲劳失效行为的分析. 长沙理工大学学报(自然科学版), 2015, 12(1): 79-84..

[10] T. T. Wei, X. S. Tang. Trans-scale analysis approach of fatigue crack behavior for aluminum alloy LC4 plate. Applied Mechanics and Materials, 2015, 750: 51-58. (EI)

[11] 方石剑, 唐雪松, 李欣然. 基于ANSYS对钢筋混凝土梁破坏过程的数值模拟研究. 公路与汽运, 2015, (3): 185-187.

[12] 高常辉, 唐雪松. I型裂纹尖端约束应力区模型及其解析解. 应用力学学报, 2014, 31(6): 883-888.

[13] 唐雪松, 陈旻炜, 高常辉. 裂尖具线性分布约束应力的运动裂纹模型及其解析解. 振动与冲击, 2015, 34(3): 183-187. (EI).

[14] X. S. Tang, T. T. Wei. Microscopic inhomogeneity coupled with macroscopic homogeneity: A localized zone of energy density for fatigue crack growth. International Journal of Fatigue, 2015, 70: 270-277. (SCI/EI)

[15] Tang XueSong. Scatter of fatigue data owing to material microscopic effects. Sci China Phys Mech Astron, 2014, 57(1): 90-97. (SCI)

[16] X. S. Tang, C. H. Gao. Macro-micro dual scale crack model linked by a restraining stress zone with a linear distribution. Theoretical and Applied Fracture Mechanics, 2014, 71: 31-43. (SCI/EI)

[17] 唐雪松, 魏天添. 材料损伤的约束应力区裂纹模型与求解. 长沙理工大学学报(自然科学版), 2014, 11(2): 32-36.

[18] 邓小红, 唐雪松, 蔡耀. 大跨连续刚构桥长期下挠影响因素分析与防治措施. 公路与汽运, 2014, (3): 180-183.

[19] 蔡耀, 唐雪松, 邓小红. 考虑桩土耦合效应的大跨矮墩连续刚构桥施工过程受力分析. 公路与汽运, 2014, (2): 174-176.

[20] 高常辉, 唐雪松. 裂纹表面线性分布力作用下I型应力强度因子的解析解. 长沙理工大学学报(自然科学版), 2013, 10(3): 44-48.

[21] Changhui Gao, Xuesong Tang, Minwei Chen. Fracture behavior of aircraft fuselage materials under thermal / mechanical loadings for mode I crack. Advanced Materials Research, 2013, 651: 396-400. (EI)

[22] 谭金祥, 唐雪松, 朱文刚. 交通荷载下桥面铺装损伤演化的数值分析. 公路与汽运, 2013, (2): 151-155.

[23] 陈星烨, 唐雪松. 均匀热流下导热裂纹II型温度应力强度因子的解析解. 工程力学, 2012, 29(12): 34-39. (EI)

[24] 胡浩, 欧丽, 唐雪松. 推导加速度合成公式的牵连点跟踪法”. 力学与实践, 2012, 34(5): 66-68.

[25] 胡浩, 欧丽, 唐雪松. 卡氏定理教学中的函数法”. 力学与实践, 2012, 34(2): 64-65.

[26] 唐雪松, 赵小鹏. 疲劳裂纹扩展行为的跨尺度分析方法. 工程力学, 2012, 29(10): 20-26. (EI)

[27] 陈星烨, 唐雪松. 均匀热流作用下含裂纹板I型温度应力强度因子的解析解. 工程力学, 2012, 29(2): 39-44. (EI)

[28] 张寅涛, 唐雪松, 陈星烨. 矮塔斜拉桥施工状态下结构损伤识别研究. 交通科学与工程, 2012, 28(1): 46-51.

[29] 朱文纲, 喻小明, 唐雪松. 应变莫尔圆的复数解答[J]. 力学与实践, 2012, 34(4): 70-72.

[30] Xuesong Tang, Xingye Chen, Fan Geng. Elasto-plastic dynamic time response and damage evaluation of a part cable-stayed bridge under severe earthquake. In: S.T. Tu, Z.D. Wang & G.C. Sih (Eds.), ISSI 2012 - From Failure to Better Design, Manufacture and Construction. Shanghai: East China University of Science and Technology Press, 2012, pp335-341. (ISTP)

[31] 陈星烨, 耿帆, 唐雪松. 多跨矮塔斜拉桥合拢工艺对结构成桥状态影响研究. 长沙理工大学学报(自然科学版), 2011, 8(4): 45-51.

[32] 唐雪松. 宏微观双尺度运动裂纹模型面内拉伸下的解析解. 振动与冲击, 2011, 30(3): 100-108. (EI)

[33] Xuesong Tang, Xiaobo Zhang. The unified model of fatigue crack growth from micro- to macro-scale and its engineering application. In: Shan-Tung Tu, Zhengdong Wang, George C. Sih (eds.), Structural Integrity in Nuclear Engineering, pp167-174. Shanghai: East China University of Science and Technology Press, 2011. (ISTP)

[34] Chen Xingye, Tang Xuesong. Pushover analysis and dynamic response under earthquake for a continuous rigid frame bridge. In: Advances in Structural Engineering (2011 International Conference on Civil Engineering and Transportation). (EI)

[35] C.X. Li, X.S. Tang, G.B. Xiang. Fatigue crack growth of cable steel wires in a suspension bridge: Multiscaling and mesoscopic fracture mechanics. Theoretical and Applied Fracture Mechanics, 2010, 53(2): 113-126. (SCI/EI)

[36] Bing ZHAO, Ying-ren ZHENG, Ming-hua ZENG, Xue-song TANG, Xiao-gang LI. First-order gradient damage theory. Applied Mathematics and Mechanics, 2010, 31(8): 987-994. (SCI)

[37] 陈星烨, 唐雪松, 赵冰. 改进的MPA法用于连续刚构桥的抗震性能分析. 振动与冲击, 2010, 29(12): 93-96. (EI)

[38] 唐雪松, 谭珂, 陈星烨. 斜拉桥结构施工状态下连续小波变换损伤识别方法. 长沙理工大学学报, 2010, 7(1): 31-38.

[39] 邓旭华, 唐雪松. 基于模态应变能和BP神经网络的混凝土框架结构损伤识别研究. 交通科学与工程, 2010, 26(2): 53-58.

[40] X.S. Tang. Chapter 12, Mode I fracture behavior of titanium alloy TC 6 in comparison with steel and aluminum alloys under thermal/mechanical loading: in-plane tension case. In: Pedro N. Sanchez (ed.), Titanium Alloys: Preparation, Properties and Applications, New York : Nova Science Publishers, 2010, pp441-471. (ISBN: 978-1-60876-151-7)

[41] X.S. Tang. Chapter 7, Mode II fracture behavior of titanium alloy TC 6 in comparison with steel and aluminum alloys under thermal/mechanical loading: in-plane shear case. In: Pedro N. Sanchez (ed.), Titanium Alloys: Preparation, Properties and Applications, New York : Nova Science Publishers, 2010, pp319-362. (ISBN: 978-1-60876-151-7)

[42] Deng Xuhua, Tang Xuesong. Two-step damage identification approach for a multi-layer concrete frame structure based on wavelet analysis and BP neural network. In: S. T. Tu, Z.D. Wang, G.C. Sih (eds.), Structural integrity and materials ageing in extreme conditions (Proceedings of 2010 International Symposium on Structural Integrity). Shanghai : East China University of Science and Technology Press, 2010, pp199-204. (ISTP).

[43] 谢皓, 唐雪松. 模拟混凝土路面板脱空的损伤力学. 山西建筑, 2009, (25): 3-4.

[44] 南勇, 唐雪松. 变截面高桥墩的稳定性计算. 公路与汽运, 2009, (5): 116-118.

[45] Xingye Chen, Xuesong Tang. Pushover analysis and application for a continuous rigid frame bridge by considering high order vibrational modes. In: G.C. Sih, S.T. Tu, Z.D. Wang (eds.), Evaluation, Inspection and Monitoring of Structural Integrity, East China University of Science and Technology Press, 2008, pp501-505. (ISTP)

[46] X. S. Tang. Mechanical/thermal stress intensification for mode I crack tip: fracture initiation behavior of steel, aluminum and titanium alloys. Theoretical and Applied Fracture Mechanics, 2008, 50(2): 92-104. (Sci/Ei)

[47] X. S. Tang. Mechanical/thermal stress intensification for mode II crack tip: fracture initiation behavior of steel, aluminum and titanium alloys. Theoretical and Applied Fracture Mechanics, 2008, 50(2): 105-123. (Sci/Ei)

[48] G. C. Sih, X. S. Tang. Micro/Macro crack growth due to creep-fatigue dependency on time-temperature material behavior. Theoretical and Applied Fracture Mechanics, 2008, 50(1): 9-22. (Sci/Ei)

[49] G. C. Sih, X. S. Tang, K. M. Mahmoud, M. K. Kassir. Effect of crack shape and size on estimating the fracture strength and crack growth fatigue life of bridge cable steel wires [J]. Bridge Structures, 2008, 4(1): 3-13.

[50] G.C. Sih, X. S. Tang, Z.X. Li, A.Q. Li, K.K. Tang (汤可可). Fatigue crack growth behavior of cables and steel wires for the cable-stayed portion of Runyang bridge: Disproportionate loosening and/or tightening of cables. Theoretical and Applied Fracture Mechanics, 2008, 49(1): 1-25. (Sci/Ei)

[51] G. C. Sih, X. S. Tang. Fatigue crack growth rate of cable-stayed portion of Runyang Bridge : Part II – steel wire crack growth due to disproportionate cable tightening/loosening and traffic Loading. In: G. C. Sih (ed.), Multiscale Fatigue Crack Initiation and Propagation of Engineering Materials: Structural Integrity and Microstructural Worthiness, pp249-274, 2008, Springer, The Netherlands.

[52] G. C. Sih, X. S. Tang . Fatigue crack growth rate of cable-stayed portion of Runyang Bridge: Part I – cable crack growth due to disproportionate cable tightening/loosening and traffic loading. In: G. C. Sih (ed.), Multiscale Fatigue Crack Initiation and Propagation of Engineering Materials: Structural Integrity and Microstructural Worthiness, pp209-247, 2008, Springer, The Netherlands.

[53] G. C. Sih, X. S. Tang. Macro-, Meso- and Micro-Damage Model Based on Singularity Representation for Anti-Plane Deformation. In: E. E. Gdoutos (ed.), Fracture of Nano and Engineering Materials and Structures, Proceedings of the 16th European Conference of Fracture, pp723-724, 2008, Springer, The Netherlands.

[54] 陈星烨, 刘文浩, 唐雪松. 连续刚构桥的Pushover分析与应用. 中南大学学报(自然科学版), 2008, 39(1): 202-208. (EI)

[55] 周雁群, 唐雪松. 钢筋混凝土拱结构静荷载作用下的非线性行为分析. 科技信息, 2008, (16): 345-346.

[56] 李兆, 唐雪松, 陈星烨. 基于曲率模态和神经网络的分步损伤识别法及其在桥梁结构中的应用. 长沙理工大学学报(自然科学版), 2008, 5(2): 32-37.

[57] 李传习, 曾天宝, 唐雪松. 圆弧拱的平面屈曲分析. 公路与汽运, 2008, (6): 109-112.

[58] Zhao Li, Xuesong Tang, Xingye Chen. Damage identification for concrete continuous rigid frame bridge based on curvature mode and BP neural network [C]. In: G. C. Sih, S. T. Tu, Z. D. Wang (eds.), Integrated Approaches for Materials and Structural Safety. Shanghai : East China University of Science and Technology Press, 2007, pp57-62. (ISTP)

[59] Xingye Chen, Zhao Li, Xuesong Tang. Nonlinear response analysis for cable-stayed bridge by considering girder-tower coupling effect under earthquake excitation [C]. In: G. C. Sih, S. T. Tu, Z. D. Wang (eds.), Integrated Approaches for Materials and Structural Safety. Shanghai : East China University of Science and Technology Press, 2007, pp181-186. (ISTP)

[60] G. C. Sih, X. S. Tang. Random property of micro/macro fatigue crack growth behavior predicted from energy density amplitude range [J]. Theoretical and Applied Fracture Mechanics, 2007, 48(2): 97-111. (Sci/Ei)

[61] 唐雪松, 薛昌明. 宏观面内剪切作用下多尺度裂纹模型的耦合闭合解. 长沙理工大学学报(自然科学版), 2007, 4(3): 58-64.

[62] G. C. Sih, X. S. Tang. Form-invariant representation of fatigue crack growth rate enabling linearization of multiscale data [J]. Theoretical and Applied Fracture Mechanics, 2007, 47(1): 1-14. (Sci/Ei)

[63] 唐雪松. 含中心裂纹正交各向异性板均匀热流作用下的温度场解析解. 工程力学, 2007, 24(3): 28-33. (Ei)

[64] X. S. Tang, G. C. Sih. Mode II segmented crack model: macro/skew-symmetry, micro/anti-symmetry and dislocation/skew-symmetry [C]. In: G. C. Sih (ed.), Multiscaling in Molecular and Continuum Mechanics: Interaction of Time and Size from Macro to Nano. Springer, Dordrecht , The Netherlands , 2006. (ISBN: 978-1-4020-5061-9)

[65] G. C. Sih, X. S. Tang. Mode I segmented crack model: macro/symmetry, micro/anti-symmetry and dislocation/skew-symmetry [C]. In: G. C. Sih (ed.), Multiscaling in Molecular and Continuum Mechanics: Interaction of Time and Size from Macro to Nano. Springer, Dordrecht , The Netherlands , 2006. (ISBN: 978-1-4020-5061-9)

[66] G. C. Sih, X. S. Tang. Exploration of multiscaling related to crack velocity behavior with temperature change under fatigue and creep [C]. In: G. C. Sih, S. T. Tu, Z. D. Wang (eds.), Multiscaling associated with structural and material integrity under elevated temperature. Shanghai : East China University of Science and Technology Press, 2006, pp1-16. (ISTP)

[67] X. S. Tang, G. C. Sih. Evaluation of microstructural parameters for micro/ macro-line crack damage model [J]. Theoretical and Applied Fracture Mechanics, 2006, 46(3): 175-201. (Sci/Ei)

[68] G. C. Sih, X. S. Tang. Simultaneous occurrence of double micro/macro stress singularities for multiscale crack model [J]. Theoretical and Applied Fracture Mechanics, 2006, 46(2): 87-104. (Sci/Ei)

[69] G. C. Sih, X. S. Tang. Asymptotic micro-stress field dependency on mixed boundary conditions dictated by micro-structural asymmetry; Mode I macro-stress loading [J]. Theoretical and Applied Fracture Mechanics, 2006, 46(1): 1-14. (Sci/Ei)

[70] 熊邵辉, 唐雪松. 含缺口金属构件的中高周疲劳寿命预测[J]. 长沙理工大学学报(自然科学版), 2006, 3(4): 54-58.

[71] 刘彬, 李传习, 唐雪松. 钢筋混凝土简支梁结构破坏过程的损伤模型与数值模拟[J]. 长沙理工大学学报, 2006, 3(4): 28-32.

[72] 周雁群, 唐雪松. 钢筋混凝土拱结构破坏过程中损伤场的分布与演化[J]. 长沙交通学院学报, 2006, 22(3): 30-34.

[73] 唐雪松, 张建仁, 李传习, 徐飞鸿, 潘军. 基于损伤理论的钢筋混凝土拱结构破坏过程的数值模拟[J]. 工程力学,2006, 23(2): 115-125. (Ei)

[74] X. S. Tang, G. C. Sih. Combine emission of edge and screw dislocations from micro-crack caused by residual stresses in and out-of the plane [C]. In: G. C. Sih, S. T. Tu, Z. D. Wang (eds.), FM2005 – Multiscale Damage Related to Environment Assisted Cracking. Shanghai : ECUST Press, 2005, pp51-57. (ISTP)

[75] X. S. Tang, G. C. Sih. Edge dislocations generated from a microcrack under initial residual stress of non-uniform distribution [J]. Theoretical and Applied Fracture Mechanics, 2005, 44(3): 208-233. (Sci/Ei)

[76] G. C. Sih, X. S. Tang. Triple scale segmentation of non-equilibrium system simulated by macro-micro-atomic line model with mesoscopic transitions [J]. Theoretical and Applied Fracture Mechanics, 2005, 44(2): 116-145. (Sci/Ei)

[77] X. S. Tang, G. C. Sih. Equilibrium mechanics model of multiscaling by segmentation: asymptotic solution for macro-meso-micro damage in anti-plane shear deformation [J]. Theoretical and Applied Fracture Mechanics, 2005, 44(1): 1-15. (Sci/Ei)

[78] G. C. Sih, X. S. Tang. Screw dislocations generated from crack tip of self-consistent and self-equilibrated systems of residual stresses: atomic, meso and micro [J]. Theoretical and Applied Fracture Mechanics, 2005, 43(3): 261-307. (Sci/Ei)

[79] G. C. Sih, X. S. Tang. Scaling of volume energy density function reflecting damage by singularities at macro-, meso- and micro-scopic level [J]. Theoretical and Applied Fracture Mechanics, 2005, 43(2): 211-231. (Sci/Ei)

[80] X. S. Tang, G. C. Sih. Weak and strong singularities reflecting multiscale damage: micro-boundary conditions for free-free, fixed-fixed and free-fixed constraints [J]. Theoretical and Applied Fracture Mechanics, 2005, 43(1): 5-62. (Sci/Ei)

[81] X. S. Tang, J. R. Zhang, C. X. Li, F. H. Xu, J. Pan. Damage analysis and numerical simulation for failure process of a reinforced concrete arch structure [J]. Computers and Structures, 2005, 83(31-32): 2609-2631. (Sci/Ei)

[82] 唐雪松. 利用焦耳效应提高含裂纹金属构件抗裂性能问题的研究[J]. 固体力学学报, 2005, 26(1): 87-91.

[83] G. C. Sih, X. S. Tang. Multiscaling damage model associated with weak and strong singularities for macrocrack-mesozone-micronotch defect [C]. In: China-US Workshop on Multi-scale Model-Based Simulation in mechanics and Materials Engineering, Dalian University of technology, Dalian, China, September 3-5, 2004.

[84] G. C. Sih, X. S. Tang. Simultaneity of multiscaling for macro-meso-micro damage model represented by strong singularities [J]. Theoretical and applied fracture mechanics, 2004, 42(3): 199-225. (Sci/Ei)

[85] X. S. Tang, G. C. Sih. Kinetics of microcrack blunting ahead of macrocrack approaching shear wave speed [J]. Theoretical and applied fracture mechanics, 2004, 42(2): 99-130. (Sci/Ei)

[86] G. C. Sih, X. S. Tang. Dual scaling damage model associated with weak singularity for macro-scopic crack possessing a micro-/meso-scopic notch tip [J]. Theoretical and applied fracture mechanics, 2004, 42(1): 1-24. (Sci/Ei)

[87] G. C. Sih, X. S. Tang. Singularity representation of multiscale damage due to inhomogeneity with mesomechanics consideration [C]. In: G. C. Sih, Th. Kermanidis, Sp Pantelakis (Eds.), Multiscaling in Applied Science and Emerging Technology: Fundamentals and Applications in Mesomechanics (Proc. 6-th International Conference for Mesomechanics), Sarantidis Publications, Patras, Greece, 2004, pp1-15. (ISBN 960-88104-0-X). (Ei)

[88] 唐雪松, 郑健龙. 沥青路面反射裂缝问题的损伤力学守恒积分[J]. 应用力学学报,2004, 21(2): 91-94. (Ei)

[89] X. S. Tang. Healing of a crack in a thin metal plate by application of electrothermal effect [C]. In: G.C. Sih, S.T. Tu and Z.D. Wang (eds.), FM2003 - Structural Integrity and Materials Aging: Fracture Mechanics and Application, Shanghai : East China University of Science and Technology Press, 2003, pp287-296. (ISTP)

[90] Tang X.S., Jiang C.P., Zheng J.L. Anisotropic elastic constitutive relations for damaged materials by application of irreversible thermodynamics [J]. Theoretical and Applied Fracture Mechanics, 2002, 38(3): 211-220. (Sci/Ei).

[91] Tang Xue-Song, Jiang Chi-Ping, Zheng Jian-Long. Damage theories based on irreversible thermodynamics for various damaged materials [C]. In: Chien Wei-zang (ed.), Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Nonlinear Mechanics. Shanghai : Shanghai University Press, 2002, pp339-344. (ISTP)

[92] 唐雪松, 杨继运, 蒋持平, 张行. 轴对称构件疲劳寿命预测的损伤力学附加载荷有限元法[J]. 航空学报,2002, 23(2): 97-101. (Ei)

[93] 唐雪松, 蒋持平, 郑健龙. 考虑温度效应的弹性损伤一般理论[J]. 应用力学学报,2002, 19(1): 1-4. (Ei)

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[107]           唐雪松, 恽伟君. 一种新的求解有阴尼结构动态响应的实模态分析算法[J]. 振动与冲击, 1991, No.3, 7-13.

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[110]           唐雪松, 罗友乔. 增压柴油机上的激励力和结构响应的特性[J]. 科技情报, 1989, 3(9): 9-17.

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