长沙理工大学水利工程学研究生导师基本信息表 |
1、个人基本信息: |
姓 名:游翔宇 |
性 别:男 |
出生年月:1992.9 |
技术职称:讲师 |
毕业院校:华中科技大学 |
学历(学位):博士 |
所在学科:水利工程(港口、海岸及近海工程)、船舶与海洋工程 |
2、学习和工作经历: |
长沙理工大学水利与环境工程学院 |
2021.07-至今 |
教师 |
华中科技大学 |
2017.07-2021.06 |
博士(硕博连读) |
华中科技大学 |
2014.09-2017.06 |
硕士(硕博连读) |
华中科技大学 |
2010.09-2014.06 |
本科 |
3、目前研究领域: |
主要从事结构物减振降噪、计算声学算法、水利工程声学技术等研究,具体研究方向为: (1)结构物减振降噪仿真计算; (2)结构物振动和噪声试验及其信号处理。 (3)水下目标声散射及识别; (4)水利工程中的水下探测技术; (5)先进数值算法(如改进有限元法和无网格方法)在计算声学和力学中的应用。 |
4、主持在研或已完成的纵向课题: |
l水下复合多层夹芯结构低频声散射SFEM-RPIM耦合计算模型开发及特性研究, 国家自然科学基金面上项目(No. 52171336), 2022-2025,参与。 ●水下复杂弹性体声散射场计算方法及其三维形状反演研究,国家自然科学基金面上项目(No.51579112), 2016-2019,参与。 l海水界面附近潜艇状目标声散射特性研究,湖南省教育厅科学研究项目(No. 23C035),2024-2025,主持。 l近水面结构物声散射无网格建模及特性研究,长沙市自然科学基金项目(No. kq2402005),2024-2025,主持。 l某型小水线面双体船振动与噪声仿真分析,708所,参与。 l邮轮总体振动测试试验方案及参数计算研究,横向研究课题,2024-2025,主持。 |
5、主要科研成果(发表学术论文、出版著作、授权发明专利) |
期刊论文: lYou XY, Yin JC(研究生), Yao Y*, Li W. Time-domain acoustic wave propagations in multi-fluids using a weak-form meshfree method. Ocean Engineering, 2024, 292: 116531. l游翔宇*, 印建成(研究生), 姚宇, 李威. 二维多流体域声传播计算的弱形式无网格方法. 计算力学学报, 2024. lGui Q, Wang Y, You XY, Li W*, Chai Y. Performance of the quadrilateral overlapping elements combined with implicit time integration method in solving the transient wave propagations. Engineering Analysis with Boundary Elements, 2023, 155: 1013-1027. lYou XY, Li W*, Chai Y, Yao Y. Numerical investigations of edge-based smoothed radial point interpolation method for transient wave propagations. Ocean Engineering, 2022, 266: 112741. lGui Q, Zhang Y, Chai Y, You XY, Li W*. Dispersion error reduction for interior acoustic problems using the radial point interpolation meshless method with plane wave enrichment functions[J]. Engineering Analysis with Boundary Elements, 2022, 143: 428-441. lYou XY, Gui Q, Zhang QF, Chai YB, Li W*, Meshfree simulations of acoustic problems by a radial point interpolation method, Ocean Engineering 2020; 108202. lChai YB, You XY, Li W, Dispersion reduction for the wave propagation problems using a coupled “FE-Meshfree” triangular element, International Journal of Computational Methods 2020; 1950071. lYou XY, Chai YB, Li W*, Edged-based smoothed point interpolation method for acoustic radiation with perfectly matched layer, Computers & Mathematics with Applications 2020; 80, 1596–1618. lYou XY, Li W, Chai YB*. A truly meshfree method for solving acoustic problems using local weak form and radial basis functions, Applied Mathematics and Computation 2020; 365, 124694. (ESI高被引) lYou XY, Chai YB, Li W*. A coupled FE-meshfree method for Helmholtz problems using point interpolation shape functions and edge-based gradient smoothing technique, Computers & Structures 2019; 213, 1–22. lChai YB, You XY, Li W*, Huang Y, Yue ZJ, Wang MS, Application of the edge-based gradient smoothing technique to acoustic radiation and acoustic scattering from rigid and elastic structures in two dimensions, Computers & Structures 2018; 203, 43–58. lLi W, Chai YB, You XY*, Zhang QF. An edge-based smoothed finite element method for analyzing stiffened plates, International Journal of Computational Methods 2018; 1840031. lYou XY, Li W, Chai YB*. Dispersion analysis for acoustic problems using the point interpolation method. Engineering Analysis with Boundary Elements 2018; 94, 79–93. l游翔宇, 郑文成, 李威*, 柴应彬, 程聪. 基于边光滑有限元法的加筋板静力和自由振动分析. 计算力学学报, 2018; 35(1): 28–34. lChai YB, Li W*, Li TY, Gong ZX, You XY. Analysis of underwater acoustic scattering problems using stable node-based smoothed finite element method. Engineering Analysis with Boundary Elements 2016; 72, 27–41. lLi W, You XY, Chai YB*, Li TY. Edge-based smoothed three-Node Mindlin plate element. Journal of Engineering Mechanics 2016; 142, 04016055. 会议论文: lYin JC(研究生), You XY*, Yao Y, Acoustic scattering characteristics of underwater buried oil pipeline, Journal of Physics: Conference Series, Vol. 2718. No. 1. IOP Publishing, 2024. (EI数据库检索) lYou XY, Gui Q, Chai YB, Li W*, Meshfree simulation of acoustic scattering, IEEE OCEANS 2019, Marseille, French, 2019. (EI数据库检索) lYu WP, You XY, Li JW, Li W*, Numerical simulation of target strength of the submerged rudder, IEEE OCEANS 2019, Marseille, French, 2019. (EI数据库检索) lChai YB, You XY, Li W*, Cheng C, Application of a novel triangular element to two-dimensional underwater acoustic scattering problems, IEEE OCEANS 2019, Marseille, French, 2019. (EI数据库检索) lWang CX, Li W, You XY*, An alpha point interpolation method for acoustic problems, IEEE 8th International Conference on Underwater System Technology: Theory and Applications (USYS), Wuhan, China, 2018. (EI数据库检索) lWang CX, Li W, Cheng C, You XY, Chai, YB*, A superconvergent alpha finite element method (SαFEM) for acoustic problems, IEEE 8th International Conference on Underwater System Technology: Theory and Applications (USYS), Wuhan, China, 2018. (EI数据库检索) lYou XY, Chai YB, Li W*, An edge-based smoothed point interpolation method for underwater acoustic propagation, The 9th International Conference on Computational methods (ICCM2018), Rome, Italy, 2018. lLi W*, You XY, Chai YB, Lei M, An edge-based smoothed finite element method (ES-FEM) for acoustic problems using four-node quadrilateral elements, The 8th International Conference on Computational methods (ICCM2017), Guilin, China, 2017. (大会报告) lYou XY, Li W*, Chai YB, Zhang QF, Free vibration and sound radiation of the rectangular plates based on edge-based smoothed finite element method and application of elemental radiators, The 7th International Conference on Computational methods (ICCM2016), Berkeley, USA, 2016. |
6、所获奖励、学术荣誉及学术影响: |
lSCI收录期刊《Ocean Engineering》,《Engineering Analysis with Boundary Elements》,《Engineering Computation》等审稿人。 l入选ESI高被引论文1篇。 l指导本科生获全国海洋航行器设计与制作大赛华中赛区三等奖。 欢迎报考,共同成长! |
7、联系电话:18673172725 联系邮箱:csust_yxy@csust.edu.cn |