序号 |
论文名称 |
发表年 |
刊物名称 |
1 |
干湿循环作用下预崩解炭质泥岩裂隙发育规律及强度特性 |
2020 |
中国公路学报 |
2 |
边坡稳定性的多米诺骨牌模型分析方法 |
2020 |
岩土工程学报 |
3 |
钢桥面板弧形切口疲劳裂纹切割修复与优化 |
2020 |
中国公路学报 |
4 |
基于改进尾流振子模型的超长拉索涡激振动特性数值研究 |
2020 |
中国公路学报 |
5 |
正交异性钢桥面板弧形切口及其CFRP补强的疲劳性能 |
2020 |
中国公路学报 |
6 |
逐时温度变化对混凝土夹心板的温度作用 |
2020 |
建筑结构学报 |
7 |
对称配筋钢筋混凝土构件基于耗能能力退化的损伤模型与性能标准 |
2020 |
建筑结构学报 |
8 |
表层嵌贴CFRP-混凝土结构的黏结性能研究 |
2019 |
中国公路学报 |
9 |
“暂态”饱和-非饱和边坡稳定性分析方法研究 |
2020 |
中国公路学报 |
10 |
降雨条件下边坡暂态饱和区形成条件与演化特征数值分析 |
2020 |
水利学报 |
11 |
镍铁渣加筋路堤填筑方法及足尺试验 |
2020 |
中国公路学报 |
12 |
钢-UHPC组合梁负弯矩区受力性能试验 |
2020 |
中国公路学报 |
13 |
山岭隧道浅埋段盖挖支护设计方法研究 |
2019 |
中国公路学报 |
14 |
基于神经网络的斜拉桥钢箱梁局部连接细节腐蚀疲劳可靠度研究 |
2019 |
中国公路学报 |
15 |
倾斜软基上斜直桩组合结构单侧受力破坏模式试验研究 |
2020 |
中国公路学报 |
16 |
预崩解炭质泥岩路堤填料工程性能试验研究 |
2020 |
铁道科学与工程学报 |
17 |
软弱地层大断面隧道三台阶七步法与临时仰拱法适应性分析的对比研究 |
2020 |
工程力学 |
18 |
高温下双搭接钢-CFRP板胶黏界面力学性能试验 |
2020 |
复合材料学报 |
19 |
基于共旋法与稳定函数的几何非线性平面梁单元 |
2020 |
工程力学 |
20 |
新时代高校“三全育人”探赜:机理、问题与路向 |
2020 |
思想教育研究 |
21 |
低应力与覆水环境下单裂隙粉砂质泥岩渗流特性 |
2020 |
岩土力学 |
22 |
非定常气动荷载对桥上列车行驶安全舒适性影响分析 |
2020 |
铁道科学与工程学报 |
23 |
基于现场实测的大跨钢桁悬索桥疲劳可靠度分析 |
2020 |
公路交通科技 |
24 |
邻近高耸建筑对小区风环境的影响试验研究 |
2020 |
土木与环境工程学报(中英文) |
25 |
地震下斜坡桩场地及桩基动力响应的数值分析 |
2020 |
公路交通科技 |
26 |
盾构穿越上软下硬复合地层时的管片力学特性 |
2020 |
中南大学学报(自然科学版) |
27 |
型钢-混凝土结构界面的损伤监测试验研究 |
2020 |
实验力学 |
28 |
套筒灌浆缺陷下装配式混凝土柱及框架的抗震性能 |
2020 |
中南大学学报(自然科学版) |
29 |
密集横隔板UHPC箱梁锚固区局部效应分析及配筋设计 |
2020 |
公路交通科技 |
30 |
纳米SiO2掺量对胶粘CFRP板-钢搭接界面黏结性能的影响 |
2020 |
复合材料学报 |
31 |
纳米SiO2质量分数对胶粘碳纤维增强树脂复合材料板-钢搭接界面黏结性能的影响 |
2020 |
复合材料学报 |
32 |
室温胶粘CFRP板/钢板界面性能的固化剂影响 |
2020 |
建筑材料学报 |
33 |
栓接U肋钢箱梁考虑对接偏差的疲劳性能及改进方法研究 |
2020 |
公路交通科技 |
34 |
水胶比对超高性能混凝土施工与力学性能的影响 |
2020 |
土木与环境工程学报(中英文) |
35 |
悬索桥钢丝绳空间主缆扭转性能试验 |
2019 |
长安大学学报(自然科学版) |
36 |
基于监测数据的钢箱梁U肋细节疲劳可靠性分析 |
2020 |
工程力学 |
37 |
密集横隔板UHPC箱梁锚固区局部承压性能研究 |
2020 |
工程力学 |
38 |
玄武岩/聚丙烯腈混杂纤维混凝土力学性能及最优纤维掺量研究 |
2020 |
铁道科学与工程学报 |
39 |
基于改进粒子群算法和神经网络的智能位移反分析法及其应用 |
2020 |
铁道科学与工程学报 |
40 |
基于改进CEEMDAN方法确定微差爆破实际延期时间 |
2020 |
振动与冲击 |
41 |
高应力泥质粉砂岩蠕变特性及长期强度研究 |
2020 |
岩石力学与工程学报 |
42 |
身管内膛与弹丸前定心部接触碰撞响应分析 |
2019 |
弹道学报 |
43 |
锈蚀疲劳耦合作用下钢筋混凝土梁性能退化试验 |
2020 |
实验力学 |
44 |
既有建筑砌体抗压强度的贝叶斯推断 |
2020 |
土木与环境工程学报(中英文) |
45 |
冲击加载下板岩压缩破坏层理效应及损伤本构模型研究 |
2019 |
岩石力学与工程学报 |
46 |
基于小波分析与子结构法的未知风荷载作用下高层剪切结构参数识别方法研究 |
2020 |
应用力学学报 |
47 |
基于自适应最稀疏时频分析的非线性系统识别 |
2020 |
应用力学学报 |
48 |
考虑界面初始粘结缺陷的板式无砟轨道温度变形研究 |
2020 |
交通运输工程学报 |
49 |
薄叶山矾根系抗拔力的室内试验研究 |
2020 |
中国水土保持科学 |
50 |
种植香根草根系对膨胀土特性影响的试验研究 |
2020 |
公路交通科技 |
51 |
Winkler地基上修正Timoshenko梁振动分析 |
2020 |
振动与冲击 |
52 |
黏弹性文克尔地基修正梁横向振动复模态分析 |
2020 |
长江科学院院报 |
53 |
斜拉索损伤对在役斜拉桥体系可靠度的影响 |
2020 |
中南大学学报(自然科学版) |
54 |
页岩多孔砖与砂浆黏结滑移本构模型研究 |
2019 |
铁道科学与工程学报 |
55 |
砂浆单轴抗压强度尺寸效应律研究 |
2019 |
湖南大学学报(自然科学版) |
56 |
碳纤维增强水泥基复合材料的制备及热电性能研究 |
2020 |
功能材料 |
57 |
配合比参数影响钢纤维-基体界面黏结性能的试验 |
2020 |
长安大学学报(自然科学版) |
58 |
低温环境下桥梁用结构钢疲劳寿命估算方法 |
2020 |
自然灾害学报 |
59 |
基于MOPSO算法的斜拉桥索力优化分析 |
2020 |
土木与环境工程学报(中英文) |
60 |
基于均匀设计及BP神经网络的大体积混凝土热学参数反分析 |
2020 |
土木与环境工程学报(中英文) |
61 |
竖向加卸载下邻近双端约束倾斜桩侧移规律试验研究 |
2020 |
公路交通科技 |
62 |
Effect of the characteristics of surface cracks on the transient saturated zones in colluvial soil slopes during rainfall |
2020 |
Bulletin of Engineering Geology and the Environment |
63 |
Evolution of Cracks in Nano-CaCO3 Modified Pre-Disintegrated Carbonaceous Mudstone Under Cyclic Wetting and Drying |
2020 |
Journal of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology |
64 |
Insight into the fracturing of silty mudstone in cyclic hydrothermal environments based on computed tomography |
2020 |
Transportation Geotechnics |
65 |
Mechanical behavior and microstructural mechanism of improved disintegrated carbonaceous mudstone |
2020 |
Journal of Central South University |
66 |
Ponded infiltration and spatial–temporal prediction of the water content of silty mudstone |
2020 |
Bulletin of Engineering Geology and the Environment |
67 |
The Role of Nanotechnology in Subgrade and Pavement Engineering |
2020 |
Journal of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology |
68 |
Use of Nanosilica and Cement in Improving the Mechanical Behavior of Disintegrated Carbonaceous Mudstone |
2020 |
Journal of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology |
69 |
基于新工科的土木工程课程教学实践 |
2020 |
电子技术 |
70 |
Coupled nonlinear and time-dependent analysis for long span cable-stayed bridges |
2020 |
71 |
基于逐段安装线形的钢箱梁制造尺寸计算研究 |
2020 |
中外公路 |
72 |
转体施工中转动体系有限元分析 |
2020 |
公路与汽运 |
73 |
Study of wind loads and wind speed amplifications on high-rise building with opening by numerical simulation and wind tunnel test |
2020 |
74 |
A novel model for determining tensile properties and hardness of steels by spherical indentations |
2020 |
Strain |
75 |
An elastic-plastic indentation model for different geometric indenters and its applications |
2020 |
Materials Today Communications |
76 |
求解推移式滑坡的一种改进条分方法 |
2020 |
交通科学与工程 |
77 |
钢箱梁斜拉桥索梁锚固区钢锚箱受力性能及结构局部优化研究 |
2020 |
中外公路 |
78 |
基于响应面法的钢-混组合桥面系优化设计 |
2020 |
公路工程 |
79 |
Retrofit Fatigue Cracked Diaphragm Cutouts Using Improved Geometry in Orthotropic Steel Decks |
2020 |
Appl. Sci |
80 |
The effect of pre-heating and pre-cold treatment on the formation of liquation and solidification cracks of welded by laser beam |
2020 |
Journal of Materials Research and Technology |
81 |
非对称悬挂式轨道梁结构优化分析 |
2020 |
中外公路 |
82 |
互动学习在《土木工程概论》网络课堂中的应用 |
2020 |
科技风 |
83 |
正交异性钢桥面板横隔板弧形切口切割残余应力分析 |
2020 |
桥梁建设 |
84 |
Prestress loss diagnostics in pre-tensioned concrete structures with corrosive cracking |
2020 |
Journal of Structural engineering |
85 |
Effect of Nanotalc on the Shear Strength of DisintegratedCarbonaceous Mudstone. |
2020 |
Journal of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology |
86 |
Research progress on ecological protection technology of highway slope:status and challenges |
2020 |
Transportation Satety and Environment |
87 |
Seepage characteristics of a fractured silty mudstone under different confining pressures and temperatures |
2020 |
Journal of Central South University |
88 |
Study of the Strength of Disintegrated Carbonaceous Mudstone Modified with Nano-Al2O3 and Cement |
2020 |
Journal of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology |
89 |
考虑残余应力影响的焊接结构疲劳总寿命预测方法 |
2020 |
长沙理工大学学报(自然科学版) |
90 |
Structural Damage Identification Based on the Wavelet Transform and Improved Particle Swarm Optimization Algorithm |
2020 |
Advances in Civil Engineering |
91 |
Effect of unsteady aerodynamic loads on driving safety and comfort of trains running on bridges |
2020 |
Advances in Structural Engineering |
92 |
Study of central buckle effects on flutter of long span suspension bridges |
2020 |
Wind and Structures |
93 |
Exceedance Probability Assessment of Pedestrian Wind Environment based on Multi-scale Coupling Numerical Simulation |
2020 |
Journal of Aerospace Engineering |
94 |
矮寨大桥风速风向联合分布研究 |
2020 |
中外公路 |
95 |
A Novel Asynchronous-Pouring-Construction Technology for Prestressed Concrete Box Girder Bridges with Corrugated Steel Webs |
2020 |
Structures |
96 |
Closure to “Steel-Yielding Demountable Shear Connector for Composite Floors with Precast Hollow-Core Slab Units” |
2020 |
Journal of Structural Engineering |
97 |
Shear behavior of steel I-girder with stiffened corrugated web, Part II: Numerical study |
2020 |
Thin-Walled Structures |
98 |
Shear stiffness of headed studs on structural behaviours of steel-concrete composite girders |
2020 |
Steel and Composite Structures |
99 |
波形钢腹板预弯组合梁承载性能影响因素分析 |
2020 |
公路与汽运 |
100 |
土体震致剪切变形条件下斜坡桩的受力特性 |
2020 |
长沙理工大学学报(自然科学版) |
101 |
Effects of inhomogeneous wind fields on the aerostatic stability of a long-span cable-stayed bridge located in a mountain-gorge terrain |
2020 |
Journal of Aerospace Engineering |
102 |
Prediction of the Collapse Region Induced by a Concealed Karst above a Deep Highway Tunnel |
2020 |
Advances in Civil Engineering |
103 |
The failure mechanism of surrounding rock around an existing shield tunnel induced by an adjacent excavation |
2020 |
Computers and Geotechnics |
104 |
研究生专业课课堂教学模式改革与探索 |
2020 |
教育教学论坛 |
105 |
《新工科背景下土木工程专业本科生培养模式探索与实践》 |
2020 |
教育 |
106 |
《新工科视域下土木工程专业本科教学改革培养模式研究》 |
2020 |
教育科研 |
107 |
层状岩体隧道变形特征及非对称支护研究 |
2020 |
公路与汽运 |
108 |
Detecting of the Longitudinal Grouting Quality in Prestressed Curved Tendon Duct Using Piezoceramic Transducers |
2020 |
Sensors |
109 |
Vibration Response Analysis of Simply Supported Box Girder Bridge-Maglev Train in Accelerated Test of Changsha Maglev Express |
2020 |
Advances in Materials Science and Engineering |
110 |
Dominant failure mode analysis using representative samples obtained by multiple response surfaces method |
2020 |
Probabilistic Engineering Mechanics |
111 |
Reliability evaluation of reinforced concrete columns designed by Eurocode for wind-dominated combination considering random loads eccentricity |
2020 |
Advances in Structural Engineering |
112 |
楼板模型对内廊式对称普通RC框架及改进结构Pushover分析结果的影响 |
2020 |
长沙理工大学学报(自然科学版) |
113 |
安庆铜矿主溜井非贮矿段矿石流冲击磨损规律相似模型试验 |
2020 |
长沙理工大学学报(自然科学版) |
114 |
地锚式悬索桥主索鞍顶推控制研究及实例分析 |
2020 |
公路与汽运 |
115 |
Experimental and Numerical Investigation on the Anchorage Zone of Prestressed UHPC Box-Girder Bridge |
2020 |
Journal of Bridge Engineering |
116 |
高温对CFRP板/钢界面力学性能的影响 |
2019 |
交通科学与工程 |
117 |
纳米材料胶粘剂胶体拉伸性能与微观结构 |
2020 |
交通科学与工程 |
118 |
Effect of functionalized nano-SiO2 addition on bond behavior of adhesively bonded CFRP-steel double-lap joint |
2020 |
Construction and Building Materials |
119 |
Effects of elevated temperatures on mechanical behavior of epoxy adhesives and CFRP-steel hybrid joints |
2020 |
Composite Structures |
120 |
Enhanced comprehensive performance of bonding interface between CFRP and steel by a novel film adhesive |
2019 |
Composite Structures |
121 |
Enhancing fatigue performance of damaged metallic structures by bonded CFRP patches considering temperature effects |
2020 |
Materials & Design |
122 |
Experimental Study on Loading Capacity of Glued-Laminated Timber Arches Subjected to Vertical Concentrated Loads |
2020 |
Advances in Civil Engineering |
123 |
Mechanisms and Countermeasures for Cracking in PC Box Girder Bridges Constructed by Movable Scaffolding System |
2020 |
Structural Engineering International |
124 |
T构悬臂施工温度场的测定及对主梁变形的影响与控制 |
2020 |
公路与汽运 |
125 |
大跨拱桥拱肋拼装温差效应分析及控制方法 |
2020 |
交通科学与工程 |
126 |
高性能混凝土徐变系数指数函数模型 |
2020 |
混凝土 |
127 |
对异型平面砌体结构房屋伸缩缝间距的研究 |
2020 |
重庆建筑 |
128 |
多孔性混凝土砌块抗冻指标试验研究 |
2020 |
混凝土 |
129 |
砌体结构房屋板-墙约束作用研究 |
2020 |
建筑结构 |
130 |
徐变对砌体墙温度应力的影响 |
2020 |
重庆建筑 |
131 |
自承重砌体墙平面外承载力验算 |
2020 |
重庆建筑 |
132 |
考虑徐变时影响再生骨料混凝土砖砌体干燥收缩应力的构造因素 |
2020 |
重庆建筑 |
133 |
穿越断层破碎带隧道入口段施工数值模拟 |
2019 |
交通科学与工程 |
134 |
泡沫沥青冷再生混合料抗车辙性能影响因素探究 |
2019 |
黑龙江交通科技 |
135 |
安平隧道顶端溶洞对其围岩稳定性的影响 |
2020 |
交通科学与工程 |
136 |
连续强降雨工况土质边坡非饱和渗流及稳定性分析 |
2019 |
中外公路 |
137 |
基于静态图像法的镍铁渣粒度分析及剪切试验 |
2020 |
交通科学与工程 |
138 |
基于应力分区的二元渗流边坡稳定性分析 |
2019 |
交通科学与工程 |
139 |
裂缝宽度的提取及在桥梁承载力评估中的应用研究 |
2020 |
长沙理工大学学报(自然科学版) |
140 |
Relationship between chemical and physical or rheological properties of asphalt binders during aging |
2020 |
141 |
Debonding Detection of Reinforced Concrete (RC) Beam with Near-Surface Mounted (NSM) Pre-stressed Carbon Fiber Reinforced Polymer (CFRP) Plates Using Embedded Piezoceramic Smart Aggregates (SAs) |
2020 |
142 |
Debonding Performance of CFRP-Strengthened Nanomaterial Concrete Beam Using wavelet packet analysis |
2020 |
143 |
Fatigue crack growth behavior of rib-to-deck double-sided welded joints of orthotropic steel decks |
2020 |
144 |
Research on the Estimation Method of the Stiffness Degenertion Index of Reinforced Concrere Members |
2020 |
Advances in Civil Engineering |
145 |
基于风机基础损伤前后的SCADA振动数据对比分析研究 |
2020 |
水力发电 |
146 |
陆上风力发电机基础结构受力特性数值模拟分析 |
2020 |
工程建设 |
147 |
Dynamic reliability of continuous rigid-frame bridges under stochastic moving vehicle loads |
2020 |
148 |
System Reliability Assessment of Cable-Supported Bridges under Stochastic Traffic Loads Based on Deep Belief Networks |
2020 |
149 |
基于新工科教育理念的桥梁工程毕业设计探索 |
2019 |
教育现代化 |
150 |
钢-超高性能混凝土组合板连接件的抗剪性能 |
2020 |
交通科学与工程 |
151 |
交通量持续增长下既有拱桥车载效应极值概率 |
2020 |
交通科学与工程 |
152 |
全曲线波形板-UHPC组合桥面板优化设计 |
2020 |
交通科学与工程 |
153 |
A general methodology to establish the contact force model for complex contacting surfaces |
2020 |
Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing |
154 |
Corrosion fatigue crack propagation mechanism of high-strength steel bar in various environments |
2020 |
Journal of Materials in Civil Engineering |
155 |
Crack propagation-based fatigue life prediction of corroded RC beams considering bond degradation |
2020 |
Journal of Bridge Engineering |
156 |
Fatigue performance of an innovative shallow-buried modular bridge expansion joint |
2020 |
Engineering Structures |
157 |
Numerical investigation of stress concentration factor induced by multiple scenarios of adjacent corrosion pits |
2020 |
Structures |
158 |
Probabilistic life prediction for reinforced concrete structures subjected to seasonal corrosion-fatigue damage |
2020 |
Journal of Structural Engineering |
159 |
大跨桥梁吊杆平行钢丝间摩擦特性分析 |
2019 |
交通科学与工程 |
160 |
工科专业课线上教学的若干思考 |
2020 |
科技视界 |
161 |
基于等效初始裂纹尺寸的吊杆疲劳寿命预测 |
2020 |
交通科学与工程 |
162 |
桥梁模数式伸缩缝疲劳性能试验研究 |
2020 |
中国科技论文 |
163 |
Cause investigation of large deformation of a deep excavation support system subjected to unsymmetrical surface loading |
2020 |
Engineering Failure Analysis |
164 |
《建设项目管理》课程思政教学改革的意义 |
2020 |
课程教育研究 |
165 |
考虑车轮横向分布的钢桥面板顶板-U肋连接处疲劳损伤分析 |
2020 |
公路与汽运 |
166 |
大跨度悬索桥索塔承台施工水化热优化控制研究 |
2019 |
公路与汽运 |
167 |
Chloride diffusion and time to corrosion initiation of reinforced concrete structures |
2020 |
Magazine of Concrete Research |
168 |
Comparative assessment of mechanical properties of HPS between electrochemical corrosion and spray corrosion |
2020 |
Construction and Building Materials |
169 |
Influence of Further corrosion on structural behavior of corroded and strengthened RC beams |
2020 |
Journal of Performance of Constructed Facilities |
170 |
Numerical Simulation of Corroded Reinforced Concrete Beam Strengthened by a Steel Plate with Different Strengthening Schemes |
2020 |
Advances in Civil Engineering |
171 |
“材料力学”课程教学方法探索与实践的调查与分析 |
2020 |
科教导刊 |
172 |
Effect of gradient on the deflection of functionally graded rectangular microcantilever induced by surface stress |
2020 |
Materials Today Communications |
173 |
Effect of the gradient on the deflection of functionally graded microcantilever beams with surface stress |
2020 |
Acta Mechanica |
174 |
Modification Effects of Nano-CaCO3 on Engineering Performance of Cement Grouts |
2020 |
Journal of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology |
175 |
基于改进的局部特征尺度分解的结构损伤识别 |
2020 |
材料与技术 |
176 |
Bond-slip constitutive model of concrete to cement-asphalt mortar interface for slab track structure |
2020 |
Structural Engineering and Mechanics |
177 |
Selected machine learning approaches for predicting the interfacial bond strength between FRPs and concrete |
2020 |
Construction and Building Materials |
178 |
State-of-the-art review of the development and application of bridge rotation construction methods in China |
2020 |
SCIENCE CHINA Technological Sciences |
179 |
我国高校留学生钢结构课程教学改革方法探讨 |
2020 |
教育现代化 |
180 |
大跨度悬索桥缆索吊装系统承重索性能分析 |
2020 |
公路与汽运 |
181 |
基于应力平衡和影响矩阵的混凝土拱桥悬臂浇筑初始索力确定方法研究(英文) |
2019 |
Journal of Central South University |
182 |
郑万铁路梅溪河特大桥缆索吊装系统荷载试验研究 |
2020 |
中外公路 |
183 |
边中跨同时合龙对高墩大跨连续刚构桥性能影响分析 |
2020 |
公路与汽运 |
184 |
钢桁架连续弯梁桥体系转换研究 |
2019 |
中外公路 |
185 |
悬索桥基准索股调索与锚跨张力控制研究 |
2020 |
2020年工业建筑学术交流会论文集(下册) |
186 |
超大跨度混合梁斜拉桥中跨合龙温度影响及对策 |
2020 |
中外公路 |
187 |
大跨度钢管混凝土拱桥成桥状态钢管应力优化研究 |
2020 |
中外公路 |
188 |
Failure mechanism investigation of bottom plate in concrete box girder bridges |
2020 |
189 |
Mechanical Characteristic Analysis of Corrugated Steel Webs |
2020 |
190 |
风荷载作用下斜拉桥悬臂施工力学性能分析 |
2020 |
公路与汽运 |
191 |
含水率与加筋率对加筋土崩解特性影响的试验研究 |
2020 |
中外公路 |
192 |
Corrosion morphology and mechanical behavior of corroded prestressing strands |
2020 |
Journal of Advanced Concrete Technology |
193 |
Shear behavior of corroded post-tensioned prestressed concrete beams with full/ insufficient grouting |
2020 |
KSCE Journal of Civil Engineering |
194 |
Strengthening of steel decks for cable-stayed bridge using ultra-high performance concrete: A case study |
2020 |
Advances in Structural Engineering |
195 |
A framework combining pseudo-excitation method and two-and-a-half-dimensional finite element method for random ground vibrations induced by high-speed trains |
2020 |
Advances in Structural Engineering |
196 |
高温下的无粘结预应力梁可靠性研究 |
2020 |
中外建筑 |
197 |
基于Midas gen的层间隔震结构的抗震性能分析 |
2020 |
中外建筑 |
198 |
基于SAP2000的防屈曲支撑结构抗震性能分析 |
2020 |
重庆建筑 |
199 |
现浇混凝土空心楼盖在体积空心率差异下的性能研究 |
2020 |
重庆建筑 |
200 |
双连梁联肢剪力墙地震波作用下的抗震性能分析 |
2020 |
中外建筑 |
201 |
Analytical and numerical studies on the slope inertia-based Timoshenko beam |
2020 |
Journal of Sound and Vibration |
202 |
Performance analysis of rocking shear wall-frame structure |
2020 |
Structural Design of Tall and Special Buildings |
203 |
考虑轮迹横向分布的钢箱梁桥面板U肋处受力与疲劳分析 |
2020 |
长沙理工大学学报(自然科学版) |
204 |
考虑附加质量与弹簧的弹性支承杆损伤识别研究 |
2020 |
广东土木与建筑 |
205 |
既有腐蚀拉索钢丝蚀坑形态参数的分布特征 |
2020 |
中外公路 |
206 |
劲性骨架混凝土拱桥改进施工工艺可行性研究 |
2019 |
中外公路 |
207 |
仅裂缝灌浆处置PC斜拉桥主梁模型试验研究 |
2019 |
中外公路 |
208 |
城市地铁区间隧道管片裂缝形成原因及其处理研究 |
2020 |
理论与创新 |
209 |
基于BIM的三维地质建模在沿江复杂地层的研究 |
2020 |
价值工程 |
210 |
轻钢模网改性聚苯颗粒混凝土墙受压性能研究 |
2020 |
交通科学与工程 |
211 |
砂浆单轴受压应力-应变全曲线试验研究 |
2019 |
建筑结构 |
212 |
无返浆高压旋喷复合灌浆机理离散元模拟研究 |
2020 |
交通科学与工程 |
213 |
Strengths, Microstructure and Nanomechanical Properties of Concrete Containing High Volume of Zeolite Powder |
2020 |
214 |
轻质墙板填充墙开裂过程数值模拟及因素分析 |
2020 |
山东农业大学学报(自然科学版) |
215 |
斜拉桥拱形主塔施工过程分析与下横梁预应力张拉工序优化 |
2020 |
中外公路 |
216 |
Interface deboning performance of Precast Segmental Nano-materials Based Concrete (PSNBC) beams |
2020 |
Materials Express |
217 |
Vibration suppression of wind/traffic/bridge coupled system using Multiple Pounding Tuned Mass Dampers (MPTMD) |
2020 |
Sensors |
218 |
基于桥面实测的刚构桥冲击系数分析 |
2019 |
公路与汽运 |
219 |
城市桥梁爆破拆除数值模拟及分析 |
2020 |
公路与汽运 |
220 |
桩土相互作用对大跨度刚构桥抗震影响分析 |
2020 |
公路与汽运 |
221 |
钢筋再生混凝土T形柱轴心受压性能非线性数值分析 |
2020 |
工程建设 |
222 |
系杆拱桥吊杆索力转移的优化设计 |
2019 |
公路与汽运 |
223 |
超高性能混凝土配合比优化研究 |
2019 |
中外公路 |
224 |
Fatigue Properties Investigation of Corroded High-Performance Steel Specimens |
2020 |
Journal of Materials in Civil Engineering |
225 |
全风化花岗岩路基改扩建差异沉降处治分析 |
2020 |
公路工程 |
226 |
土木工程专业人才培养新模式探讨 |
2020 |
科教导刊 |
227 |
相邻基坑相互影响的数值分析 |
2020 |
公路与汽运 |
228 |
An approach to the Selection of Target Reliability Index of Cable-stayed Bridge's Main Girder Based on Optimal Structural Parameter Ratio from Cost-Benefit Analysis |
2020 |
Structures |
229 |
Application of probabilistic method in maximum tsunami height prediction considering stochastic seabed topography |
2020 |
Natural Hazards |
230 |
Assessment of flexural and splitting strength of steel fiber reinforced concrete using automated neural network search |
2020 |
Advances in Concrete Construction |
231 |
Dynamic Reliability Analysis of Nonlinear Structures Using a Duffing-system-based Equivalent Nonlinear System Method |
2020 |
International Journal of Approximate Reasoning |
232 |
Model identification of durability degradation process of concrete material and structure based on Wiener process |
2020 |
International Journal of Damage Mechanics |
233 |
Time interval of multiple crossings of the Wiener process and a fixed threshold in engineering |
2020 |
Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing |
234 |
基于CDIO模式的土木工程(建筑工程)专业学生关键能力培养的研究与实践 |
2020 |
教育 |
235 |
桥梁建设期间碳排放量的不确定性分析 |
2019 |
交通科学与工程 |
236 |
水工钢结构课程教学总结及改革探索 |
2019 |
科技视界 |
237 |
新工科背景下CDIO工程教育模式研究 |
2020 |
教育教学论坛 |
238 |
结构试验课程教学试验项目的研发与实践 |
2020 |
新材料.新装饰 |
239 |
Reinforcement Effect of Inclined Prestressed Concrete Pipe Piles on an Inclined Soft Foundation |
2020 |
Advances in Civil Engineering |
240 |
门式双排抗滑桩设计计算方法研究 |
2020年 |
广东土木与建筑 |
241 |
Effect of Activator Concentration on the Properties of Metakaolin-Based Geopolymer |
2019 |
Nanoscience and Nanotechnology Letters |
242 |
高校学生党建育人模式实践与探索 |
2020 |
现代商贸工业 |