我校政法学院哲学系共12位导师,分成四个方向:中国哲学传统、哲学经典阐释、文化比较与文明对话、以及科学方法论与批判性思维,欢迎留学生积极报名硕博项目!There are 12 supervisors in Philosophy Department at College of Political Science and Law of Capital Normal University (CNU) for International Students. We have four research directions: Chinese Philosophical Tradition, Interpretation of Philosophical Classics, Cultural Comparison and Civilization Dialogue, and Scientific Methodology & Critical Thinking. We welcome outstanding international students from all over the world to study master’s program or doctor’s program in Philosophy Department at College of Political Science and Law!
For students who have no Chinese language study experience before: you have to join in the Preparatory Program at College of International Education for one year. You will reach HSK-5 in Chinese language proficiency and will be well-prepared for your further study after learning professional philosophical vocabulary.
For students who have learned Chinese language before: if you have passed HSK-5, we suggest (but not demand) that you join in Intensified Chinese Language Training Program at College of International Education for one semester. You will reach HSK-6 (with scores of more than 210) for Chinese language proficiency level and be well-prepared for your further study after learning professional philosophical vocabulary.
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Introduction of Supervisors in Philosophy Department for International Students
Bai Xi is a Senior Professor and a Ph.D. Supervisor of Chinese Philosophy at Capital Normal University. He achieved his Ph.D. degree at Fudan University in 1995. His interests include Pre-Qin philosophy, Daoist philosophy, Chinese traditional culture and thoughts and their modern transformation. He is a member of International Union of Confucianism, and an Academic committee member of Chinese Confucius Society. His representative work is the monograph Study of Jixia Scholar in Pre-Qin Period.
Chen Peng is a Professor and a Ph.D. Supervisor of Chinese Philosophy at Capital Normal University. He achieved his Ph.D. degree at Peking University in 1996. He is Dean of College of Political Science and Law and Director of Contemporary Confucianism Research Center at CNU. He is a member of Chinese Confucius Society, a member of The History of Chinese Philosophy Society, a member of Contemporary Chinese Philosophy Society and Vice President of Feng Youlan Research Association. His Interests include Confucianism and Contemporary New Confucianism. His representative work is the monograph Study of Contemporary New Confucianism.
Sheng Ke is an Associate Professor and a Master Supervisor of Chinese Philosophy at Capital Normal University. He achieved his Ph.D. degree at Hong Kong University of Science and Technology in 2008. He is a member of Chinese Confucius Society and a member of Contemporary Chinese Philosophy Society. His interests include Confucianism, Neo Confucianism in Song and Ming Dynasties, and Contemporary New Confucianism. His representative work is the monograph Moral and Existence: An Ontological Interpretation of the Tradition of Mind Philosophy.
Chen Jiaying is a distinguished Professor and a doctoral supervisor of Western Philosophy at Capital Normal University. He obtained his doctorate from Pennsylvania State University in 1991. He is the evaluate expert of The National Social Science Fund of China and the editorial broad member of World Philosophy and Philosophy Analysis. His research interest is the contemporary western philosophy, which includes phenomenology ( especially Heidegger's philosophy ), analytic philosophy (especially Wittgenstein's philosophy), philosophy of language, philosophy of mind, philosophy of science and ethics and moral philosophy. His representative translations are Being and Time (Sein und Zeit), Philosophical Investigation, Ethics and Limits of Philosophy and Sense and Sensibilia. His influential academic works include The Outline of Heidegger's philosophy, Philosophy of Language a Concise Course, Begin with Senses,What is Well being and Out of the Exclusive Truth .
朱清华 首都师范大学哲学系 教授 博导
Email: zhuqinghua@tsinghua.org.cn
1. 任职
2. 教育和访学等情况
2017.8-2018.8 国家留学基金委项目,爱尔兰都柏林大学哲学学院(UCD)
2009.1-2月 美国华盛顿州立大学哲学系访学
3. 社会和学术团体:
1) 中华全国外国哲学史学会理事
2) 中国现象学专业委员会委员
3) Heidegger Circle(海德格尔协会)成员
4) 学术期刊《学灯》(香港浸会大学孙少文伉俪人文中国研究所 主办,上海古籍出版社出版),主编。
【德】施密特,《现代与柏拉图》,郑辟瑞 朱清华译,上海书店出版社,2009。
Email: zhuqinghua@tsinghua.org.cn
Research field: Ancient Philosophy, Phenomenology
Research interest: Modern and Contemporary Western Philosophy; History of Philosophy
Languages: Chinese, English, German, Ancient Greek, Russian
Current Position: Professor, PhD and Master Supervisor, Department of Philosophy, Capital Normal University
Education and Research Experience:
Visiting scholar of University College Dublin with scholarship of CSC, supervised by professor Dermot Moran, Aug 2017-Aug 2018
PhD in Philosophy, Department of Philosophy, Peking University, June 2006.
Dissertation: “On Heidegger’s ontological interpretation to Aristotle”
Visiting scholar of Wuppertal University with DAAD scholarship, supervised by professor L. Tengelyi, Klaus Held.Oct 2004-Apr.2005.
M.A. in History of Philosophy, School of Humanities and Social Sciences, Tsinghua University, June 2002
Thesis: “On the Good of Plato ”
B.A. in Russian Language and Literature, Foreign Languages & Literatures Department, Lanzhou University, June 1994.
Main Publications
A. Monographs
Zhu Qinghua, Fang Zhaohui, A Guide to Plato’s Republic, Yun-nan people’s Publishing House, 2001. ISBN: 7-222-03253-3
Zhu Qinghua, Return to the Phenomena of Factical Existence -- Heidegger’s Early Ontological Interpretation of Aristotle, Capital Normal University Press, 2009.12. ISBN 978-7-81119-851-5
B. Translation
Nickolas Pappas, The Routledge Guidebook to Plato’s Republic, Trans. By Zhu Qinghua, Guangxi education Publishing House. 2007. ISBN987-7-5633-6486-2
Arbogast Schmitt, Die Moderne Und Platon, Trans. By Zheng Pirui, Zhu Qinghua, Shanghai Bookstore Publishing House, 2009. ISBN: 9787545801439
Werner Jaeger, Aristoteles- GrundlegungeinerGeschichte seiner Entwicklung, trans. By Zhu Qinghua, People’s Publishing House, 2013. ISBN:9787010114651
Martin Heidegger, Parmenides(GA54), trans. By Zhu Qinghua, Commercial Press, 2018.
Martin Heidegger, Grundbegriffe der antiken Philosophie(GA22), trans. By Zhu Qinghua, Northwest University Press. (forthcoming 2020)
C. Articles in Refereed Journals
“Heidegger’s DA and Aristotle’s ‘for the sake of the Good’”, Foreign Philosophy, 2005(17).
“Aristotle’s theory of ‘Choice’”, Jiangsu Social Science, 2006(4).
“Heidegger’s ontological interpretation of Aristotle’s category”, Tsinghua Philosophical Yearbook, 2007.
“The Ground for Heidegger’s ontological interpretation to Aristotle”, Jiangsu Social Science, 2008(3).
“The tradition of seeing and the origin of the World Mirror”, Jianghai Journal, 2009(5).
“Heidegger’s Deconstruction to the Subjectivity”, The World Philosophy, 2009(6).
“Heidegger’s Ontological Interpretation to Phronesis”, Mordern Philosophy, 2009(6).
“Heidegger’s Ontological Interpretation to Logos”, Jianghuai Forum, 2009(6).
“Heidegger’s Deconstruction to Sophia”, Academic Journal of Capital Normal University, 2009(1).
“The Ontological Difference—Plato’s Philosopher King and the Pre-Qin Confucian Saint Kings”, Academic Journal of Hunan University , 2010(3).
“The Concept ?ποκε?μενον in Aristotle’s Physics”, The World Philosophy,2011(2).
“On Plato’s Justice and Happiness again”, Jiangsu Social Science, 2012(1).
“Heidegger’s Aletheia”, The Foreign Philosophy(23), The Commercial Press, 2012.
“A Further Discussion on Aristotle's Phronēsis”, Foreign Philosophy, 2014(6).
“On Heidegger’s Interpretation to the Greek Physis”, Phenomenology and Philosophy Review of China, 2015.
“An Inquiry into the ‘Allegory of the Cave’: The Turning Point of Heidegger’s Way of Truth”,Beida Journal of Philosophy,2016(1).
“The Essence of Human Being in the Horizon of Heidegger’s Thought of Being”, Philosophical Trends, 2016(8).
“Heidegger’s λ?θη and ?λ?θεια”, Foreign Philosophy, 2017(1).
Zhu Qinghua, “The other Beginning of Heidegger”, Foreign Philosophy, 2017(2).
Zhu Qinghua, “The face of the last god of Heidegger”, Modern Philosophy, 2018(1)
l Zhu Qinghua, “Aristotle’s practical reasoning”, Morality and Civilization, 2018(2).
l Zhu Qinghua, “Plato’s One and Many”, Academic Journal of Capital Normal University, 2018 (4).
l Zhu Qinghua, “Personal Identity: a confrontation between Parfit and Heidegger”, Foreign Philosophy,2019(2).
袁程 首都师范大学政法学院哲学副教授,柏林自由大学哲学博士。兴趣领域包括实践理性和慎思、道德心理学、情感研究、媒介哲学等。目前的工作集中于实践行动中的判断、决定、计划等一切人类智性展现和理性本质问题,以及情感、感受、欲望和理性与道德意识的内在关系。在学术方法上试图将大陆哲学的思想底蕴和英美哲学的扎实分析相结合。
Yuan Cheng is an Associate Professor and a Master Supervisor of Philosophy Department of Capital Normal University, Beijing. He received a PhD in Philosophy from Free University of Berlin, Germany. His areas are ethics and moral psychology (emotion, desire, perception and their intrinsic relationship to rationality and moral consciousness), emotion study, practical rationality and deliberation (decision, judgement, choice and the nature of rationality), action theory. His interests include phenomenology, hermeneutics, philosophy of language and philosophy of science. He also works on issues in social epistemology, philosophy of medicine, media study (especially German media theory), etc. He approaches the themes in these areas from a fundamental perspective, trying to combine the breadth of continental tradition with the rigor and precision of analytical philosophy.
程广云Cheng Guangyun
v 代表性论文:
12.《中华文化的自觉与自信》(Chinese culture:self-awareness and self-confidence),《中国社会科学》(Social Scinences in China)(英文版)2008年第4期,独立作者;
21.《教育为体 宗教为用——兼评两种儒教》,《原道》第18辑,首都师范大学出版社2012年2月版,第一作者;
26.The argumentation of the legitimacy of the proletarian political practice——the analysis of the Marxist political philosophy,Contemporary Chinese Political Thought: Debates and Perspectives,The University Press of Kentucky,2012,独立作者;
48. 《从人机关系到跨人际主体间关系——人工智能的定义和策略》,《自然辩证法通讯》2019年第1期,独立作者;
v 代表性著作:
1. “治理循环研究”(18BZX017):2018年度国家社会科学基金项目一般项目,负责人;
2. “‘中国之治’的历史及实践”(20AZD003):2020年国家社会科学基金重点项目,负责人。
Cheng Guangyun is a professor and a doctoral supervisor of Philosophy Department at Capital Normal University. Professor Cheng Guangyun is an associate research fellow at the Beijing Institute of Cultural Development, Beijing Normal University. He used to be Chair of Philosophy Department of Capital Normal University. He is also the editorial board member of Chinese Philosophy Yearbook and Director of Chinese Historical Materialism Society.
His research interests include political philosophy and cultural philosophy. He has published more than 100 academic papers in academic journals such as Chinese Social Sciences, Philosophical Studies, etc.
He has published 5 academic works, 2 essays and 1 textbook. He has run over 5 scientific research projects including National Social Science Fund, Humanities and social science research of ministry of Education and Philosophy and social Science Planning of Beijing.
Representative Articles in Refereed Journals:
1. Cheng Guangyun, “ People: Universe‘ essence Mirror ’ ” , JIANGHAI ACADEMIC JOURNAL(BIMONTRLY), 1994(04).
2. Cheng Guangyun, “Outline of Human Theory of Life”, JIANGHAI ACADEMIC JOURNAL(BIMONTRLY), 1999(02).
3. Cheng Guangyun, “From ‘Yugong Moves the Mountain’ to ‘Wu Gang cuts the laurel’-Text Interpretation”, ZHEJIANG SOCIAL SCIENCES,1999(02).
4. Cheng Guangyun, “Inquiry into Knowledge Economy and Knowledge Value Theory”, PHILOSOPHICAL TRENDS,1999(09).
5. Cheng Guangyun, “Marxist Cultural Spirit and its Sinicization and Modernization”, SELECTED CATALOGS,1999(3).
6. Cheng Guangyun, “Out of Spiritual Crisis”, THE JOURNAL OF HUMANITIES,1999(06).
7. Cheng Guangyun, “How is universal Value possible”, Academic Monthly,2002(05).
8. Cheng Guangyun, “Marxist Folk Stand and Field Studies”, Jianghai Academic Journal(Bimonthly),2004(07).
9. Cheng Guangyun, “Postmodern: Towards ‘Modern’ Modernity”, Philosophical Researche,2005(05).
10. Cheng Guangyun, “From Ideal Principles to Realistic Care-An Analysis of Rawls' Rationalism”, Philosophical Trends,2005(05).
11. Cheng Guangyun, “Why is philosophy pluralistic?”, The Multivariate,2006.
12. Cheng Guangyun, “Chinese culture:self-awareness and self-confidence, Social Scinences in China”, Social Scinences in China,2008(04).
13. Cheng Guangyun, “Theoretical Demonstration of the Legitimacy of Proletarian Political Practice——An Analysis of Marxist Political Philosophy”, Philosophical Researches,2009(12).
14. Cheng Guangyun, “Academic Breakthrough: Reconstructing Contemporary Chinese Academic Discourse”, Jianghai Academic Journal,2010(02).
15. Cheng Guangyun, “Pan Needham Problem: Infinite Exhaustion-Refuting the Final Conclusion of ‘Needham Problem’ ”, Social Science Journal,2011(01).
16. Cheng Guangyun, “Cross-cultural strategic thinking to deal with globalization”, Tianjin Social Sciences,2011(04).
17. Cheng Guangyun, “From Bargaining to Seeking Common Ground while Reserving Differences-The Political Philosophy of Negotiation and Dialogue”, Academic Monthly,2011(08).
18. Cheng Guangyun, “Revolutionary Mobilization and Republican Demands-Re-evaluation of Sun Yat-sen's Three People's Principles”, Strategy and Management,2011(9/10).
19. Cheng Guangyun, “Three theories of Philosophical Education”,Teaching and Research, 2011(10).
20. Cheng Guangyun, “Three Political Legacies of the Republic of China: People's Sovereignty · Ruling the Party by the Party · Political Consultation”, Strategy and Management,2012(1/2).
21. Cheng Guangyun, “ Education as body and Religion as Function -- A Review of two Kinds of Confucianism”, The Original Way,2012(02).
22. Cheng Guangyun, “On the diversity of philosophy and the possibility of dialogue”, Philosophical Trends,2012(03).
23. Cheng Guangyun, “Ecological Civilization: Ideas, Norms and Systems”, Social Science Journal,2012(03).
24. Cheng Guangyun, “Stop Reasoning and Practical Wisdom”, Philosophical Analysis,2012(03).
25. Cheng Guangyun, “Philosophy education and Civic Education -- Three questions of Plato and Aristotle's Philosophy Education”, Study & Exploration,2012(08).
26. Cheng Guangyun, “The argumentation of the legitimacy of the proletarian political practice——the analysis of the Marxist political philosophy,Contemporary Chinese Political Thought: Debates and Perspectives”,The University Press of Kentucky,2012.
27. Cheng Guangyun, “Education to the folk · The combination of religion and politics · Replacing Religion with Education -- Three Topics of Confucius' Educational Thoughts”,Tianjin Social Sciences,2012(05).
28. Cheng Guangyun, “On the Historical Evolution of Political Philosophy”, Philosophical Researches,2013(01).
29. Cheng Guangyun, “On the premise, model and system of governance”, Hebei Academic Journal,2013(05).
30. Cheng Guangyun, “On Nonviolent Resistance or Citizen Disobedience”, Strategy and Management,2013(5/6).
31. Cheng Guangyun, “On etiquette and Law and governance”, Social Science Journal, 2013(06).
32. Cheng Guangyun, “Outline of Behavioral Logic”, Jianghai Academic Journal,2014(01).
33. Cheng Guangyun, “Revolutionary Paradox-Rethinking the Cultural Revolution”, Strategy and Management,2014(5/6)
34. Cheng Guangyun, “Exploring the Essence of ‘Republic’-An Academic Survey of the Ten Meanings of ‘Republic’”, Southland Academic,2014(02).
35. Cheng Guangyun, “The Rhetoric and Logic of the ‘Communist Manifesto’——From Textology Research to Stylistics Research”, Tianjin Social Sciences,2014(06).
36. Cheng Guangyun, “Two Reductions of Practical Materialism-From Material Reduction to Practice Reduction”, Philosophical Trends, 2014(12).
37. Cheng Guangyun, “From Noun System to Verb-Noun System-A Complete Expression of Historical Materialism”, Philosophical Researches, 2015(01).
38. Cheng Guangyun, “Sun Yat-sen's Political Philosophy”, Strategy and Management,2015(11/12).
39. Cheng Guangyun, “Political Metaphysics and Practical Philosophy-From Mao Zedong's ‘Two Theory’ to Deng Xiaoping's ‘Three Theory’, Social Science Journal, 2015(06).
40. Cheng Guangyun, “History, Current Situation and Future of Philosophy Education”, Chinese Philosophy Magazine. 2016(01).
41. Cheng Guangyun, “Contemporary China Spirit: From Chinese Road, Chinese Model to Chinese Dream”, Strategy and Management, 2016(01).
42. Cheng Guangyun, “Labor, Property and Freedom-Between Marx and Arendt”, Marxism & Reality, 2016(02).
43. Cheng Guangyun, “Ideological and Political Education and Civic Education in Contemporary China”, Review of Marxist Philosophy, Vol. 1, Social Sciences Academic Press, 2016.
44. Cheng Guangyun, “The Choice of Industrialization and Socialism”, Teaching and Research,2016(10).
45. Cheng Guangyun, “The poet is dead? ——The death of contemporary Chinese poets”, Capital Culture Review, Autumn 2017, China Social Sciences Press, 2017.
46. Cheng Guangyun,“From the State to the Civil Society -- Marx's Ideological Turn in Hegel's Critique of The Philosophy of Law”,Philosophical Research, 2018(02).
47. Cheng Guangyun,“‘The Narrative and Logic of Das Kapital -- The reading and writing of giant texts’”,Modern Philosophy, 2018(02).
48. Cheng Guangyun, “From man-machine relationship to inter-interpersonal Relationship -- the definition and strategy of artificial intelligence”, Journal of Dialectics of Nature, 2019(01).
49.Cheng Guangyun,“How is good order possible -- Good governance model heuristics”, Jianghan Tribune, 2019(02).
50. Cheng Guangyun,“‘Public and Private Use’: Marx and Engels social ownership and social ownership”,Social Science Journal, 2020(03).
Influential Academic Works
1. Cheng Guangyun,XiaNianxi. Philosophy education as civic education and dialogue education, China Social Sciences Press, 2012. ISBN:9787516105528.
2. Cheng Guangyun,XiaNianxi.Youth is truth, China Youth Publishing House, 2013. ISBN:9787515319124.
3.Cheng Guangyun. Contemporary Chinese spirit, Anhui People's Publishing House, 2015. ISBN:9787212084011.
4. Cheng Guangyun. Multiculturalism and Public Politics, Huaxia Press, 2016. ISBN:9787508087474.
5. Cheng Guangyun. History of Chinese Political Philosophy, Vol. 3 (chapter 5: "Revolution and Founding: The Political Philosophy of Sun Yat-sen"), Renmin University of China Press, 2017. ISBN:9787300242552.
6. Cheng Guangyun. Introduction to Philosophy, Peking University Press, 2018, ISBN:9787301290644.
7. Cheng Guangyun. Marx's three major criticisms: philosophy of law, political economy and metaphysics, Renmin University of China Press, 2018. ISBN:9787300261782.
Research Project:
1.The History and Practice of the Chinese Governance(20AZD003), supported by National Social Science Fund from the Chinese Government.
2."Governance Cycle Research" (18BZX017) : 2018 Annual National Social Science Foundation Project General Project.
史红Shi Hong
Shi Hong is a professor and a doctoral supervisor of Philosophy Department of Capital Normal University, Beijing; Secretary of the Beijing Society of Aesthetics; Director in the center for Aesthetic Education Research; Head of a Key Program of National Social Science Foundation; Member of the Aesthetic Education Committee of the Ministry of Education, Referee of the National Social Science Foundation.
Research field: Chinese aesthetics; philosophy of art; Chinese art.
1. 朱慧玲,桑德尔,“贤能、分配正义与公民共和主义:桑德尔访谈录”,《哲学动态》,2020年第1期。
2. 朱慧玲,“分配正义再思考:以疫情中物资分配为例”,《广州大学学报》,2020年第7期。
3. 朱慧玲,“爱国主义的双重维度:基于公民共和主义立场的证成与辩护”,《哲学研究》,2019年第10期。
4. Zhu Huiling, “On Sandel’s Ideas of Civic Virtue”, Sandel and Chinese Philosophy, Harvard University Press, 2018.01.
5. 朱慧玲,“论纳斯鲍姆及其能力进路对正义主体的拓展”,《道德与文明》,2017年第3期。
6. 朱慧玲:“桑德尔的共和主义立场及其融合性特征”,《世界哲学》,2014年第1期。
7. 朱慧玲:“共和主义的当代困境及桑德尔的解决进路”,《哲学动态》,2014年第12期。
8. 安云凤、朱慧玲,“现代社会的双重诉求”,《哲学动态》,2012年第11期。
9. 朱慧玲:“诚信的现代特征”,《道德与文明》,2012年第5期。
1.朱慧玲译,罗素·柯克,《保守主义的精神》(The Conservative Mind),约50万字,江西人民出版社,2020年5月。
2. 朱慧玲译,迈克尔?桑德尔著:《公正:该如何做是好?》(Justice: What’s the Right Thing To Do?),约20万字,中信出版社,2011年1月。
3. 朱慧玲,陈文娟,谢惠媛 译,玛莎·纳斯鲍姆:《正义的前沿》(Frontiers of Justice),人大出版社,2016年6月。
4. 朱慧玲译,托马斯?斯坎伦著:《道德之维》(Moral Dimensions),约15万字,人大出版社,2014年1月。
5. 朱慧玲,朱东华,陈文娟译,迈克尔?桑德尔著:《公共哲学》(Public Philosophy),人大出版社,2013年1月。
1. 2020年度国家社科基金重点项目《“中国之治”的历史及实践》子项目负责人。
2. 主持2014年国家社科基金青年项目:“罗尔斯与桑德尔之争及其当代中国语境解读”。
3. 参与2018年度国家社科基金重点项目:“政治现实主义”流派研究。
4. 主持2017年北京市社科联青年项目:“北京市社会信用制度建设”。
5. 参与2014年国家社科基金重大项目:“我国社会信用制度体系与诚信文化建设”。
6. 参与2011年国家社科基金重大项目:“我国诚信制度体系建设”。
7. 主持2013年北京市教委面上项目:“北京市公益诚信制度建设”。
Zhu Huiling, associate professor and a Master Supervisor of Philosophy Department at Capital Normal University in Beijing, China. PhD in Philosophy from Tsinghua University. Senior visiting scholar of the Government Department of Harvard University from 2017-2018. Visiting scholar of the Philosophy Department of Harvard University from 2009 to 2010. Teach courses for undergraduate student and graduated students on political philosophy and Ethics since 2011. Published many papers and translated several texts on political philosophy from English into Chinese, including many of Michael Sandel’s books such as Justice: What’s the Right Thing to Do? And Public Philosophy. Translated Russel Kirk’s The Conservative Mind, Thomas Scalon’sMoral Dimensions, Martha Nussbaum’s Frontiers of Justice and a couple of articles into Chinese.
1. Zhu Huiling, Michael Sandel, “On Merit, Distributive Justice and Republicanism: Conversation with Sandel”, Philosophical Trends, 2020(1).
2. Zhu Huiling, “Reflections on Distributive Justice during Pandemic”, Journal of University of Guangzhou, 2020(7).
3. Zhu Huiling, “The Two Dimensions of Patriotism”, Philosophical Research, 2019(10).
4. Zhu Huiling, Sandel’s Standpoint of Republicanism and Its Characteristic of Combination, World Philosophy, 2014(1).
5. Zhu Huiling, The Dilemma of Contemporary Republicanism and Sandel’s Approach, Philosophical Trends, 2014(12).
6. Li Yitian, Zhuhuiling, Freedom, Rights and Virtues: The Core Ideas of Sandel’s Civic Republicanism and Its Problem, Jilin University Journal Social Sciences Edition, 2014(4)
7. Zhu Huiling, An Analysis on the Reason Why Chinese Organizations of Charity Are Lack of Credibility?,Chinese Cadres Tribune, 2013(3).
8. An Yunfeng, Zhu Huiling, The Twofold Appeal of Contemporary China, Philosophical Trends, 2012(11).
9. Zhu Huiling, Interview With Michael Sandel, Ethics and Public Affairs, 2012(5).
1. Zhu Huiling,trans.The Conservative Mind, Written by Russel Kirk, Jiangxi Renmin Press, 2020.
2. Zhu Huiling,trans.Justice: What’s the Right Thing To Do?, Written by Michael Sandel,Citic Public Press, 2011.
3. Zhu Huiling, trans. Moral Dimensions,Written by Thomas Scanlon, China Renmin University Press, 2014.
4. Zhu Huiling, Chen Wenjuan, XieHuiyuan, trans. Frontiers of Justice,Written by Martha Nussbaum, China Renmin University Press,2016.
5. Zhu Huiling, Chen Wenjuan, Zhu Donghua, trans. Public Philosophy,Written by Michael Sandel, China Renmin University Press,2013.
6. Zhu Huiling,trans. “Transmodernity and Interculturality”, written by Enrique Dussel, World Philosophy, 2016(2).
7. Zhu Huiling, trans. “China's political culture on the offensive”, Written byEnno Rudolph, South China Quartly, 2014(6).
8. Zhu Huiling, trans. “In search of trans-cultural focal points”, Written byZhao Tingyang, South China Quartly, 2014(6).
Research Project:
1. The Debate between John Rawls and Michael Sandel and Its Signification for China, supported by National Social Science Fund from the Chinese Government.
2. How to Build a Reasonable Institution to Make the Organizations of Charity in Beijing Reliable?, supported by the Beijing Municipal Education Commission.
3. The History and Practice of the Chinese Governance, supported by National Social Science Fund from the Chinese Government.
研究方向:宗教学、法哲学; 专长:中世纪政治神学、现代早期英国政治哲学
职业经历:2008年8月至今 首都师范大学政法学院哲学系
Yin Jingwang: Associate Professor; Master Supervisor
Research direction: religious studies, philosophy of law
Expertise: mediaeval political theology, early modern British political philosophy
2004.9 – 2008.7 PH.D in Philosophy Department, Peking University
2002.9 – 2004.7 Master Degree in Institute of Political Science and Law, Southwest Normal University
Since 2008.8 Philosophy Department, College of Political Science and Law, Capital Normal University
Main Foundation
2009.6 -2016.1 National Social Science Foundation (“Natural Law and the Rise of Secular Ethics”, 2009)
A Translation: Kings’s Two Bodies: A Study in Mediaeval Political Theology, Shanghai Academy of Social Sciences Press, 2020
科研成果:主持教育部重大项目和国家社科基金一般项目。在国际顶级哲学刊物Philosophia,Synthesis, International Studies in the Philosophy of Science,Philosophia Mathematica上发表论文数篇,在国际的数学哲学界、心灵哲学界享有很高的学术声誉。
Ye Feng: Professor; Doctoral Supervisor
Research direction: philosophy of mathematics, philosophy of mind, logic, philosophy of language
1994.9 – 1999.7: Department of Philosophy, Princeton University, U.S.A., PhD degree received in January 2000.
1983.9 – 1986.7: Institute of Mathematics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, China
Employment: 2013.6 – Present: Professor, Department of Philosophy, Capital Normal University, China
2010.9 – 2013.6: Professor, Department of Philosophy, Peking University, China
2004.9 – 2010.9: Associate Professor, Department of Philosophy, Peking University, China
1986.9 – 1994.9: Lecturer, Department of Philosophy, Peking University, China
Books in English:
Strict Finitism and the Logic of Mathematical Applications, Synthese Library, vol.355, Springer, 2011.7.
Papers in English:
(1) ‘On Extreme versus Moderate Methodological Naturalism’, Philosophia
45(2017), 371-385, doi:10.1007/s11406-016-9750-7,
(2) ‘Introduction to a Naturalistic Philosophy of Mathematics’, in Logic Across the University: Foundations and Applications, Proceedings of the Tsinghua Logic Conference, Beijing 2013, College Publications, pp.99-117, 2013.9.
(3) ‘Response to Xu and Leitgeb’, in Logic Across the University: Foundations
and Applications, Proceedings of the Tsinghua Logic Conference, Beijing 2013,
College Publications, pp.128-143, 2013.9.
(4) ‘Some naturalistic comments on Frege’s philosophy of mathematics’,
Frontiers of Philosophy in China, 7 (3) (2012.9), 378-403.
(5)‘Naturalized truth and Plantinga's evolutionary argument against naturalism’,International Journal for Philosophy of Religion, vol. 70 (1) (2011.7), 27-46.
(6) ‘Naturalism and Abstract Entities’, International Studies in the Philosophy of Science, 24 (2) (2010.6), 129-146.
(7) ‘The Applicability of Mathematics as a Scientific and a Logical Problem’,
Philosophia Mathematica, 18 (2) (2010.6), 144-165.
(8) ‘What Anti-realism in Philosophy of Mathematics Must Offer’, Synthese, 175(1) (2010.7), 13-31.
Reprinted in M. Pitici (ed.), The Best Writing on Mathematics 2011, Princeton
University Press, 2011, pp. 286-311.
(9) ‘A naturalistic interpretation of the Kripkean modality’, Frontiers of
Philosophy in China, 4 (3) (2009.9), 454-470.
(10)‘Indispensability argument and anti-realism in philosophy of mathematics’,Frontiers of Philosophy in China, 2 (4) (2007), 1-15.
(11)‘Toward a constructive theory of unbounded linear operators on Hilbert
spaces’, Journal of Symbolic Logic, 65(1) (2000), 357-370.
职业经历:2012年8月至今 首都师范大学政法学院哲学系
2015年3月-6月 奥地利萨尔茨堡大学哲学系,博士后
2018年12月-2019年12月 美国宾夕法尼亚大学哲学系 访问学者
2009年8月-2012年7月 中山大学哲学系
Xiao Tan: Associate Professor;Master Supervisor
Research direction: tacit knowledge, expertise, rhetoric in science
2004.9 -2009.7 PH.D in Institute of Science, Technology and Society, Tsinghua University
2000.9-2004.7 Bachelor Degree in Philosophy Department, Nanjing University
2012.8 -- Philosophy Department, Capital Normal University, Associate professor
2015.3 – 2015.6 Philosophy Department, University of Salzburg, Austria, Postdoc
2018.12--2019.12 Philosophy Department, University of Pennsylvania, visiting scholar
2009.7 - 2012.10 Philosophy Department, Sun Yat-sen University, Assistant professor
Main Foundation
2018.6- National Social Science Foundation (2018) Epistemology on Tacit Knowledge
2011.6 – 2015.7 National Social Science Foundation(2011) Studies on Third Wave – Rebuilding Scientific Value
Scientific Rhetoric and History of Science, Capital Normal University Press, 2017