赵 悦, 莫 莉, 张 阳
(成都大学 机械工程学院,四川 成都 610106)
摘 要:采用人工分拣的方式进行物料分类并统计数目,不仅降低了生产的效率,有时会存在工作人员的工作疏忽,导致货物出现漏检,漏统计,给生产带来了一定困扰.采用西门子1200系列的CPU和12寸HMI触摸屏来进行设计,通过对机械结构的图纸简易绘制,每个工作模块的结构,整个流程的运行动作预估.进行定位分拣,达到经过某传感器实现一物一拣,物料数目界面显示.避免了当前人工分拣出现的问题,使得生产流水线的工作高效进行.减少了人力资源的浪费,对物料分拣的自动化有一定的现实意义.
中图分类号:TP273 文献标识码:A
Design and Simulation of Material Sorting Control System Based on Siemens PLC and WINCC Configration
(School of Mechanical Engineering,Chengdu University,Chengdu 610106,China)
Abstract:In domestic industrial automation,there are still some manual sorting methods to classify goods and count the number.Such sorting methods not only lower the efficiency of the whole industrial production,but also waste much labor and many resources.Sometimes there will be negligence of the work of staff,resulting in the failure in inspection and the mistakes in the statistics of goods.This brings some problems in production.In order to improve the service quality of the whole production and operation,Siemens series of CPU named 1200 and 12inch HMI touch screen in Portal software are adopted for design.Through the simple drawing of mechanical structure,the structure of each work module and the operation action of the whole process are estimated.Through positioning and sorting,the object is picked up by a sensor,and the number of materials is displayed on the interface.This design avoids the problems in manual sorting and makes the production line work efficiently.It can reduce the waste of human resources and promote the automation of material sorting。
Key words:PLC; sensor; automatic sorting; portal; WINCC