文章编号:1004-5422(2021)03-0268-06 DOI:10.3969/j.issn.1004-5422.2021.03.008
侯 杰1,屈盅伶1,蒋李志鸿1,明承林1,葛光易2
(1.成都大学 建筑与土木工程学院,四川 成都 610106;2.中国五冶集团有限公司,四川 成都 610063)
摘 要:针对目前手工布置隔震支座费时费力、效率低下的问题,基于遗传算法研发了隔震支座优化布置软件.首先研究了偏心率计算方法和限值要求,阐述了遗传算法的基本原理及其求解偏心率问题的具体含义和适应度函数设计,然后简要介绍了隔震支座优化布置软件的开发,最后基于实际隔震建筑工程对该优化布置软件进行了测试.结果表明,该优化布置软件可自动快速地控制偏心率,提高隔震支座布置效率,从而有利于促进隔震技术工程应用、减轻地震灾害.
中图分类号:TU352.1+2;TP319 文献标识码:A
Development of a Software for Seismic-Isolation Bearings’ Optimal Layout Based
on Genetic Algorithm
HOU Jie1,QU Zhongling1,JIANG Lizhihong1,MING Chenglin1,GE Guangyi2
(1.School of Architecture and Civil Engineering, Chengdu University, Chengdu 610106, China;
2.China MCC5 Group Co.,Ltd.,Chengdu 610063, China)
Abstract:Now manually arranging the seismic-isolation bearings is time-consuming and inefficient, so it
,s a good idea to develop a software for seismic-isolation bearings’ optimal arranging based on genetic algorithm. First, the calculation method and limit value of the eccentricity ratio are discussed. Secondly, the basic theory, accurate meaning, fitness function of the genetic algorithm are discussed. Thirdly, general development process of the software for seismic-isolation bearings’ optimal arranging based on genetic algorithm is displayed. Finally, the developed software is tested by a real seismically isolated building. It’s clear that with the help of the developed software, the eccentricity ratio can be controlled conveniently and efficiently. So this research can promote the application of the seismically isolated buildings and reduce the number of earthquake disasters.
Key words:genetic algorithm; seismic-isolation bearing; eccentricity ratio