文章编号:1004-5422(2021)03-0242-05 DOI:10.3969/j.issn.1004-5422.2021.03.004
王跃华1,陈 芳1,鲜俊贤1,宋沐航2,高 首2,张 旭2
(1.成都大学 食品与生物工程学院,四川 成都 610106;2.成都列五中学,四川 成都 610056)
摘 要:建立独蒜兰优质种苗快繁体系,为实现独蒜兰植物工业化育苗、保护野生植物资源和发展人工育种技术提供新的途径.本研究从不同基本培养基对独蒜兰种子萌发影响、丛生芽诱导增殖培养和无根苗生根壮苗等方面开展研究.筛选出影响独蒜兰种子萌发的最佳基本培养基为B
5,培养30 d统计种子萌发率为92 %;丛生芽诱导增殖的最佳培养基为B
5+TDZ 2.0mg/L+KT 0.5mg/L+200.0 mg/L肌醇+2.0 g/L活性炭+20.0 g/L蔗糖,培养60 d丛生芽率诱导率为98.00%,平均产生丛生芽数为6.80个;最佳生根壮苗培养基为1/2MS+IBA 0.2mg/L+6-BA 0.1mg/L+2.0 g/L活性炭+30.0 g/L土豆泥+20.0 g/L蔗糖,培养60 d后统计生根率为100 %,平均生根数为3.20条,平均鲜重为21.11g.
Study on Rapid Cultivation of High-Quality Seedlings of Pleione Bulbocodioides
WANG Yuehua1,CHEN Fang1,XIAN Junxian1,SONG Muhang2,GAO Shou2,ZHANG Xu2
(1.School of Food and Biological Engineering,Chengdu University, Chengdu 610106,China;2.Chengdu Liewu High School,
Chengdu 610056,China)
Abstract:The research aims at the establishment of rapid propagation system of highquality pleione bulbocodioides seedlings, so that this study can provide a new way to realize the industrialized seedling raising, protect wild plant resources and develop artificial breeding technology. This study was conducted to study the effects of different basic media on pleione bulbocodioides seed germination, induction and multiplication of clustered shoots, and adorable seedlings without root seedlings. The results showed that the best basic medium was B
5, and the germination rate was 92% after 30 days;The best medium for inducing proliferation of cluster buds was B
5+TDZ 2.0mg/L+KT 0.5mg/L+200.0 mg/L Inositol + 2.0 g/L Activated carbon + 20.0 g/L sucrose. The induction rate of clump buds was 98.00% after 60 days of cultivation. The average number of cluster buds was 6.80;the best rooting medium was 1/2MS+IBA 0.2 mg/L+6BA 0.1 mg/L+2.0 g/L activated carbon + 30.0 g / L mashed potato + 20.0 g / L sucrose. After 60 days of culture, the statistical rooting rate was 100%, the average rooting number was 3.20, and the average fresh weight was 21.11g.
Key words:pleione bulbocodioides; high-quality seedlings; rapid cultivation