文章编号:1004-5422(2021)03-0231-06 DOI:10.3969/j.issn.1004-5422.2021.03.002
蔡信福1,巫登菊1,刘和平1,2,尚 强1,2,晁 志3
(1.四川光大制药有限公司,四川 成都 611930;2.四川省抗病毒中药产业化工程技术研究中心,四川 成都 611930;
3.南方医科大学 中医药学院,广东 广州 510515)
摘 要:以历代本草、医籍方书为基础,对经典名方中所用生姜药材其名称、基原、产地、采收加工与炮制历史沿革等方面进行了本草考证,为经典名方的开发与利用提供参考与依据.考证可知,生姜有悠久的应用历史,可追溯至秦汉时期.历代本草中所记载以及含有生姜的古代经典名方中所用的生姜,均为姜科植物姜的新鲜根茎.四川犍为从南北朝时期以来,即为药用姜道地产区,所产姜味辣,粉性足,质量佳; 其它主要产地还有四川沐川、荣县、宜宾,贵州兴义、兴仁、安顺,浙江衢州等地.其炮制方法主要为取鲜姜洗净、晾干,置阴凉处贮藏,或埋于湿砂内,以防有效成分挥发和脱水干燥,临用时切厚片.
中图分类号:R282.71 文献标识码:A
Textual Research on Classical Prescription of Zingiber Officinale
CAI Xinfu1,WU Dengju1,LIU Heping1,2,SHANG Qiang1,2, CHAO Zhi3
(1.Sichuan Guangda Pharmaceutical Co.,Ltd., Chengdu 611930,China;
2.Engineering Technology Resarch Center of Industrialization of Traditional Anti-viral Chinese Medicine in Sichuan,
Chengdu 611930,China;3.School of Chinese Medicine,Southern Medical University,Guangzhou 510515,China )
Abstract:This paper, based on herbal medicine books of past dynasties, studies the botanical origin, producing area, harvesting and processing, and preparation procedure of Sheng Jiang in order to clarify the historical and the contemporary relationship and also to provide reference and evidence for the development and utilization of the classical formula.It was believed Sheng Jiang had a long history of application, which could be traced back to the Qin and Han Dynasties; what was recorded in the ancient herbal works, and used in the classical prescriptions, was the fresh rhizomes of Zingiber officinale.Qianwei of Sichuan Province had been the producing area of the best-quality crude drug of Sheng Jiang since at least the Northern and Southern Dynasties; the Sheng Jiang crude drug produced there was strongly spicy, strongly starchy, and was of good-quality.Other productive producing areas included Muchuan, Rongxian and Yibin in Sichuan, Xingyi, Xingren and Anshun in Guizhou and Quzhou in Zhejiang, etc.The main preparation procedure of producing Sheng Jiang was to wash and air-dry the fresh ginger, to store it in a cool place or to bury it in wet sand to prevent volatilization of effective components,to dehydrate it, and to cut it into thick slices when it was used.
Key words:Sheng Jiang; classical formula; textual research