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留学生新学期开学相关事宜的通知Noticeof the Beginning of New Semester for International Students

发布时间:2020-02-11 | 浏览人次:



Dear international students,As for the relevant arrangements for the start of the springsemester in 2020, we hereby inform you as follows:

1. 留学生开学时间和上课方式请等候通知。请暂时不要购买近期回中国的机票,以免因其他调整而造成不必要的损失。具体的上课日期和方式一旦确认,我们会第一时间以各种途径通知。

Please wait for the notification of the beginning date andarrangement of classes. Please do not buy the ticket back to China in the nearfuture, so as to avoid unnecessary loss caused by possible adjustments. Oncethe date and class arrangement  areconfirmed, we will inform you in various ways as soon as possible.

2. 在得到具体上课日期和方式通知前,任何人不允许提前返校。学校和留学生公寓已经实行封闭管理,未经许可,无法进入。如有特殊情况,请及时联系班主任。No one should return to school in advance before the exact dateand arrangement of the class are announced. The whole university, includinginternational students' dormitory, is closed and cannot be accessed withoutpermission. In case of special circumstances, please contact your head teachers.

3. 在学校确认了新的开学时间后,如因个人原因需延迟返校的,请向班主任提出书面申请,经批准后方可推迟返校。

After the exact date of the new semester is announced, if anyone needs to postpone your return due to personal reasons, please submit awritten application to your head teacher to get approval.

4. 等候通知期间,请大家一定注意自身防护。适当锻炼,增强体质。有计划地复习和预习,做好开学准备。谢谢同学们的理解和配合!

While waiting for further notice, please protect yourselveswell, take proper exercise to keep good physical condition, and do review andpreview to prepare for the new semester.Thank you for your understanding and cooperation.         


Office of International Cooperationand Exchange
Feb 11th,2020
