2000.1 -2011.12 在北京汇源果汁饮料集团总公司任研发副总裁;
2012.8-2013.2 在美国麻省大学,访问学者
1. “十二五”湖南省重大科技专项“以湘西椪柑为主要原料果粒橙和果汁加工关键技术研究与示范”;
2. “十二五”国家科技支撑计划“食品乳化稳定剂制备关键技术研究及产业化”;
3. 国家高技术研究发展计划(863计划)项目“膳食纤维高效制备技术研究与新产品开发”;
4. 2011年国家自然科学基金项目“超声强化ε-聚赖氨酸-壳聚糖共价复合反应机理及产物抑菌特性研究”;
5. 2014年国家自然科学基金项目“蛋白质-多酚-多糖自组装与共价复合物生成机理及其功能表征”;
6. “十一五”科技攻关项目“功能因子生物活性稳态化技术的研究”;
7. 国家重点自然基金项目“食品加工过程中关键化技术及科学问题”;
8. 博士点基金项目“超高压条件下乳清蛋白-葡聚糖共价复合反应及其机理研究”
9. 国际合作项目:与匈牙利布达佩斯科学技术大学国际合作项目“超声波强化超临界萃取叶黄素”;
10. 国际合作项目:与斯洛文尼亚马里博尔大学国际合作项目“亚临界水萃取植物籽渣中生物活性成分的研究”;
11. 与深圳波顿香料有限公司共建“香精香料研发中心”;
15. 与完美(中国)日用品有限公司共建“功能食品与粉状食品研发中心”。
16. 与北京宝得瑞健康产业有限公司共建“粉状食品研发中心”
代表著作与论文:在国内外期刊上发表中英文科研论文250多篇,其中SCI/EI收录120余篇(https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Yanxiang_Gao),含8篇高被引论文(ESIHCP1篇,ESI 3% 7篇);出版著作共计8部。
1. Sun, C., Dai, L., & Gao, Y. (2016). The Binary Complex Based on Zein and Propylene Glycol Alginate for Delivery of Quercetagetin. Biomacromolecules,DOI: 10.1021/acs.biomac.6b01362.
2. Liu, F., Zhu, Z., Ma, C., Luo, X., Bai, L., Decker, E. A., ... & McClements, D. J. (2016). Fabrication of Concentrated Fish Oil Emulsions using Dual-channel Microfluidization: Impact of Droplet Concentration on Physical Properties and Lipid Oxidation. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, DOI: 10.1021/acs.jafc.6b04413.
3. Dai, Lei., Sun, C., & Gao, Y. (2016)The interaction between zein and lecithin in ethanol-water solution and characterization of zein–lecithin composite colloidal nanoparticles.Plos One,11(11), e0167172.
4. Fan R. Xiang J., Li N., Jiang X. & Gao Y. (2016)Impact of extraction parameters on chemical composition and antioxidant activity of bioactive compounds from Chinese liquorice (Glycyrrhiza uralensis Fisch.) by subcritical water. Separation Science and Technology, 51, 609-621.
5. Fan, R., Li, N., Xu, H., Xiang, J., Wang, L., & Gao, Y. (2016). The mechanism of hydrothermal hydrolysis for glycyrrhizic acid into glycyrrhetinic acid and glycyrrhetinic acid 3-O-mono-β-d-glucuronide in subcritical water. Food Chemistry, 190, 912-921.
6. Liu F., Ma C., McClements D. Gao Y. (2016). Development of polyphenol-protein-polysaccharide ternary complexes as emulsifiers for nutraceutical emulsions: Impact on formation, stability, and bioaccessibility of β-carotene emulsions, Food Hydrocolloids, 61, 578-588.
7. Liu, F., Ma, C., McClements, D. J., & Gao, Y. (2016). Food-grade covalent complexes and their application as nutraceutical delivery systems: A review. Comprehensive Reviews in Food Science and Food Safety, DOI: 10.1111/1541-4337.12229
8. Liu, F., Wang, D., Ma, C., & Gao, Y. (2016). Conjugation of polyphenols prevents lactoferrin from thermal aggregation at neutral pH. Food Hydrocolloids, 58, 49-59.
9. Liu, F., Wang, D., Sun, C., & Gao, Y. (2016). Influence of polysaccharides on the physicochemical properties of lactoferrin–polyphenol conjugates coated β-carotene emulsions. Food Hydrocolloids, 52, 661-669.
10. Liu, F., Wang, D., Sun, C., McClements, D. J. & Gao, Y. (2016). Utilization of interfacial engineering to improve physicochemical stability of β-carotene emulsions: Multilayer coatings formed using protein and protein-polyphenol conjugates. Food Chemistry. 205, 129-139.
11. Liu, F., Wang, D., Xu, H., Sun, C., & Gao, Y. (2016). Physicochemical properties of β-carotene emulsions stabilized by chlorogenic acid–lactoferrin–glucose/polydextrose conjugates. Food Chemistry, 196, 338-346.
12. Liu, L., Gao, Y., McClements, D. J., & Decker, E. A. (2016). Role of continuous phase protein, (−)-epigallocatechin-3-gallate and carrier oil on β-carotene degradation in oil-in-water emulsions. Food Chemistry, 210, 242-248.
13. Liu, S., Liu, F., Xue, Y., & Gao, Y. (2016). Evaluation on oxidative stability of walnut beverage emulsions. Food Chemistry, 203, 409-416.
14. Liu, S., Sun, C., Xue, Y., & Gao, Y. (2016). Impact of pH, freeze–thaw and thermal sterilization on physicochemical stability of walnut beverage emulsion. Food Chemistry, 196, 475-485.
15. Mao, L., Wang, D., Liu, F., & Gao, Y. (2016). Emulsion Design for the Delivery of β-Carotene in Complex Food Systems. Critical Reviews in Food Science and Nutrition, http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/10408398.2016.1223599.
16. Sun, C., Dai, L., & Gao, Y. (2017). Formation and characterization of the binary complex between zein and propylene glycol alginate at neutral pH. Food Hydrocolloids, 64, 36-47.
17. Sun, C., Dai, L., He, X., Liu, F., Yuan, F., & Gao, Y. (2016). Effect of heat treatment on physical, structural, thermal and morphological characteristics of zein in ethanol-water solution. Food Hydrocolloids, 58, 11-19.
18. Sun, C., Dai, L., Liu, F., & Gao, Y. (2016). Dynamic high pressure microfluidization treatment of zein in aqueous ethanol solution. Food Chemistry, 210, 388-395.
19. Sun, C., Dai, L., Liu, F., & Gao, Y. (2016). Simultaneous treatment of heat and high pressure homogenization of zein in ethanol–water solution: Physical, structural, thermal and morphological characteristics.Innovative Food Science & Emerging Technologies, 34, 161-170.
20. Sun, C., Yang, J., Liu, F., Yang, W., Yuan, F., & Gao, Y. (2016). Effects of Dynamic High-Pressure Microfluidization Treatment and the Presence of Quercetagetin on the Physical, Structural, Thermal, and Morphological Characteristics of Zein Nanoparticles. Food and Bioprocess Technology, 9(2), 320-330.
21. Wang, W., Liu, F., & Gao, Y. (2016). Quercetagetin loaded in soy protein isolate–κ-carrageenan complex: Fabrication mechanism and protective effect. Food Research International, 83, 31-40.
22. Wang, W., Sun, C., Mao, L., Ma, P., Liu, F., Yang, J., & Gao, Y. (2016). The biological activities, chemical stability, metabolism and delivery systems of quercetin: A review. Trends in Food Science & Technology, 56, 21-38.
23. Wang, W., Xu., H. et al. (2016). In vitro antioxidant, anti-diabetic and antilipemic potentials of quercetagetin extracted from marigold (Tagetes erecta L.) inflorescence residues, Journal of Food Science and Technology, 53(6), 2614–2624.
24. Wei, Z., & Gao, Y. (2016). Evaluation of structural and functional properties of chitosan–chlorogenic acid complexes. International Journal of Biological Macromolecules. 86, 376-382.
25. Wei, Z., & Gao, Y. (2016). Physicochemical properties of β-carotene bilayer emulsions coated by milk proteins and chitosan–EGCG conjugates. Food Hydrocolloids, 52, 590-599.
26. Wei, Z., & Gao, Y. (2016). Physicochemical properties of β-carotene emulsions stabilized by chitosan–chlorogenic acid complexes. LWT-Food Science and Technology, 71, 295-301.
27. Liu, F., Ma, C., McClements, D. J., & Gao, Y. (2017). A comparative study of covalent and non-covalent interactions between zein and polyphenols in ethanol-water solution. Food Hydrocolloids, 63, 625-634.
28. Liu, F., Ma, C., Zhang, R., Gao, Y. & McClements, D. J., (2017). Controlling the potential gastrointestinal fate of β-carotene emulsions using interfacial engineering: Impact of coating lipid droplets with protein-polysaccharide-polyphenol conjugates. Food Chemistry, http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.foodchem.2016.10.057
29. Sun, C., Dai, L., Liu, F., & Gao, Y. (2017). Interaction and formation mechanism of binary complex between zein and propylene glycol alginate, Carbohydrate Polymers, Accept.
30. Bao, Y., Yuan, F., Zhao, X., Liu, Q., & Gao, Y. (2015). Equilibrium and kinetic studies on the adsorption debittering process of ponkan (Citrus reticulate Blanco) juice using macroporous resins. Food and Bioproducts Processing, 94, 199–207.
31. Fan, R., Li, N., Jiang, X., Yuan, F., & Gao, Y. (2015). HPLC–DAD–MS/MS identification and HPLC–ABTS•+ on-line antioxidant activity evaluation of bioactive compounds in liquorice (Glycyrrhiza uralensis Fisch.) extract. European Food Research and Technology, 240, 1035-1048
32. Fan, R., Yuan, F., Wang, N., Gao, Y., & Huang, Y. (2015). Extraction and analysis of antioxidant compounds from the residues of Asparagus officinalis L. Journal of Food Science and Technology, 52(5), 2690-2700.
33. Liu, F., Sun, C., Wang, D., Yuan, F., & Gao, Y. (2015). Glycosylation improves the functional characteristics of chlorogenic acid–lactoferrin conjugate. RSC Advances, 5(95), 78215-78228.
34. Liu, F., Sun, C., Yang, W., Yuan, F., & Gao, Y. (2015). Structural characterization and functional evaluation of lactoferrin–polyphenol conjugates formed by free-radical graft copolymerization. RSC Advances, 5(20), 15641-15651.
35. Liu, Q., & Gao, Y. (2015). Binary adsorption isotherm and kinetics on debittering process of ponkan (Citrus reticulata Blanco) juice with macroporous resins. LWT-Food Science and Technology, 63, 1245-1253.
36. Sun, C., Liu, F., Yang, J., Yang, W., Yuan, F., & Gao, Y. (2015). Physical, structural, thermal and morphological characteristics of zeinquercetagetin composite colloidal nanoparticles. Industrial Crops and Products, 77, 476-483.
37. Wang, L., Xu, H., Yuan, F., Fan, R., & Gao, Y. (2015). Preparation and physicochemical properties of soluble dietary fiber from orange peel assisted by steam explosion and dilute acid soaking. Food Chemistry, 185, 90-98.
38. Wang, L., Xu, H., Yuan, F., Pan, Q., Fan, R., & Gao, Y. (2015). Physicochemical characterization of five types of citrus dietary fibers. Biocatalysis and Agricultural Biotechnology. 2015, 42, 250-258.
39. Wang, X., Liu, F., Liu, L., Wei, Z., Yuan, F., & Gao, Y. (2015). Physicochemical characterisation of β-carotene emulsion stabilized by covalent complexes of α-lactalbumin with (−)-epigallocatechin gallate or chlorogenic acid. Food Chemistry, 173, 564-568.
40. Wei, Z., Yang, W., Fan, R., Yuan, F., & Gao, Y. (2015). Evaluation of structural and functional properties of protein–EGCG complexes and their ability of stabilizing a model β-carotene emulsion. Food Hydrocolloids, 45, 337-350
41. Xu, H., Jiao, Q., Yuan, F., & Gao, Y. (2015). In vitro binding capacities and physicochemical properties of soluble fiber prepared by microfluidization pretreatment and cellulase hydrolysis of peach pomace. LWT-Food Science and Technology, 63(1), 677-684.
42. Xu, H., Liu, X., Yan, Q., Yuan, F., & Gao, Y. (2015). A Novel Copigment of Quercetagetin for Stabilization of Grape Skin Anthocyanins. Food Chemistry. 166, 50-55.
43. Xu, H., Peng, Q., Yuan, F., & Gao, Y. (2015). Mathematical Modeling of Betanin Extraction from Red Beet (Beta vulgaris L.) by Solid–Liquid Method. International Journal of Food Engineering, 11(1), 17-22.
44. Xu, H., Wang, W., Liu, X., Yuan, F., & Gao, Y. (2015). Antioxidative phenolics obtained from spent coffee grounds (Coffea arabica L.) by subcritical water extraction. Industrial Crops and Products, 76, 946-954.
45. Xu, H., Xu, X., Tao, Y., Yuan, F., & Gao, Y. (2015). Optimization by response surface methodology of supercritical carbon dioxide extraction of flavour compounds from Chinese liquor vinasse. Flavour and Fragrance Journal. 30 (4), 275-281.
46. Xu, X., & Gao, Y. (2015). Purification and identification of angiotensin I‐converting enzyme‐inhibitory peptides from apalbumin 2 during simulated gastrointestinal digestion. Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture, 95(5), 906-914.
47. Yang, W, Yuan F., Gao Y. (2015). Interaction of fish collagen with (-)-epigallocatechin gallate. Spectroscopy and Spectral Analysis. 35, 184-188.
48. Yang, W., Liu, F., Xu, C., Sun, C., Yuan, F., & Gao, Y. (2015). Inhibition of the aggregation of lactoferrin and (-)-epigallocatechin gallate in the presence of polyphenols, oligosaccharides and collagen peptide. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, 63, 5035-5045
49. Yang, W., Xu, C., Liu, F., Sun, C., Yuan, F., & Gao, Y. (2015). Fabrication mechanism and structural characteristics of the ternary aggregates by lactoferrin, pectin and (-)-epigallocatechin gallate using multi-spectroscopic methods. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, 63, 5046-5054.
50. Zhao, X., Liu, F., Ma, C., Yuan, F., & Gao, Y. (2015). Effect of carrier oils on the physicochemical properties of orange oil beverage emulsions. Food Research International, 74, 260-268.
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功能配料与功能食品研发中心成立于2001年,依托于中国农业大学食品科学与营养工程学院,研发中心位于食品学院139、 338、 349室,占地面积260m2。目前实验室有教授1名,副教授2名,博士7名,硕士10名,科研工作人员4名。研发中心配有动态高压微射流仪(Microfluidizer M-110EH)、超高压均质机(Niro Soavi NS100/L2K)、高速乳化剪切仪(IKaT25)、激光粒度分析仪(Malvern ZETASIZER Nano ZS90)、浓缩体系稳定性分析仪(Turbiscan LAB)等仪器。另外,研发中心与国内外著名大学、科研机构和大型食品饮料和保健食品修改企业形成了良好的合作与交流关系。