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理学院青年学术论坛第96期——Noisy Black Box Optimization: Algorithms and Effort Analysis

发布者: [发表时间]:2017-06-20 [来源]: [浏览次数]:

报告题目:Noisy Black Box Optimization: Algorithms and Effort Analysis






In this talk we present a computational complexity analysis for optimization problems where the objective function value can only be estimated with error at any decision point. In particular, we study two different settings. In the first setting, the model is basically stochastic programming, but only one sample is taken at each decision point. In the second setting, the objective value can be estimated arbitrarily close to the true value, but at a cost that is increasing with regard to the inverse of the precision desired. Furthermore, we discuss extensions of the analysis to a general constrained model with a composite objective function, consisting of the vague objective and a non-smooth regularizer.


张树中教授是美国明尼苏达大学工业与系统工程系的创系系主任。1984年,他本科毕业于复旦大学应用数学专业;1991年,他于荷兰伊拉兹马斯大学廷贝亨研究所获得运筹学及统计计量学专业博士学位。他曾在荷兰格罗宁根大学统计计量系(1991-1993)、荷兰伊拉兹马斯大学统计计量学院(1993-1999)、香港中文大学系统工程与工程管理系(1999-2010)任职。1999年,他获得了荷兰伊拉兹马斯大学研究奖,2001年获得了香港中文大学副校长杰出教学奖,2003年获得了SIAM学会杰出论文奖,2010年获得了IEEE信号处理协会最佳论文奖,2015年获得了IEEE信号处理杂志最佳论文奖。张教授曾任数学规划协会理事(2006-2009),以及中国运筹学会副理事长(2008-2012)。他还在包括运筹管理类顶尖杂志“Operations ResearchManagement Sciences在内的不少知名期刊担任编委。
