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Business Models in Mobile Internet: From i-Mode to 5G

主讲人 :Erik Bohlin教授, 瑞典查尔默斯理工大学技术管理与经济系 地点 :北京邮电大学经管楼213多功能厅 开始时间 : 2019-11-25 14:00 结束时间 : 2019-11-25 15:30



What will be effective business models for 5G? This presentation reviews business models from i-mode, 3G and 4G, and provides a comprehensive financial evaluation for 5G networks for a prospective operator. The presentation elaborates upon several dimensions of 5G, including network architecture options and spectrum optimization strategies, and shows break-even figures for a national 5G network. The 5G modelling is based on a recent project for the NRA in Thailand, on auction design for 5G.


Erik Bohlin has been researching the telecommunication industry and regulation for over 30 years. He is Professor of Technology Assessment at Chalmers University of Technology, Gothenburg, Sweden, and Editor-in-Chief for 10 years of the Journal of Telecommunications Policy, premier journal in the field since 1976. He was Chairman of the International Telecommunications Society for 12 years (2004-16), an interdisciplinary conference and membership organization of about 300 members from more than 35 countries, with a number of corporate sponsors. Erik Bohlin has published more than 150 papers, and supervised more than 10 Ph.D. students, and provided formal professorship evaluations more than 20 times around the world, among others. He works on projects in telecommunications regulation and management, among them new radio models for spectrum allocation. He is currently leading digital hubbing strategy for an Asian Client with examination of the business case and impacts of economic conditions, including coordination for an international workshop on this theme, convened in Bangkok in July 2019. Other projects today include leading 5G auction project for Thailand, coordinating a workshop on spectrum auctions and the regulation of OTTs. He has been appointed as Special Advisor for the former European Commissioner of Media and IT, contributed to projects for the European Commission, the European Parliament, NRAs as well as ICT suppliers. He holds a PhD in technology management and economics from Chalmers University of Technology (1995), and a graduate of business administration and economics from Stockholm School of Economics (1987).
