Dementia currently affects over 50 million older people globally, costs 1 trillion US dollars a year, and is estimated to increase to over 152 million people by 2050 with increasing life expectancy. Pivotal to responding to this "time bomb" are biomarkers that predict susceptibility to dementia, and in-depth understanding of its neurocognitive mechanisms. Neural degeneration and dysfunction leading to dementia may begin decades before symptoms and cognitive decline present. Hence, the recognition of early imaging markers of dementia may allow more effective intervention or even prevent dementia from happening. In addition, brain inspired Artificial Intelligence (AI) is beginning to achieve if not surpass human-level performance. So, AI can also provide important theoretical and mechanistic framework for brain dysfunctions in aging and neurodegeneration.
Here, I will present current and recent neuroimaging research conducted in my lab in University of Cambridge and collaborating centres nationally (Oxford, Imperial and Edinburgh) and internationally (Dublin and China) in seeking for potential early neuroimaging biomarkers for different types of dementia, such as Alzheimer's disease and Lewy body dementia. I combine multimodal imaging (MEG, EEG, MRI and PET) with genetics and AI based computational modelling to reveal neural mechanisms underlying dementia, and how risk factors (e.g. family history of dementia, APOE and MAPT genotype) affect brain structure, functions and behaviours across lifespan including in young and mid aged individuals. Multimodal imaging and genetics have the potential to identify early changes in brain structure and functions at both regional and molecular levels. However, characterising their relationships and neural mechanisms requires formal modelling such as computational psychiatry approaches.
苏里博士2001年9月,北京邮电大学计算机科学与技术专业本科;2003年9月英国肯特大学计算机网络和分布式系统专业硕士;2008年9月英国肯特大学计算神经科学博士;2010年英国伦敦国王学院认知神经科学博士后。现任英国剑桥大学医学院精神病学系,计算精神病学ARUK高级研究员、PI、博士生导师,剑桥克莱尔学堂Fellow,是研究大脑功能、老化和疾病的资深科学家,是剑桥大学精神病学系和克莱尔学堂的管理负责人之一。兼任中国西南大学心理学部教授和中英认知与老化研究中心首任英方主任。主要利用多模态脑成像、遗传学和计算神经学等方法研究老年痴呆症、精神分裂症和抑郁症等疾病的诊断、治疗和早期发现及预防。2015年获国际老年精神药理学会青年科学家奖,2016年获国际老年精神病学会青年科学家奖。2011年至今获得英国阿兹海默研究基金、英国阿兹海默协会、英国路易氏症协会、英国阿登布鲁克慈善基金、牛顿基金会和中国科学院等十余项科研经费资助,在研项目科研经费百万英镑以上。其领导的剑桥大学计算神经病学实验室拥有1名博士后研究员、1名高级科研护士和多名精神科主治医师以上的医学博士研究生。独立主持或和牛津大学、伦敦帝国理工和爱丁堡大学等国际一流大学合作主持多项重大科研课题。在一流国际期刊发表学术论文五十多篇。其中高影响因子的:Brain (IF=11.199) 3篇、Alzheimer’s & Dementia (IF=12.740) 2篇、Neurology (IF=8.320) 1篇。在统计学顶级杂志Journal of the American Statistical Association 发表1篇。在计算生物学主要杂志PloS Computational Biology发表2篇,其中单篇最高年引用50次以上。在多个主要国际会议和大学进行重点和特邀报告。担任多个国际学术期刊的编委和审稿人,并担任英国社会和健康研究院、英国医学理事会、捷克国家自然科学基金和塞浦路斯研究促进基金的经费评审人等社会职务。担任英国阿兹海默研究基金会剑桥中心委员会委员,剑桥大学神经科学研究院神经技术研究主管,是剑桥大学数学医疗成像中心成员,海外华人精神医学学会学术委员会委员。