
Email: yuliangwang@bnu.edu.cn
1. Zhen-Ping Yang, Jin Zhang, Yuliang Wang and Gui-Hua Lin. Variance-Based Subgradient Extragradient Method for Stochastic Variational Inequality Problems. Journal of Scientific Computing, 89(4), AUG 2021.
2. Zhen-Ping Yang, Yuliang Wang and Gui-Hua Lin. Variance-based modified backward-forward algorithm with line search for stochastic variational inequality problems and its applications. Asia-Pacific Journal of Operational Research, 37(3):2050011, JUN 2020.
3. Eemeli Blåsten, Hongjie Li, Hongyu Liu and Yuliang Wang. Localization and geometrization in plasmon resonances and geometric structures of Neumann-Poincare eigenfunctions. ESAIM: Mathematical Modelling and Numerical Analysis, 54(3):957–976, APR 2020.
4. Hongyu Liu, Xiaodong Liu, Xianchao Wang, and Yuliang Wang. On a novel inverse scattering scheme using resonant modes with enhanced imaging resolution. Inverse Problems, 35(12), NOV 2019.
5. Eemeli Blåsten, Xiaofei Li, Hongyu Liu, and Yuliang Wang. On vanishing and localizing of transmission eigenfunctions near singular points: a numerical study. Inverse Problems, 33(10), SEP 2017.
6. Xiaofei Li, Hyundae Lee, and Yuliang Wang. Asymptotic analysis of the narrow escape problem in dendritic spine shaped domain: three dimensions. Journal of Physics A-Mathematical and Theoretical, 50(32), AUG 2017.
7. Xiaofei Li, Jingzhi Li, Hongyu Liu, and Yuliang Wang. Electromagnetic interior transmission eigenvalue problem for inhomogeneous media containing obstacles and its applications to near cloaking. IMA Journal of Applied Mathematics, 82(5):1013–1042, JUL 2017.
8. Hongyu Liu, Yuliang Wang, and Shuhui Zhong. Nearly nonscattering electromagnetic wave set and its application. Zeitschrift Für Angewandte Mathematik und Physik, 68(2), APR 2017.
9. Jingzhi Li, Hongyu Liu, and Yuliang Wang. Recovering an electromagnetic obstacle by a few phaseless backscattering measurements. Inverse Problems, 33(3), MAR 2017.
10. Peijun Li, Yuliang Wang, Zewen Wang, and Yue Zhao. Inverse obstacle scattering for elastic waves. Inverse Problems, 32(11), NOV 2016.
11. Peijun Li, Yuliang Wang, and Yue Zhao. Near-field imaging of biperiodic surfaces for elastic waves. Journal of Computational Physics, 324:1–23, NOV 2016.
12. Gang Bao, Peijun Li, and Yuliang Wang. Near-field imaging with far-field data. Applied Mathematics Letters, 60:36–42, OCT 2016.
13. Hongyu Liu, Yuliang Wang, and Can Yang. Mathematical design of a novel gesture-based instruction/input device using wave detection. SIAM Journal on Imaging Sciences, 9(2):822– 841, JUN 2016.
14. Peijun Li, Yuliang Wang, and Yue Zhao. Convergence analysis in near-field imaging for elastic waves. Applicable Analysis, 95(11):2339–2360, SEP 2015.
15. Peijun Li and Yuliang Wang. Near-field imaging of small perturbed obstacles for elastic waves. Inverse Problems, 31(8), AUG 2015.
16. Peijun Li and Yuliang Wang. Numerical solution of an inverse obstacle scattering problem with nearfield data. Journal of Computational Physics, 290:157–168, JUN 2015.
17. Peijun Li, Yuliang Wang, and Yue Zhao. Inverse elastic surface scattering with near-field data. Inverse Problems, 31(3), MAR 2015. Selected as an "Insights" article.
18. Peijun Li and Yuliang Wang. Near-Field Imaging of Interior Cavities. Communications in Computational Physics, 17(2):542–563, FEB 2015.
19. Peijun Li and Yuliang Wang. Near-field imaging of obstacles. Inverse Problems and Imaging, 9(1):189–210, FEB 2015.
20. Ting Cheng, Peijun Li, and Yuliang Wang. Near field imaging of perfectly conducting grating surfaces. Journal of the Optical Society of America A, 30(12):2473–2481, DEC 2013.
21. Gang Bao and Yuliang Wang. Optimal design of antireflection coatings with different metrics. Journal of the Optical Society of America A, 30(4):656–662, APR 2013.