Shuai Wang is a professor in the Faculty of Geographical Science, Beijing Normal University. His expertise focused on human-natural coupling system, eco-hydrology, socio-hydrology, ecosystem services and management.
Coupled Human and Natural System Sustainability
Ecosystem Services and Management
Water, Vegetation and Soil Interaction andEcological Restoration
Landscape Pattern and Ecological Processes
Coupled Human and Natural System
Landscape Ecology
2017- Institute of Land Surface System and Sustainability Studies, Faculty of GeographicalScience, Beijing Normal University, Professor
2013-2017 Research Center for Eco-EnvironmentalSciences, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Assistant, associate professor
2009-2013 PhD. of Landscape Ecology, University of Chinese Academy of Sciences (Beijing, China)
2004-2007 MSc. of Geography, Beijing Normal University (Beijing, China)
2000-2004 BSc. of Geography, Inner Mongolia NormalUniversity (Huhhot, China)
Advisory Board member for Ambio A Journal of the Human Environment
Associate Editor of Land Degradation &Development
Associate Editor of People and Nature
Editorial Board Member of Geography and Sustainability
Academic Prizes and Awards:
Prize for YoungGeographer, Chinese Society of Geography, 2017
Outstanding Science and Technology Achievement Prize,Chinese Academy of Sciences, 2016.
Eco-hydrologicalprocesses and their impacts onecosystem services in arid andsemi-arid areas. (2020-2024), Major Program ofNSF China
Social-ecologicalSystem Evolution Mechanisms andSustainability in the Loess Plateau of China. (2020-2024),Key project of NSFChina
The effects of globalchange on ecosystem services.(2017-2022), The Project of National Key Researchand Development Program ofChina.
Sustainability ofSocio-Hydrological Systems.(2017-2020), Outstanding Youth Foundation projectof NSF China.
The interactionsof Ecosystem and Hydrology inSemi-Arid Loess Plateau of China. (2014-2018),Key project of NSF China.
Integration ofEco-hydrological Processes in HeiheRiver Basin. (2011-2016), Key project of NSF China.
Impacts ofclimate change on multiple ecosystemservices: processes and adaptation optionsat landscape scales (CLIMES).(2012-2014), Project of CAS and Academy of Finland.
Wei Fangli, WangShuai,Fu Bojie, Martin Brandt.Nonlinear dynamics of fires in Africa over recentdecades controlled byprecipitation. Glob Change Biol. 2020; 00:1–11.
Fu Bojie, Zhang Junze, WangShuai, et al.Classification–coordination–collaboration: a systems approachfor advancingsustainable development goals. National Science Review, 2020.
Song Shuang, WangShuai*,Fu Bojie, Liu Yanxu et al.Sediment transport under increasing anthropogenicstress: Regime shifts withinthe Yellow River, China. Ambio, 2020.
Li, Tong, WangShuai*, Bojie Fu, XiaomingFeng.Frequency Analyses of Peak Discharge Suspended Sediment Concentration intheUnited States. Journal of Soils Sediments 2020, 2: 1157–68.
Li, Tong, WangShuai*, Yanxu Liu, Bojie Fu, WenwuZhao.A Retrospective Analysis on Changes in Sediment Flux in the MississippiRiverSystem: Trends, Driving Forces, Implications. Journal of Soils Sediments2020,3: 1719–29.
Zhang, Junze, Nan Yin, YanLi, Jianping Yu, WangShuai*. SocioeconomicImpacts of aProtected Area in China: An Assessment from Rural Communities ofQianjiangyuanNational Park Pilot. Land Use Policy 2020, 99: 104849.
Li, Tong, WangShuai*, Yanxu Liu, Bojie Fu, DexinGao.Reversal of the Sediment Load Increase in the Amazon Basin InfluencedbyDivergent Trends of Sediment Transport from the Solimões Madeira Rivers.Catena2020, 195: 104804.
Wei, Fangli, WangShuai, Martin Brandt, Bojie Fu,MichaelE Meadows, Lixin Wang, Lanhui Wang, Xiaowei Tong, Rasmus Fensholt.ResponsesFeedbacks of African Dry Ecosystems to Environmental Changes. CurrentOpinion inEnvironmental Sustainability 2020, 48: 29–35.
Zhang, Junze, Bojie Fu, MarkStafford-Smith, WangShuai,Wenwu Zhao. Improve ForestRestoration Initiatives to Meet SustainableDevelopment Goal 15. Nature Ecologyand Evolution, 2020.
Wu, Xutong, Yongping Wei,Bojie Fu, WangShuai, YanZhao, Emilio F Moran.Evolution Effects of the Social-Ecological System over aMillennium in China’sLoess Plateau. Science Advances 2020, 41: eabc0276.
Zhang, Junze, Nan Yin, WangShuai*, Jianping Yu, Wenwu Zhao,BojieFu. A Multiple Importance–Satisfaction Analysis Framework for theSustainableManagement of Protected Areas: Integrating Ecosystem Services andBasic Needs.Ecosystem Services 2020, 46.
Song, Shuang, WangShuai*, Bojie Fu, Yuxiang Dong,YanxuLiu, Haibin Chen, Yaping Wang. Improving Representation of CollectiveMemory inSocio‐hydrologicalModels New Insights into Flood RiskManagement. Journal of Flood RiskManagement, 2020, e12679.
Wang, Cong, WangShuai, Bojie Fu, Yihe Lü, YuanxinLiu,Xing Wu. Integrating Vegetation Suitability in Sustainable Revegetationfor theLoess Plateau, China. Science of The Total Environment 2020, 143572.
WangShuai, Shuang Song, Junze Zhang, Xutong Wu,andBojie Fu. Achieving a Fit between Social and Ecological Systems in DrylandsforSustainability. Current Opinion in Environmental Sustainability 2020,48:53–58.
Li, Zidong, WangShuai*, Shuang Song, Yaping Wang,and WalterMusakwa. Detecting Land Degradation in Southern Africa Using TimeSeries Segmentand Residual Trend (TSS-RESTREND). Journal of Arid Environments2020,184:104314.
ShuaiWang, Bojie Fu*,Örjan Bodin, JianguoLiu, Mengmeng Zhang et al. Alignment of social andecological structuresincreased the ability of river management. Science Bulletin, 2019,64(18),1318-1324.
Xutong Wu, ShuaiWang, Bojie Fu*, Yan Zhao and Yongping Wei.Pathways frompayments for ecosystem services program to socioeconomicoutcomes. Ecosystem Services, 2019, 39, 101005.
Mengmeng Zhang, ShuaiWang*, Guangyao Gao,Bojie Fu, ZhaoxiaYe et al. Exploring responses of lake area to riverregulation and implicationsfor lake restoration in arid regions. Ecological engineering, 2019,128,18-26.
Xutong Wu, ShuaiWang, Bojie Fu*,Xiaoming Feng and Yongzhe Chen.Socio-ecological changes on the Loess Plateauof China after Grain to GreenProgram. Scienceof the Total Environment, 2019, 678, 565-573.
Bojie Fu, ShuaiWang, Junze Zhang, Zenqian HouandJinghai Li. Unravelling the complexity in achieving the17sustainable-development goals. NationalScience Review, 2019, 6(3),386-388.
Fangli Wei, ShuaiWang*, Bojie Fu and Yanxu Liu. Representation ofbiodiversity and ecosystemservices in East Africa’s protected areanetwork. Ambio, 2019, 1-13.
Yaping Wang, Wenwu Zhao, ShuaiWang*,Xiaoming Feng and Yanxu Liu.Yellow River water rebalanced by human regulation.Scientific Reports, 2019, 9,9707.
ShuaiWang,Fu Bojie*, Zhao Wenwu, Liu Yanxu,Wei Fangli. Structure,function, and dynamic mechanisms of coupled human-naturalsystems. Current Opinion in EnvironmentalSustainability, 2018,33:87-91.
ShuaiWang, Fu Bojie*, Chen Haibin, Liu Yu.Regional developmentboundary of China’s Loess Plateau: Water limit and landshortage. Land Use Policy, 2018, 74:130-136.
Wei Fangli, ShuaiWang*, Fu Bojie, Feng Xiaoming,Pannaiqing, Wang Cong.Vegetation dynamic trends and the main drivers detectedusing the ensembleempirical mode decomposition method in East Africa. LandDegrad Dev.2018.
Zhang Mengmeng, ShuaiWang*, Fu Bojie, Gao Guangyao,Shen Qin.Ecological effects and potential risks of the water diversion projectin theHeihe River Basin. Scienceof the Total Environment,2018, 619, 794-803.
Li Tong, ShuaiWang*, Liu Yanxu, Fu Bojie, Zhao Wenwu.Drivingforces and their contribution to the recent decrease in sediment flux tooceanof major rivers in China. Science of theTotal Environment, 2018.
Wei Fangli, ShuaiWang*, Fu Bojie, Linxiu Zhang, ErustusM Kanga, Fu Chao.Balancing community livelihoods and biodiversity conservationof protectedareas in East Africa. Current Opinion inEnvironmentalSustainability, 2018.
Wu Xutong, ShuaiWang*, Fu Bojie*, Liu Yu, Zhu Yuan.Land use optimizationbased on ecosystem service assessment: A case study in theYanhe watershed. Land Use Policy, 2018, 72, 303-312.
FangliWei, ShuaiWang*, Bojie Fu, Naiqing Pan, XiaomingFeng et al. Vegetationdynamic trends and the main drivers detected using theensemble empirical modedecomposition method in East Africa. Landdegradation& development, 2018, 29(8), 2542-2553.
WalterMusakwa*, ShuaiWang.Landscape change and its drivers:A Southern African perspective. Current Opinion inEnvironmentalSustainability, 2018.
ShuaiWang,Fu Bojie*, Liang Wei, Liu Yu, WangYafeng. Driving forces of changes in thewater and sediment relationship in theYellow River. Science of the Total Environment, 2017, 576, 453-461.
Fu Bojie*, ShuaiWang, Liu Yu, Liu Jianbo, Liang Wei, andMiao Chiyuan.Hydrogeomorphic ecosystem responses to natural and anthropogenicchanges in theLoess Plateau of China. Annual Review ofEarth and PlanetarySciences, 2017, 45, 223-243.
Wang Cong, ShuaiWang, Fu Bojie*, Li Zongshan, Wu Xing,Tang Qiang.Precipitation gradient determines the tradeoff between soil moistureand soilorganic carbon, total nitrogen, and species richness in the LoessPlateau,China. Science of the Total Environment,2017, 575, 1538-1545.
Wang Cong, ShuaiWang, Fu Bojie*, Yang Lei, Li Zongshan.Soil MoistureVariations with Land Use Along the Precipitation Gradient in theNorth-SouthTransect of the Loess Plateau. LandDegradation &Development, 2017, 28, 926-935.
ShuaiWang, Fu Bojie*, Piao Shilong, LüYihe,Ciais P. et al. 2016. Reduced sediment transport in the Yellow River duetoanthropogenic changes. NatureGeoscience, 2016, 9: 38-42.
ShuaiWang, Fu Bojie*, and Liang Wei.Developing policy for the Yellow Riversediment sustainable control. NationalScienceReview, 2016, 3, 162-165.
ShuaiWang, Fu Bojie*, and Liu Jianbo. Soilmoisture temporal stability analysisfor typical hilly and gully re-vegetatedcatchment in the Loess Plateau, China.Environmental Earth Sciences,2016, 75.9,1-9.
Feng, X., Fu, B.*,Piao, S., ShuaiWang., Ciais, P., etal. Revegetation inChina’s Loess Plateau is approaching sustainable waterresource limits. NatureClimate Change,2016.
Wang, C., ShuaiWang., Fu, B.*, & Zhang, L.Advancesin hydrological modelling with the Budyko framework A review. Progressin Physical Geography, 2016, 40(3),409-430.
ShuaiWang, Fu Bojie*, Gao Guangyao Zhou Ji,Jiao Lei, Liu Jianbo. Linking thesoil moisture distribution pattern to dynamicprocesses along slope transectsin the Loess Plateau, China. EnvironmentalMonitoringand Assessment, 2015, 187(12), 1-13.
Zhu, H., Fu, B.*, ShuaiWang., Zhu, L., Zhang, L.,Jiao,L., & Wang, C. Reducing soil erosion by improving communityfunctionaldiversity in semi‐aridgrasslands. Journal ofApplied Ecology, 2015, 52(4), 1063-1072.
ShuaiWang, Fu Bojie*. Trade-offs betweenforest ecosystem services. Forest Policy and Economics,2013, 26, 145-146.
Fu, B.*,Shuai Wang., Su, C., &Forsius,M. Linking ecosystemprocesses and ecosystem services. Current Opinion inEnvironmentalSustainability, 2013, 5(1), 4-10.
ShuaiWang, Fu Bojie*, Su Changhong, WeiYongping. Ecosystem services management:an integrated approach. Currentopinion in environmental sustainability, 2013, 5:11-15.
ShuaiWang, Fu Bojie*, Gao Guangyao, Liu Yu,Zhou Ji. Responses of soil moisturein different land cover types to rainfallevents in a re-vegetation catchmentarea of the Loess Plateau, China. Catena,2013,101, 122-128.
ShuaiWang, Fu Bojie*, Gao Guangyao,YaoXueling, Zhou Ji. Soil moisture and evapotranspiration of different landcovertypes in the Loess Plateau, China. Hydrologyand Earth System Sciences,2012, 16, 2883-2892.
ShuaiWang, Fu Bojie*, He Chansheng, Sun Ge,Gao Guangyao. A comparative analysisof forest cover and catchment water yieldrelationships in Northern China. Forest Ecology and Management,2011,262:1189-1198.