[1] 黄崇福,田雯,王润东. 在救灾智联网中推测信息孤岛救助需求强度的空间信息扩散模型,自然灾害学报,Vol.30, No.2, (2021), 1-13. https://doi.org/10.13577/j.jnd.2021.0201
[2] Huang C.F. Geospatial information diffusion based on self-learning discrete regression, Journal of Environmental Informatics, published online 15 December 2020. https://doi.org/10.3808/jei.202000439 (jeionline.org/index.php?journal=mys&page=article&op=view&path%5B%5D=202000439)
[3] 黄崇福.一种评价台风风险模型可靠性的计算机仿真方法,自然灾害学报,Vol.29, No. 5, (2020), 24-35. https://doi.org/10.13577/j.jnd.2020.0503
[4] Chongfu Huang. Analysis of death risk of COVID-19 under incomplete information. Journal of Risk Analysis and Crisis Response, August 2020, 10(2): 43 – 53.https://doi.org/10.2991/jracr.k.200709.002
[5] Chongfu Huang. Two judging criteria to check validity of a model for filling gaps caused by incomplete geospatial data. Environmental Research, July 2020, 186: 109401. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.envres.2020.109401
[6] 黄崇福. 借助背景数据的地理空间信息扩散技术, Journal of Risk Analysis and Crisis Response, 2019,9(1): 2-10,
[7] 黄崇福. 地震风险感知的智能数学描述方式, Journal of Risk Analysis and Crisis Response, 2018,8(3): 163-176,
[8] 黄崇福. 用信息扩散模型改进台风风险估计,系统工程理论与实践,2018,38 (9): 2315-2325.
[9] Chongfu Huang, Yundong Huang. An information diffusion technique to assess integrated hazard risks, Environmental Research, 2018, 161:104-113.
[10] 黄崇福. 智联网原理及其核心技术的发展. Journal of Risk Analysis and Crisis Response,Vol.7, No.3, (2017), 146–155.
[11] Chongfu Huang. Pavement model in Internet of intelligences and applications in risk analysis online. Human and Ecological Risk Assessment, Vol.23, No.3, (2017), 412-425
[12] Chongfu Huang, Tong Wu, Ortwin Renn. A Risk Radar driven by Internet of intelligences serving for emergency management in community. Environmental Research, Vol. 148, (2016), 550–559.
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[26] Chongfu Huang, Yee Leung. Estimating the relationship between isoseismal area and earthquake magnitude by hybrid fuzzy-neural-network method. Fuzzy Sets and Systems,Vol.107, No.2, (1999), 131-146.
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[29] Zhenrong Liu, Chongfu Huang. Information distribution method relevant in fuzzy information analysis. Fuzzy Sets and Systems, Vol.36, No.1, (1990), 67-76.
[30] 黄崇福. 自然灾害动态风险分析基本原理的探讨. 灾害学,Vol.30, No.2, (2015), 1-7.
[31] 黄崇福, 郭君, 艾福利, 吴彤. 洪涝灾害风险分析的基本范式及其应用. 自然灾害学报,Vol.22, No. 4, (2013), 11-23.
[32] 黄崇福. 信用风险的种类和用智联网改善风险识别的方略. Journal of Risk Analysis and Crisis Response, Vol.3, No. 1, (2013), 44-51.
[33] 黄崇福. 从应急管理到风险管理若干问题的探讨. 行政管理改革,No.5 (2012), 72-75.
[34] 黄崇福. 风险分析在线服务的智联网. Journal of Risk Analysis and Crisis Response, Vol.1, No. 2, (2011), 110-117.
[35] 黄崇福. 风险分析基本方法探讨. 自然灾害学报,Vol.20, No. 5, (2011), 1-10.
[36] 黄崇福. 自然灾害基本定义的探讨. 自然灾害学报,Vol.18,No.5,(2009),41-50.
[37] 黄崇福. 综合风险评估的一个基本模式. 应用基础与工程科学学报,Vol.16,No.3,(2008),371-381
[1] 黄崇福,自然灾害风险分析与管理,科学出版社,2012年6月出版
[2] 黄崇福,自然灾害风险评价:理论与实践,科学出版社,2005年2月出版
[3] Chongfu Huang and Yong Shi, Towards Efficient Fuzzy Information Processing --- Using the Principle of Information Diffusion, Physica-Verlag (Springer), Heidelberg, Germany, 2002
[4] 黄崇福,自然灾害风险分析,北京师范大学出版社, 2001年2月出版
[5] 黄崇福, 王家鼎,模糊信息优化处理技术及其应用, 北京航空航天大学出版社, 1995年2月出版
[6] 黄崇福, 王家鼎,《模糊信息分析与应用》, 北京师范大学出版社, 1992年12月出版
1. 黄崇福,田雯,王润东. 在救灾智联网中推测信息孤岛救助需求强度的空间信息扩散模型,自然灾害学报,Vol.30, No.2, (2021), 1-13.
2. Huang C.F. Geospatial information diffusion based on self-learning discrete regression, Journal of Environmental Informatics, published online 15 December 2020. https://doi.org/10.3808/jei.202000439
3. 黄崇福.一种评价台风风险模型可靠性的计算机仿真方法,自然灾害学报,Vol.29, No. 5, (2020), 24-35. https://doi.org/10.13577/j.jnd.2020.0503
4. Xiaojun Pan, Chongfu Huang, Chengyi Pu. Comprehensive disposal plan design & polymerization disaster risk assessment based on information diffusion technology in Fujiang River basin in Sichuan. Environmental Research, September 2020, 188: 109744.
5. Peijun Shi, Tao Ye, Ying Wang, Tao Zhou, Wei Xu, Juan Du, Jing’ai Wang, Ning Li, Chongfu Huang, Lianyou Liu, Bo Chen, Yun Su, Weihua Fang, Ming Wang, Xiaobin Hu, Jidong Wu, Chunyang He, Qiang Zhang, Qian Ye, Carlo Jaeger & Norio Okada. Disaster risk science: a geographical perspective and a research framework. International Journal of Disaster Risk Science, (2020) 11:426–440. https://doi.org/10.1007/s13753-020-00296-5
6. Chongfu Huang. Analysis of death risk of COVID-19 under incomplete information. Journal of Risk Analysis and Crisis Response, August 2020, 10(2): 43 – 53.
7. Chongfu Huang. Two judging criteria to check validity of a model for filling gaps caused by incomplete geospatial data. Environmental Research, July 2020, 186: 109401. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.envres.2020.109401
8. 自然灾害风险相对暴露度的研究,第六届中国西部风险分析与风险管理学术研讨会论文集(昆明, 2019年11月16-17日),黄崇福、骆华松、杨永生编,巴黎,Atlantis出版社,1-5,黄崇福
9. 以风险感知识别灾情影响因素的案例,第六届中国西部风险分析与风险管理学术研讨会论文集(昆明, 2019年11月16-17日),黄崇福、骆华松、杨永生编,巴黎,Atlantis出版社,82-87,王润东,黄崇福, 尹怡然
10. 县域尺度应急救援力量储备与动态调配的研究,第六届中国西部风险分析与风险管理学术研讨会论文集(昆明, 2019年11月16-17日),黄崇福、骆华松、杨永生编,巴黎,Atlantis出版社,177-181,田雯, 黄崇福, 尹怡然
11. The validity of geospatial information diffusion, Risk Analysis Based on Data and Crisis Response Beyond Knowledge -- Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Risk Analysis and Crisis Response (Athens, Greece, 15-19 October 2019), Eds. Chongfu Huang and Zoe Nivolianitou, Boca Raton, USA: CRC Press, 1-8, Chongfu Huang and Yundong Huang
12. A Python approach to collecting disaster data for the Internet of Intelligences, Risk Analysis Based on Data and Crisis Response Beyond Knowledge -- Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Risk Analysis and Crisis Response (Athens, Greece, 15-19 October 2019), Eds. Chongfu Huang and Zoe Nivolianitou, Boca Raton, USA: CRC Press, 196-202, Wen Tian and Chongfu Huang
13. Improvement of risk communication in the Internet of Intelligences, Risk Analysis Based on Data and Crisis Response Beyond Knowledge -- Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Risk Analysis and Crisis Response (Athens, Greece, 15-19 October 2019), Eds. Chongfu Huang and Zoe Nivolianitou, Boca Raton, USA: CRC Press, 458-463, Rundong Wang and Chongfu Huang
14. An approach to comply the geospatial information diffusion filling in gap units in Internet of intelligences for emergency rescue, Risk Analysis Based on Data and Crisis Response Beyond Knowledge -- Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Risk Analysis and Crisis Response (Athens, Greece, 15-19 October 2019), Eds. Chongfu Huang and Zoe Nivolianitou, Boca Raton, USA: CRC Press, 464-470, Yiran Yin and Chongfu Huang
15. 一种改进地理空间信息扩散系数的方法,第四届中国沿海地区灾害风险分析与管理学术研讨会论文集(青岛,2019年6月7-9日),乔森, 李迪编,巴黎,Atlantis出版社,1-5,黄崇福
16. 救灾智联网中背景数据统计分析,第四届中国沿海地区灾害风险分析与管理学术研讨会论文集(青岛,2019年6月7-9日),乔森, 李迪编,巴黎,Atlantis出版社,170-173,田雯,黄崇福
17. 智联网中风险沟通问卷设计的改进措施,第四届中国沿海地区灾害风险分析与管理学术研讨会论文集(青岛,2019年6月7-9日),乔森, 李迪编,巴黎,Atlantis出版社,174-178,王润东,黄崇福
18. 借助背景数据的地理空间信息扩散技术, Journal of Risk Analysis and Crisis Response, 2019,9(1): 2-10,黄崇福
19. 地震风险感知的智能数学描述方式, Journal of Risk Analysis and Crisis Response, 2018,8(3): 163-176,黄崇福
20. 地理空间上的信息扩散及其在风险分析中的应用,一带一路背景下的风险分析和危机反应---中国灾害防御协会风险分析专业委员会第八届年会论文集(西安,2018年10月20-21日),1-7,黄崇福
21. 三台县洪水和地震综合风险的一个估计,一带一路背景下的风险分析和危机反应---中国灾害防御协会风险分析专业委员会第八届年会论文集(西安,2018年10月20-21日),80-185,王秋余,黄崇福
22. 基于信息扩散技术的四川涪江流域综合风险评估,一带一路背景下的风险分析和危机反应---中国灾害防御协会风险分析专业委员会第八届年会论文集(西安,2018年10月20-21日),245-250,潘小军,黄崇福,张领雁
23. 由Leaflet构建网络GIS支持的智联网,一带一路背景下的风险分析和危机反应---中国灾害防御协会风险分析专业委员会第八届年会论文集(西安,2018年10月20-21日),579-585,孙雁南,黄崇福
24. 救灾智联网中地理空间信息扩散的编程研究,一带一路背景下的风险分析和危机反应---中国灾害防御协会风险分析专业委员会第八届年会论文集(西安,2018年10月20-21日),586-590,尹怡然,黄崇福
25. 用信息扩散模型改进台风风险估计,系统工程理论与实践,2018,38 (9): 2315-2325,黄崇福
26. 基于信任博弈分析海峡两岸安全风险, Journal of Risk Analysis and Crisis Response, 2018,8(2): 75-84,吴正光, 黄崇福
27. An information diffusion technique to assess integrated hazard risks, Environmental Research, 2018, 161:104-113, Chongfu Huang, Yundong Huang
28. 自然灾害风险的一个形态发生更新算法,灾害学,2018,33(3):17-23,田静,黄崇福,张建毅
29. 温州房地产泡沫产生及破裂的风险警示,Journal of Risk Analysis and Crisis Response, 2017,7(4): 179 – 188,潘安平,黄崇福,姜德华
30. Preliminary research on risk field framework of construction project, Proceedings of the 5th International Symposium on Project Management (Wuhan, China, June 24-25, 2017), Sydney, Australia: Aussino Academic Publishing House, 78-85, Jing Tian, Chongfu Huang, Germano Resconi
31. 因素空间与因素藤在智联网中的应用,模糊系统与数学,2017,31(6):59-65,郭君, 汪培庄,黄崇福
32. 智联网原理及其核心技术的发展,Journal of Risk Analysis and Crisis Response, 2017,7(3): 146–155,黄崇福
33. An approach to assess an integrated risk caused by two hazards, Risk Analysis and Management – Trends, Challenges and Emerging Issues -- Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Risk Analysis and Crisis Response (Ostrava-Prague, Czech Republic, June 5-9, 2017), Eds. Ales Bernatik, Chongfu Huang and Olivier Salvi, Boca Raton, USA: CRC Press, 33-41, Chongfu Huang
34. Risk analysis and management of countermeasures on sugarcane meteorological disasters under the global climate anomaly, Risk Analysis and Management – Trends, Challenges and Emerging Issues -- Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Risk Analysis and Crisis Response (Ostrava-Prague, Czech Republic, June 5-9, 2017), Eds. Ales Bernatik, Chongfu Huang and Olivier Salvi, Boca Raton, USA: CRC Press, 107-118, Xiaojun Pan, Chongfu Huang, Chengyi Pu, Heru Wang
35. Implementation of a web based map for the internet of intelligences to analyze regional disaster risks, Risk Analysis and Management – Trends, Challenges and Emerging Issues -- Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Risk Analysis and Crisis Response (Ostrava-Prague, Czech Republic, June 5-9, 2017), Eds. Ales Bernatik, Chongfu Huang and Olivier Salvi, Boca Raton, USA: CRC Press, 125-130, Yannan Sun, Chongfu Huang, Qiuyu Wang
36. Selection of a research area to construct a virtual case for integrated risk assessment of earthquake and flood, Risk Analysis and Management – Trends, Challenges and Emerging Issues -- Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Risk Analysis and Crisis Response (Ostrava-Prague, Czech Republic, June 5-9, 2017), Eds. Ales Bernatik, Chongfu Huang and Olivier Salvi, Boca Raton, USA: CRC Press, 131-137, Qiuyu Wang, Chongfu Huang, Yannan. Sun
37. An evaluation method for regional disaster loss based on the internet of intelligence technology, Risk Analysis and Management – Trends, Challenges and Emerging Issues -- Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Risk Analysis and Crisis Response (Ostrava-Prague, Czech Republic, June 5-9, 2017), Eds. Ales Bernatik, Chongfu Huang and Olivier Salvi, Boca Raton, USA: CRC Press, 167-174, Fanlei Zeng, Shujun Guo, Chongfu Huang
38. Pavement model in Internet of intelligences and applications in risk analysis online, Human and Ecological Risk Assessment, Vol.23, No.3, (2017), 412-425, Chongfu Huang
39. Valid historical data for probabilistic risk analysis in natural disasters, Human and Ecological Risk Assessment, Vol.23, No.3, (2017), 474-493, Jun Guo, Sijian Zhao, and Chongfu Huang,
40. Special issue: Advanced information technology for risk analysis, Human and Ecological Risk Assessment, Vol.23, No.3, (2017), 409-411, Chongfu Huang
41. 自然灾害概率风险的系统误差及校正研究,系统工程理论与实践,Vol. 37, No.2, (2017), 523-534, 郭君, 赵思健, 黄崇福
42. 台风风险的统计学意义及年度风险的计算,大数据时代的风险分析和危机反应--- 中国灾害防御协会风险分析专业委员会第七届年会论文集(长沙, 2016年11月4-6日),黄崇福,徐选华,赵思健,潘彬编,巴黎,Atlantis出版社,1-9,黄崇福
43. 基于情景的城市内涝灾害动态风险分析研究,大数据时代的风险分析和危机反应--- 中国灾害防御协会风险分析专业委员会第七届年会论文集(长沙, 2016年11月4-6日),黄崇福,徐选华,赵思健,潘彬编,巴黎,Atlantis出版社,712- 720,庞西磊,黄崇福,张英菊
44. 基于云计算的智联网初探,大数据时代的风险分析和危机反应--- 中国灾害防御协会风险分析专业委员会第七届年会论文集(长沙, 2016年11月4-6日),黄崇福,徐选华,赵思健,潘彬编,巴黎,Atlantis出版社,877- 883,孙雁南,黄崇福
45. 用智联网实现风险评估中信息收集去中心化的探讨,大数据时代的风险分析和危机反应--- 中国灾害防御协会风险分析专业委员会第七届年会论文集(长沙, 2016年11月4-6日),黄崇福,徐选华,赵思健,潘彬编,巴黎,Atlantis出版社,884-889,苏妩,黄崇福
46. 社区应急管理风险雷达中预设表单式信息结构化研究初探,大数据时代的风险分析和危机反应--- 中国灾害防御协会风险分析专业委员会第七届年会论文集(长沙, 2016年11月4-6日),黄崇福,徐选华,赵思健,潘彬编,巴黎,Atlantis出版社,890-896,冷一芳, 黄崇福
47. 一种基于智联网技术的城市暴雨内涝风险分析与预警,大数据时代的风险分析和危机反应--- 中国灾害防御协会风险分析专业委员会第七届年会论文集(长沙, 2016年11月4-6日),黄崇福,徐选华,赵思健,潘彬编,巴黎,Atlantis出版社,897-901,曾凡雷,刘建伟,黄崇福
48. 基于因素藤的智联网需求定制模式,大数据时代的风险分析和危机反应--- 中国灾害防御协会风险分析专业委员会第七届年会论文集(长沙, 2016年11月4-6日),黄崇福,徐选华,赵思健,潘彬编,巴黎,Atlantis出版社,902-907,郭君,黄崇福,汪培庄
49. 建立共识性地震宏观异常测度空间的研究,大数据时代的风险分析和危机反应--- 中国灾害防御协会风险分析专业委员会第七届年会论文集(长沙, 2016年11月4-6日),黄崇福,徐选华,赵思健,潘彬编,巴黎,Atlantis出版社,908-913,王蔚丹,黄崇福
50. 自然风景区综合风险雷达模式研究,大数据时代的风险分析和危机反应--- 中国灾害防御协会风险分析专业委员会第七届年会论文集(长沙, 2016年11月4-6日),黄崇福,徐选华,赵思健,潘彬编,巴黎,Atlantis出版社,914-919,张俊香,黄崇福,胡善风
51. 基于智联网技术的流域水库群防洪利益相关者风险沟通模式研究,大数据时代的风险分析和危机反应--- 中国灾害防御协会风险分析专业委员会第七届年会论文集(长沙, 2016年11月4-6日),黄崇福,徐选华,赵思健,潘彬编,巴黎,Atlantis出版社,920-926,梁屹,黄崇福
52. A Risk Radar driven by Internet of intelligences serving for emergency management in community, Environmental Research,2016, 148:550–559,Chongfu Huang, Tong Wu, Ortwin Renn
53. To facilitate the advance of risk analysis and crisis response in China, Environmental Research,2016, 148: 547–549,Dong Wang, Chongfu Huang, Bixian Mai
54. An Approach to Ranking Integrated Models for Risk Assessment by Using the Internet of Intelligences, Journal of Risk Analysis and Crisis Response, 2016, 6(1): 2-9, Weidan Wang, Sen Qiao, Fanlei Zeng, Jun Guo, Chongfu Huang
55. 自然灾害动态风险评估的一种基本模式,灾害学,Vol.31, No.1, (2016), 1-6, 庞西磊,黄崇福, 张英菊
56. 自然灾害动态风险分析的一个虚拟案例,灾害学,Vol.30, No.4, (2015), 1-11, 黄崇福
57. 自然灾害动态风险分析的一个形式化模型,灾害学,Vol.30, No.3, (2015), 1-9, 黄崇福
58. 自然灾害动态风险分析基本原理的探讨,灾害学,Vol.30, No.2, (2015), 1-7, 黄崇福
59. 与月份及预警有关的广东省台风动态风险研究, 系统工程理论与实践,Vol.35, No. 6, (2015), 1604-1616, 郭君, 黄崇福, 艾福利
60. A paradigm to construct Internet of Intelligences for risk assessment, Emerging Economies, Risk and Development, and Intelligent Technology -- Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Risk Analysis and Crisis Response (Tangier, Morocco, June 1–3, 2015), Eds. Chongfu Huang, Abdelouahid Lyhyaoui, Guofang Zhai and Nesrin Benhayoun, Boca Raton, USA: CRC Press, 1-6, Chongfu Huang.
61. A scenario puzzle method for dynamic regional disaster risk assessment, Emerging Economies, Risk and Development, and Intelligent Technology -- Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Risk Analysis and Crisis Response (Tangier, Morocco, June 1–3, 2015), Eds. Chongfu Huang, Abdelouahid Lyhyaoui, Guofang Zhai and Nesrin Benhayoun, Boca Raton, USA: CRC Press, 427-434, Fanlei Zeng, Chongfu Huang, Shujun Guo
62. A preliminary study on time characteristic of natural disaster risk, Emerging Economies, Risk and Development, and Intelligent Technology -- Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Risk Analysis and Crisis Response (Tangier, Morocco, June 1–3, 2015), Eds. Chongfu Huang, Abdelouahid Lyhyaoui, Guofang Zhai and Nesrin Benhayoun, Boca Raton, USA: CRC Press, 533-539, Jun Guo, Sijian Zhao, Chongfu Huang
63. Risk assessment of disaster caused by heavy rainfall: A case study in Beijing, Emerging Economies, Risk and Development, and Intelligent Technology -- Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Risk Analysis and Crisis Response (Tangier, Morocco, June 1–3, 2015), Eds. Chongfu Huang, Abdelouahid Lyhyaoui, Guofang Zhai and Nesrin Benhayoun, Boca Raton, USA: CRC Press, 541-546, Weihua Cao, Chongfu Huang and Hanping Zhao
64. Internet of intelligences can be a platform for risk analysis and management, Human and Ecological Risk Assessment,Vol.21, No.5, (2015), 1395-1409,Chongfu Huang.
65. Scenario-based economic risk assessment of paddy damage caused by floods in the Huai River Sub-Basin of China, Human and Ecological Risk Assessment,Vol.21, No.5, (2015), 1186–1205,Sijian Zhao, Qiao Zhang, Chongfu Huang.
66. 基于智联网的海洋环境风险评估互联网平台初探,海洋系统风险分析和管理的新视角---第二届中国沿海地区灾害风险分析与管理学术研讨会论文集(海口,2014年11月29-30日),黄崇福,王春乙,张韧编,巴黎,Atlantis出版社,14-20,苏妩,黄崇福,曾凡雷
67. 从概率统计进化到智联网的动态风险评估,风险分析和危机反应中的信息技术--- 中国灾害防御协会风险分析专业委员会第六届年会论文集(呼和浩特, 2014年8月23-27日),黄崇福,包玉海,赵思健编,巴黎,Atlantis出版社,1-8,黄崇福
68. 地震群测群防智联网中双层虚假问题的研究,风险分析和危机反应中的信息技术--- 中国灾害防御协会风险分析专业委员会第六届年会论文集(呼和浩特, 2014年8月23-27日),黄崇福,包玉海,赵思健编,巴黎,Atlantis出版社,74-79,王蔚丹,黄崇福,曾凡雷
69. 智联网经验拼图模式及其在风险评估中的应用,风险分析和危机反应中的信息技术--- 中国灾害防御协会风险分析专业委员会第六届年会论文集(呼和浩特, 2014年8月23-27日),黄崇福,包玉海,赵思健编,巴黎,Atlantis出版社,80-85,曾凡雷,蒋卫国,黄崇福,王蔚丹
70. 自然灾害风险分析智联网中的柔性地理信息及其应用,风险分析和危机反应中的信息技术--- 中国灾害防御协会风险分析专业委员会第六届年会论文集(呼和浩特, 2014年8月23-27日),黄崇福,包玉海,赵思健编,巴黎,Atlantis出版社,199-205,郭君,艾福利,蒋卫国,黄崇福
71. 多源异构信息的融合方法及其在应急监控预警中的应用,风险分析和危机反应中的信息技术--- 中国灾害防御协会风险分析专业委员会第六届年会论文集(呼和浩特, 2014年8月23-27日),黄崇福,包玉海,赵思健编,巴黎,Atlantis出版社,316-321,梁屹,蒋卫国,黄崇福
72. 智联网驱动的风险雷达实现探讨,风险分析和危机反应中的信息技术--- 中国灾害防御协会风险分析专业委员会第六届年会论文集(呼和浩特, 2014年8月23-27日),黄崇福,包玉海,赵思健编,巴黎,Atlantis出版社,468-473,吴彤,艾福利,郑建军,黄崇福
73. 基于综合风险评估模式与信息扩散原理的台风灾害风险评估方法探讨及应用,风险分析和危机反应中的信息技术--- 中国灾害防御协会风险分析专业委员会第六届年会论文集(呼和浩特, 2014年8月23-27日),黄崇福,包玉海,赵思健编,巴黎,Atlantis出版社,698-703,吴彤,黄崇福,翟国方,郭君
74. 用智联网缓解风险分析中的 4 个问题,自然灾害学报,Vol.23, No. 2, (2014), 1-7, 黄崇福
75. Multiple Internet of intelligences for risk analysis, Journal of Risk Analysis and Crisis Response, Vol.4, No. 2, (2014), 61 - 71, Chongfu Huang
76. Fire risk assessment of residential buildings based on fire statistics from China, Fire Technology, Vol.50, No.5, (2014), 1147–1161,Jing Xin, Chongfu Huang
77. 洪涝灾害风险分析的基本范式及其应用,自然灾害学报,Vol.22, No. 4, (2013), 11-23, 黄崇福, 郭君, 艾福利, 吴彤
78. The measurement of effective knowledge in multiple Internet of intelligences and application in risk assessment, Intelligent Systems and Decision Making for Risk Analysis and Crisis Response -- Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Risk Analysis and Crisis Response (Istanbul, Turkey, August 27–29, 2013), Eds. Chongfu Huang, Cengiz Kahraman, Boca Raton, USA: CRC Press, 1-8, Chongfu Huang.
79. Scenario-based risk assessment and zonation of paddy caused by flood in Huai River sub-basin of China, Intelligent Systems and Decision Making for Risk Analysis and Crisis Response -- Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Risk Analysis and Crisis Response (Istanbul, Turkey, August 27–29, 2013), Eds. Chongfu Huang, Cengiz Kahraman, Boca Raton, USA: CRC Press, 107-116, Sijian Zhao, Qiao Zhang, Chongfu Huang.
80. A method for extracting and integrating scattered information in internet of intelligences and an application in risk analysis of natural disaster, Intelligent Systems and Decision Making for Risk Analysis and Crisis Response -- Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Risk Analysis and Crisis Response (Istanbul, Turkey, August 27–29, 2013), Eds. Chongfu Huang, Cengiz Kahraman, Boca Raton, USA: CRC Press, 207-215, Fuli Ai, Jun Guo, Chongfu Huang, Fanlei Zeng, Tong Wu.
81. Operation mechanism and interfered information’s screening strategy of internet of intelligence, Intelligent Systems and Decision Making for Risk Analysis and Crisis Response -- Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Risk Analysis and Crisis Response (Istanbul, Turkey, August 27–29, 2013), Eds. Chongfu Huang, Cengiz Kahraman, Boca Raton, USA: CRC Press, 313-318, Fanlei Zeng, Chongfu Huang, Fuli Ai
82. Study on typhoon catastrophe risk assessment model framework, Intelligent Systems and Decision Making for Risk Analysis and Crisis Response -- Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Risk Analysis and Crisis Response (Istanbul, Turkey, August 27–29, 2013), Eds. Chongfu Huang, Cengiz Kahraman, Boca Raton, USA: CRC Press, 341-348, Junxiang Zhang, Chongfu Huang.
83. The case study of soft hierarchical model on integrated risk assessment for multiple disaster of multiple risk sources, Intelligent Systems and Decision Making for Risk Analysis and Crisis Response -- Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Risk Analysis and Crisis Response (Istanbul, Turkey, August 27–29, 2013), Eds. Chongfu Huang, Cengiz Kahraman, Boca Raton, USA: CRC Press, 729-736, Ye Xue, Chongfu Huang, Chonghuai Niu, Yu Wang.
84. Synthetic prediction of the risk management for cloud computing services composition, Intelligent Systems and Decision Making for Risk Analysis and Crisis Response -- Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Risk Analysis and Crisis Response (Istanbul, Turkey, August 27–29, 2013), Eds. Chongfu Huang, Cengiz Kahraman, Boca Raton, USA: CRC Press, 749-755, Xiaobei Liang, Rui Zhang, Bingyong Tang, Chongfu Huang.
85. A discussion on using internet of intelligences to improve risk radar, Intelligent Systems and Decision Making for Risk Analysis and Crisis Response -- Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Risk Analysis and Crisis Response (Istanbul, Turkey, August 27–29, 2013), Eds. Chongfu Huang, Cengiz Kahraman, Boca Raton, USA: CRC Press, 831-837, Tong Wu, Chongfu Huang, Fuli Ai, Fanlei Zeng, Jun Guo.
86. 信用风险的种类和用智联网改善风险识别的方略Journal of Risk Analysis and Crisis Response, Vol.3, No. 1, (2013), 44-51, 黄崇福
87. Fire risk analysis of residential buildings based on scenario clusters and its application in fire risk management, Fire Safety Journal, Vol.62, Part A, (2013), 72–78, Jing Xin, Chongfu Huang
88. Experimental riskology: a new discipline for risk analysis. Human and Ecological Risk Assessment,Vol.19, No. 2, (2013), 389-399,Chongfu Huang.
89. 风险分析的困惑和智联网的使命,风险分析和危机反应的创新理论和方法---中国灾害防御协会风险分析专业委员会第五届年会论文集(南京,2012年10月27-28日),黄崇福,翟国方编,巴黎,Atlantis出版社,1-9,黄崇福
90. 高考志愿填报风险评估智联网服务平台,风险分析和危机反应的创新理论和方法---中国灾害防御协会风险分析专业委员会第五届年会论文集(南京,2012年10月27-28日),黄崇福,翟国方编,巴黎,Atlantis出版社,44-49,艾福利,黄崇福,王蔚丹
91. 基于智联网的地震预报策略初探,风险分析和危机反应的创新理论和方法---中国灾害防御协会风险分析专业委员会第五届年会论文集(南京,2012年10月27-28日),黄崇福,翟国方编,巴黎,Atlantis出版社,50-55,王蔚丹,黄崇福,艾福利
92. 基于模糊排序的多个风险源模糊风险评估,风险分析和危机反应的创新理论和方法---中国灾害防御协会风险分析专业委员会第五届年会论文集(南京,2012年10月27-28日),黄崇福,翟国方编,巴黎,Atlantis出版社,78-83,薛晔,陈报章,黄崇福,牛冲槐,严建武
93. 自然灾害风险研究进展的一个调查,风险分析和危机反应的创新理论和方法---中国灾害防御协会风险分析专业委员会第五届年会论文集(南京,2012年10月27-28日),黄崇福,翟国方编,巴黎,Atlantis出版社,168-176,郭君, 黄崇福
94. 自然灾害风险分析的形态发生估计方法,风险分析和危机反应的创新理论和方法---中国灾害防御协会风险分析专业委员会第五届年会论文集(南京,2012年10月27-28日),黄崇福,翟国方编,巴黎,Atlantis出版社,431-437,田静,黄崇福
95. 建筑物火灾风险分析的基本原理,风险分析和危机反应的创新理论和方法---中国灾害防御协会风险分析专业委员会第五届年会论文集(南京,2012年10月27-28日),黄崇福,翟国方编,巴黎,Atlantis出版社,576-581,辛晶, 黄崇福
96. 风险摆原理模型,风险分析和危机反应的创新理论和方法---中国灾害防御协会风险分析专业委员会第五届年会论文集(南京,2012年10月27-28日),黄崇福,翟国方编,巴黎,Atlantis出版社,622-627,张峰,黄崇福,艾福利
97. 从应急管理到风险管理若干问题的探讨,行政管理改革,No.5 (2012), 72-75,黄崇福
98. 多灾种综合风险评估软层次模型,地理科学进展,Vol.31 , No.3, (2012), 353-360, 薛晔; 陈报章; 黄崇福; 严建武
99. 基于信息扩散理论的东北三省农业洪灾风险评估,中国农学通报,Vol.28 , No.8, (2012), 271-275,庞西磊, 黄崇福, 艾福利
100.企业财产台风风险评估:以浙江省台州市为例, 系统工程理论与实践, Vol.32, No.2,(2012),425-432, 曹伟华, 黄崇福, 赵晗萍, 赵思健
101.情景驱动的区域自然灾害风险分析,自然灾害学报,Vol.21, No. 1, (2012), 9-17, 赵思健, 黄崇福, 郭树军
102.A cover technique to verify the reliability of a model for calculating fuzzy probabilities, International Journal of Disaster Risk Science, Vol.2, No.3,(2011),1–10, Chongfu Huang
103.建筑物火灾蔓延机理及概率模型, 消防科学与技术, Vol. 30, No. 10,(2011), 886-888,辛晶, 黄崇福
104.风险分析在线服务的智联网, Journal of Risk Analysis and Crisis Response, Vol.1, No. 2, (2011), 110-117, 黄崇福
105.风险分析基本方法探讨,自然灾害学报,Vol.20, No. 5, (2011), 1-10, 黄崇福
106.一个基于幕景概念的风险实验平台设计方案, 首届中国沿海地区灾害风险分析与风险管理学术研讨会论文集(上海,2011年10月29-30日),温家洪,赵思健,叶欣梁编,巴黎,Atlantis出版社,1-9,黄崇福,张峰,庞西磊
107.自然灾害巨灾保险中估计期望损失的一个离散化模型, Journal of Risk Analysis and Crisis Response, Vol.1, No. 1, (2011), 48-58, 黄崇福,石兴
108.Differences between disaster prediction and risk assessment in natural disasters, Human and Ecological Risk Assessment,Vol.17, No.3, 542-553, (2011), Chongfu Huang
109.Risk assessment of land-falling tropical cyclones in guangdong province, china, Human and Ecological Risk Assessment,Vol.17, No.3, 732-744, (2011), Junxiang Zhang, Chongfu Huang, Xulong Liu and Qinghua Gong
110.Special issue: introduction to selected papers from risk analysis and crisis response - 2009,Human and Ecological Risk Assessment,Vol.17, No.3, 538-541, (2011), Chongfu Huang
111.台风暴雨灾害风险区划更新实证分析,灾害学,Vol.26,No.1,(2011),99-103,张俊香, 黄崇福, 刘旭拢, 宫清华
112.Experimental riskology to study risk in ontological meaning, Beyond Experience in Risk Analysis and Crisis Response -- Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Risk Analysis and Crisis Response (Laredo, Texas, USA, May 22–25, 2011), Eds. Chongfu Huang, Jaime Ortiz, Steve Sears, Paris: Atlantis Press, 1-7, Chongfu Huang.
113.Morphogenetic-weighted updating algorithm and its application in updating probabilistic risk of typhoon rainstorms, Beyond Experience in Risk Analysis and Crisis Response -- Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Risk Analysis and Crisis Response (Laredo, Texas, USA, May 22–25, 2011), Eds. Chongfu Huang, Jaime Ortiz, Steve Sears, Paris: Atlantis Press, 76-81, Jing Tian, Junxiang Zhang, Chongfu Huang, Germano Resconi.
114.An application of morphogenetic system theory to construct information matrix for extracting rules, Beyond Experience in Risk Analysis and Crisis Response -- Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Risk Analysis and Crisis Response (Laredo, Texas, USA, May 22–25, 2011), Eds. Chongfu Huang, Jaime Ortiz, Steve Sears, Paris: Atlantis Press, 82-87, Germano Resconi, Jing Tian, Chongfu Huang.
115.The design and application of the typhoon disaster emergency management program base on WEBGIS, Beyond Experience in Risk Analysis and Crisis Response -- Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Risk Analysis and Crisis Response (Laredo, Texas, USA, May 22–25, 2011), Eds. Chongfu Huang, Jaime Ortiz, Steve Sears, Paris: Atlantis Press, 153-159, Fuli Ai, Hanping Zhao, Chongfu Huang, Xilei Pang
116.An approach to analyze risks by computing with words, New Mathematics and Natural Computation, Vol. 7, No. 1 (2011), 89-103, Chongfu Huang.
118.实验风险学初探,中国视角的风险分析和危机反应--- 中国灾害防御协会风险分析专业委员会第四届年会论文集(长春, 2010年8月16-17日),黄崇福,张继权、周宗放编,巴黎,Atlantis出版社,1-7,黄崇福
119.风险分析的主要方法,中国视角的风险分析和危机反应--- 中国灾害防御协会风险分析专业委员会第四届年会论文集(长春, 2010年8月16-17日),黄崇福,张继权、周宗放编,巴黎,Atlantis出版社,51-58,黄崇福,杨军民,庞西磊
120.自然灾害风险分析方法与相关技术的研究进展跟踪,中国视角的风险分析和危机反应--- 中国灾害防御协会风险分析专业委员会第四届年会论文集(长春, 2010年8月16-17日),黄崇福,张继权、周宗放编,巴黎,Atlantis出版社,87-96,庞西磊,黄崇福,赵思健
121.自然灾害风险分析的一个导言,中国视角的风险分析和危机反应--- 中国灾害防御协会风险分析专业委员会第四届年会论文集(长春, 2010年8月16-17日),黄崇福,张继权、周宗放编,巴黎,Atlantis出版社,102-108,黄崇福,庞西磊,杨军民
122.基于二维信息扩散和泊松假设的台风风险分析模型,中国视角的风险分析和危机反应--- 中国灾害防御协会风险分析专业委员会第四届年会论文集(长春, 2010年8月16-17日),黄崇福,张继权、周宗放编,巴黎,Atlantis出版社,350-359,丁慧彦,黄崇福,曹伟华
123.情景驱动的淮河流域水稻洪涝灾害风险评估,中国视角的风险分析和危机反应--- 中国灾害防御协会风险分析专业委员会第四届年会论文集(长春, 2010年8月16-17日),黄崇福,张继权、周宗放编,巴黎,Atlantis出版社,392-399,赵思健,黄崇福
124.一种基于词语计算的高层建筑火灾危险性评估方法,中国视角的风险分析和危机反应--- 中国灾害防御协会风险分析专业委员会第四届年会论文集(长春, 2010年8月16-17日),黄崇福,张继权、周宗放编,巴黎,Atlantis出版社,573-580,韩俊玲,黄崇福,赵思健
125.台风灾害应急的渔船回港避风模型,中国视角的风险分析和危机反应--- 中国灾害防御协会风险分析专业委员会第四届年会论文集(长春, 2010年8月16-17日),黄崇福,张继权、周宗放编,巴黎,Atlantis出版社,807-813,丁慧彦,赵晗萍,黄崇福,李莉
126.基于模糊推理的一个建筑物台风易损性分析模型,中国视角的风险分析和危机反应--- 中国灾害防御协会风险分析专业委员会第四届年会论文集(长春, 2010年8月16-17日),黄崇福,张继权、周宗放编,巴黎,Atlantis出版社,819-825,陈艳,黄崇福
127.日本灾害保险研究现况及其对中国自然灾害保险的启示,经济与管理研究,No.6, (2010), 102-108,丁慧彦, 赵晗萍, 黄崇福, 陈艳
130.灾害风险评估中原始数据模糊不确定性的处理方法,太原理工大学学报,Vol. 49,No.5,(2009),545-549,薛晔,黄崇福
131.A note on the difference between disaster prediction and risk assessment in natural disasters, New Perspectives on Risk Analysis and Crisis Response -- Proceedings of the Second International Conference on Risk Analysis and Crisis Response (Beijing, China, October 19-21, 2009), Eds. Chongfu Huang, Jonathan B. Wiener, Jinren Ni, Paris: Atlantis Press, 1-7, Chongfu Huang
132.A discussion on the basic definition for risk of meteorological disasters and a basic assessment model, New Perspectives on Risk Analysis and Crisis Response -- Proceedings of the Second International Conference on Risk Analysis and Crisis Response (Beijing, China, October 19-21, 2009), Eds. Chongfu Huang, Jonathan B. Wiener, Jinren Ni, Paris: Atlantis Press, 451-460, Shujun Guo, Chongfu Huang, Guolei Liu, Hanping Zhao
133.An introduction of CRAME V1.1 for risk analysis in natural disasters, New Perspectives on Risk Analysis and Crisis Response -- Proceedings of the Second International Conference on Risk Analysis and Crisis Response (Beijing, China, October 19-21, 2009), Eds. Chongfu Huang, Jonathan B. Wiener, Jinren Ni, Paris: Atlantis Press, 647-654, Huiyan Ding, Chongfu Huang
135.Integration degree of risk in terms of scene and application, Stochastic Environmental Research and Risk Assessment, Vol. 23, No. 4, 2009, 473-484 Chongfu Huang (DOI 10.1007/s00477-008-0234-6)
136.A value chain approach to crisis response system: the case of Qingdao, Stochastic Environmental Research and Risk Assessment, Vol. 23, No. 4, 2009, 485-492, Jianhua Li, Zhengping Zhang, Ruihuan Jing, Chongfu Huang (DOI 10.1007/s00477-008-0235-5)
137.A new method and its application of handling fuzzy uncertainty of data in disaster risk assessment. Global Congress on Intelligent Systems. 2009: 431-434. Ye Xue, Chongfu Huang, Xuzhu Wang
138.Some comments on existing models of seismic risks to insurance industry,Proceedings of the 14th World Conference on Earthquake Engineering (Beijing, China, October 12-17, 2008) , St Louis: Mira Digital Publishing, 2008, No. S01-02-032, Yao Lu, Chongfu Huang
139.自然灾害风险区划图的更新原理,风险分析与危机反应的理论和实践 --- 中国灾害防御协会风险分析专业委员会第三届年会论文集(广州, 2008年11月8-9日),黄崇福,刘希林编,巴黎,Atlantis出版社,1-8,黄崇福
140.震害应急搜救离散仿真模型研究,风险分析与危机反应的理论和实践 --- 中国灾害防御协会风险分析专业委员会第三届年会论文集(广州, 2008年11月8-9日),黄崇福,刘希林编,巴黎,Atlantis出版社,193-198,杨富平,黄崇福
141.模糊风险分析研究进展与展望,风险分析与危机反应的理论和实践 --- 中国灾害防御协会风险分析专业委员会第三届年会论文集(广州, 2008年11月8-9日),黄崇福,刘希林编,巴黎,Atlantis出版社,205-212, 刘国磊,黄崇福,杨军民
142.风险模型库的设计与原型实现,风险分析与危机反应的理论和实践 --- 中国灾害防御协会风险分析专业委员会第三届年会论文集(广州, 2008年11月8-9日),黄崇福,刘希林编,巴黎,Atlantis出版社,213-217,郭树军,黄崇福,赵晗萍,曹伟华,刘国磊,贾东云,王野
143.基于破坏概率矩阵的厂房建筑物台风易损性评价,风险分析与危机反应的理论和实践 --- 中国灾害防御协会风险分析专业委员会第三届年会论文集(广州, 2008年11月8-9日),黄崇福,刘希林编,巴黎,Atlantis出版社,444-450,曹伟华,黄崇福,赵晗萍, 丁慧彦
144.北京2008奥林匹克运动会期间安全风险的模糊综合评判,风险分析与危机反应的理论和实践 --- 中国灾害防御协会风险分析专业委员会第三届年会论文集(广州, 2008年11月8-9日),黄崇福,刘希林编,巴黎,Atlantis出版社,767-772,陆遥,黄崇福
145.考虑网络用户安全需求特性的风险评估动态模型,风险分析与危机反应的理论和实践 --- 中国灾害防御协会风险分析专业委员会第三届年会论文集(广州, 2008年11月8-9日),黄崇福,刘希林编,巴黎,Atlantis出版社,804-813,刘安林,王野,黄崇福
147.自然灾害风险可保性研究,应用基础与工程科学学报,Vol.16,No.3,(2008), 382-392,石兴,黄崇福
148.广东沿海台风暴潮灾害的地理分布特征和风险评估(1949-2005),应用基础与工程科学学报,Vol.16,No.3,(2008),393-402, 张俊香,黄崇福,刘旭拢
149.A risk assessment model of water shortage based on information diffusion technology and its application in analyzing carrying capacity of water resources, Water Resources Management, Vol.22, No.5, 2008, 621-633, Lihua Feng, Chongfu Huang
150.Fuzzy risks and an updating algorithm with new observations, Risk Analysis, Vol. 28, No. 3, 2008, 681-694, Chongfu Huang, Da Ruan
152.Histogram-covering approach to verify model reliability, Journal of Multiple-Valued Logic and Soft Computing, Vol.14, No.3-5, 2008, 265-275, Chongfu Huang and Dongyun Jia
153.Four Models to Calculate a Fuzzy Probability Distribution with a Small Sample, International Journal of Information Technology and Decision Making, Vol. 6, No. 4, (2007), 611-623, Chongfu Huang, Tian Zong, Zhifen Chen
154.The basic principle of integrated risk assessment, Advances in Studies on Risk Analysis and Crisis Response -- Proceedings of the First International Conference on Risk Analysis and Crisis Response(Shanghai, China, September 25-26, 2007), Eds. Chongfu Huang, Christopher Frey, Jiali Feng, Paris: Atlantis Press, 1-6 , Chongfu Huang
155.Recognition on the relativity between typhoon and storm surge using fuzzy interval information matrix, Advances in Studies on Risk Analysis and Crisis Response -- Proceedings of the First International Conference on Risk Analysis and Crisis Response(Shanghai, China, September 25-26, 2007), Eds. Chongfu Huang, Christopher Frey, Jiali Feng, Paris: Atlantis Press, 39-44, Xulong Liu, Junxiang Zhang, Chongfu Huang
156.System simulation framework for risk governance, Advances in Studies on Risk Analysis and Crisis Response -- Proceedings of the First International Conference on Risk Analysis and Crisis Response(Shanghai, China, September 25-26, 2007), Eds. Chongfu Huang, Christopher Frey, Jiali Feng, Paris: Atlantis Press, 199-203, Jiadong Jiang, Hanping Zhao, Chongfu Huang, Fuping Yang, Ye Wang
157.A framework for vulnerability assessment to typhoon storm surge risk of the coastal counties in Guangdong, China, Advances in Studies on Risk Analysis and Crisis Response -- Proceedings of the First International Conference on Risk Analysis and Crisis Response(Shanghai, China, September 25-26, 2007), Eds. Chongfu Huang, Christopher Frey, Jiali Feng, Paris: Atlantis Press, 556-561, Junxiang Zhang, Chongfu Huang
158.Value chain analysis and development scheme of Qingdao’s emergency response system, Advances in Studies on Risk Analysis and Crisis Response -- Proceedings of the First International Conference on Risk Analysis and Crisis Response(Shanghai, China, September 25-26, 2007), Eds. Chongfu Huang, Christopher Frey, Jiali Feng, Paris: Atlantis Press, 853-857, Jianhua Li, Zhengping Zhang, Chongfu Huang, Gaohui Wang, Xiangqian Ding
159.Risk analysis with information described in natural language,Lecture Notes in Computer Science -- Proceedings of the seventh International Conference on Computational Science (Beijing, China, May 27-30, 2007), Eds. Yong Shi, Geert Dick van Albada, Jack Dongarra, Peter M.A. Sloot, Vol. 4489, 1016–1023, Heidelberg: Springer, 2007, Chongfu Huang
160.Flood disaster risk analysis for songhua river basin based on theory of information diffusion, Lecture Notes in Computer Science -- Proceedings of the seventh International Conference on Computational Science (Beijing, China, May 27-30, 2007), Eds. Yong Shi, Geert Dick van Albada, Jack Dongarra, Peter M.A. Sloot, Vol. 4489, 1069–1076, Heidelberg: Springer, 2007, Chang Yi, Chongfu Huang, Yaozhong Pan
161.Soft risk maps of natural disasters and their applications to decision-making, Information Sciences, Vol.177, No. 7, 2007, 1583-1592, Chongfu Huang and Hiroshi Inoue
162.自然灾害风险评估模型的研究进展, 应用基础与工程科学学报,Vol.14,增刊,(2006.12),1-10,薛 晔,黄崇福
163.综合风险管理的地位、框架设计和多态灾害链风险分析研究, 应用基础与工程科学学报,Vol.14,增刊,(2006.12),29-37,黄崇福
164.从特大火灾事故分析看我国大型公共场所火灾风险, 应用基础与工程科学学报,Vol.14,增刊,(2006.12),101-107,陈志芬, 陈晋,黄崇福,李强,谭明艳
165.基于保险标的的风险管理与计算机仿真研究, 应用基础与工程科学学报,Vol.14,增刊,(2006.12),142-147,贾东云,黄崇福
166.灾害救援仿真模式研究, 应用基础与工程科学学报,Vol.14,增刊,(2006.12),180-187,杨富平,姚清林,黄崇福,曲国胜,赵晗萍
167.模糊信息优化处理技术在自然灾害风险分析中的应用及展望, 应用基础与工程科学学报,Vol.14,增刊,(2006.12),258-265,周健,柏奎盛,逯馨华,黄崇福,杨富平
168.An Approach Based on Analytic Geometry to Prove the Principle of Information Diffusion, Dynamics of Continuous Discrete and Impulsive Systems (Series B, Applications & Algorithms), Vol.13(Suppl), 2006, 146-150, Chongfu Huang
170.Theory and practice on information granule matrix, Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence --Proceedings of the third international conference on Fuzzy Systems and Knowledge Discovery (Xian, China, September 24-28, 2006), Eds. Lipo Wang, Licheng Jiao, Guangming Shi, Xue Li, Jing Liu, Vol. 4223, 314-323, Heidelberg: Springer, 2006, Ye Xue, Chongfu Huang.
171.A New Model of Isoseismal Area Assessment Based on Information Granule Diffusion, Proceedings of the 9th Joint Conference on Information Sciences (Kaohsiung, Taiwan, on October 8-11, 2006), Eds. H.D. Cheng, S.D. Chen, R.Y. Lin, Paris: Atlantis Press, Ye Xue, Chongfu Huang.( 光盘论文集,ISBN: 978-90-78677-01-7)
172.Another approach to test the reliability of a model for calculating fuzzy probabilities, in: Applied Artificial Intelligence -- Proceedings of the 7th International FLINS Conference (Genova, Italy, August 29-31, 2006), Eds. D. Ruan, P. D'hondt, P.F. Fantoni, M. De Cock, M. Nachtegael, E.E.Kerre, Singapore: World Scientific, 146-153, Chongfu Huang and Dongyun Jia.
173.A computer simulation method for harmony among departments for emergency management, in: Applied Artificial Intelligence -- Proceedings of the 7th International FLINS Conference (Genova, Italy, August 29-31, 2006), Eds. D. Ruan, P. D'hondt, P.F. Fantoni, M. De Cock, M. Nachtegael, E.E.Kerre, Singapore: World Scientific,698-703, Fuping Yang and Chongfu Huang.
176.大型公共场所火灾风险评价指标体系(Ⅱ)--指标及其权重确定,自然灾害学报,Vol.15, No.2, (2006), 164-168, 陈志芬,陈晋,黄崇福,谭明艳
177.基于扩散函数的内集-外集模型,模糊系统与数学,Vol.20, No.1, (2006),42-48,陈志芬,黄崇福,张俊香
178.自然灾害风险分析的信息矩阵方法,自然灾害学报,Vol.15, No.1, (2006),1-10,黄崇福
179.对中国综合风险管理机构体系建设的建议,自然灾害学报,Vol.15, No.1, (2006),38-44,周健,黄崇福,薛晔
180.城市地震灾害应急管理区划构想,自然灾害学报,Vol.15, No.1, (2006),45-51,杨富平,黄崇福
181.昆明-楚雄-大理-丽江地区地震软风险区划实例,自然灾害学报,Vol.15, No.1, (2006),59-65,张俊香,黄崇福,乔森
182.大型公共场所火灾风险评价指标体系(Ⅰ)--火灾事故因果分析,自然灾害学报,Vol.15, No.1, (2006), 79-85, 陈志芬,陈晋,黄崇福,李强,谭明艳
183.综合风险管理的梯形架构,自然灾害学报,Vol.14, No.6, (2005), 8-14, 黄崇福
184.大型公共场所风险评价研究现状与展望,自然灾害学报,Vol.14, No.6, (2005), 15-19,陈晋,陈志芬,黄崇福,李强
186.城市灾害综合风险管理的三维模式--阶段矩阵模式,自然灾害学报,Vol.14, No.6, (2005), 26-31, 薛晔,黄崇福,周 健, 杨富平
187.交通事故中摩托车驾驶员年龄因素的风险分析 -以云南省河口县为例,自然灾害学报,Vol.14, No.6, (2005),120-124, 李金锋,刘明科,黄崇福,唐于渝
188.中、韩两国财产保险业风险管理比较研究, 自然灾害学报,Vol.14, No.6, (2005), 157-159, 贾东云,黄崇福
189.Cartographic Representation of the Uncertainty Related to Natural Disaster Risk: Overview and State of the Art, Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence, Vol.3327(2005), 213-220, Junxiang Zhang, Chongfu Huang
191.Option Pricing with Fuzzy Barrier Condition, in: Fuzzy Logic, Soft Computing and Computational Intelligence -- Proceedings of the 11th International Fuzzy Systems Association World Congress (Beijing, China, July 28-31, 2005), Eds. Yingming Liu, Guoqing Chen, Mingsheng Ying, Beijin: Tsinghua University Press, Springer, Vol.I, 380-384, T.Sato, S.Takahashi , C.Huang, H.Inoue
192.Soft risk maps based on mixture data, in: Fuzzy Logic, Soft Computing and Computational Intelligence -- Proceedings of the 11th International Fuzzy Systems Association World Congress (Beijing, China, July 28-31, 2005), Eds. Yingming Liu, Guoqing Chen, Mingsheng Ying, Beijin: Tsinghua University Press, Springer, Vol.III, 1709-1715, Chongfu Huang
193.A continuous model to represent a fuzzy probability distribution, in: Fuzzy Logic, Soft Computing and Computational Intelligence -- Proceedings of the 11th International Fuzzy Systems Association World Congress (Beijing, China, July 28-31, 2005), Eds. Yingming Liu, Guoqing Chen, Mingsheng Ying, Beijin: Tsinghua University Press, Springer, Vol.III, 1771-1776, Tian Zong, Chongfu Huang, Zhifen Chen, Junxiang Zhang
194.Some concepts and methods of information granule diffusion, Proceedings of the 2005 IEEE International Conference on Granular Computing (Beijing, China, July 25-27, 2005), Eds. Xiaohua Hu, Qing Liu, Andrzej Skowron, Tsau Young Lin, Ronald R. Yager, Bo Zhang, Vol.I, 28-33, Chongfu Huang, Ye Xue
195.地下连续墙水平变形的可靠性验证及优化分析,岩土工程学报, Vol. 27,No.3,(2005),288-293,汤永净,陈志芬,黄崇福,侯学渊
196.基于内集-外集模型的自然灾害软风险区划图研究, 科学技术与工程,Vol.5, No.13,(2005), 925-927, 黄崇福, 陈志芬
197.反精确现象与形式化研究, 系统工程理论与实践,Vol.25,No.4,(2005),128-132, 李金锋,黄崇福,宗恬
198.Extracting fuzzy if-then rules by using the information matrix technique, Journal of Computer and System Science, Vol.70, No.1, (2005), 26-52, Chongfu Huanga, Claudio Moraga
200.自然灾害风险评估中诸因素之间关系的初探,应用基础与工程科学学报,增刊,(2004),22-27, 宗恬,黄崇福
202.Benefit of soft risk map made by using information diffusion technique, in: Applied Computational Intelligence -- Proceedings of the 6th International FLINS Conference (Blankenberge, Belgium, September 1-3, 2004), Eds. D. Ruan, P. D'hondt, M. De Cock, M. Nachtegael, E.E.Kerre, Singapore: World Scientific, 364-369, Chongfu Huang, Hiroshi Inoue
203.Mode of soft risk map made by using information diffusion technique, in: Applied Computational Intelligence -- Proceedings of the 6th International FLINS Conference (Blankenberge, Belgium, September 1-3, 2004), Eds. D. Ruan, P. D'hondt, M. De Cock, M. Nachtegael, E.E.Kerre, Singapore: World Scientific, 358-363, Junxiang Zhang, Chongfu Huang, Sen Qiao
204.A Risk Assessment Model of Water Shortage and its Application for Analyzing Bearing Capacity of Water Resources, in: Applied Computational Intelligence -- Proceedings of the 6th International FLINS, Conference (Blankenberge, Belgium, September 1-3, 2004), Eds. D. Ruan, P. D'hondt, M. De Cock, M. Nachtegael, E.E.Kerre, Singapore: World Scientific, 370-575, Lihua Feng, Chongfu Huang
205.An information diffusion technique for fire risk analysis, Journal of Donghua University, Vol.21, No.3, (2004), 54-57, Liu Jing and Huang Chongfu
206.内集-外集模型的一个简便算法, 自然灾害学报,Vol.13,No.4,(2004),15-20,黄崇福, Claudio Moraga, 陈志芬
207.An Anti-accuracy Rule Rooting in Information Diffusion Techniques, Proceedings of 2004 annual meeting of the North American Fuzzy Information Processing Society, Banff, Alberta, Canada, on June 27-30, 2004, 496-501, Chongfu Huang.
208.A demonstration of reliability of the interior-outer-set model,International Journal of General Systems, Vol.33, No.2-3, (2004), 205-222, Chongfu Huang
209.自然灾害风险区划图的一个潜在发展方向, 自然灾害学报,Vol.13,No.2,(2004),9-15,黄崇福, 张俊香, 陈志芬, 宗恬
211.A diffusion-neural-network for learning from small samples, International Journal of Approximate Reasoning, Vol.35, No.2, (2004),137-161, Chongfu Huang and Claudio Moraga
212.区域自然灾害规律研究,中国科学基金,Vol.17, 专刊, (2003), 30-34,史培军,黄崇福,王静爱,冷疏影,宋长青
213.Fuzzy logic and earthquake research, Fuzzy Logic in Geology (edited by Robert V. Demicco and George J. Klir, Elsevier Academic Press, San Diego, USA, 2003), 239-274, Chongfu Huang.
214.Information Matrix and Image Compression, Proceedings of 22th International Conference of the North American Fuzzy Information Processing Society, Chicago, USA, on July 24-26, 2003, 132-137, Chongfu Huang.
215.Learning subjective probabilities from a small data set, Proceedings of 33rd International Symposium on Multiple-Valued Logic (Tokyo, May 16-19, 2003, IEEE Computer Society, Los Alamitos, California), 355-360, Claudio Moraga and Chongfu Huang
216.From information distribution to information matrix, Proceedings of the International Conference on Fuzzy Information Processing: Theories and Applications (Beijing, March1-4, 2003, edited by Yingming Liu, Guoquing Chen, Mingsheng Ying and Kai-Yuan Cai, Tsinghua University Press, Springer), Vol.II, 869-874, Chongfu Huang,Junxiang Zhang and Jing Liu.
217.内集-外集模型的矩阵算法, 北京师范大学学报(自然科学版), Vol.38, No.6, (2002), 820-828, 黄崇福
218.A fuzzy risk model and its matrix algorithm, International Journal of Uncertainty, Fuzziness and Knowledge-Based Systems, Vol. 10, No.4, (2002), 347-362, Chongfu Huang and Claudio Moraga
219.Reliability Demonstration of Interior-Outer-Set Mode Relevant in Risk Assessment,Computational Intelligent Systems for Applied Research (Proceedings of the 5th International FLINS Conference, Gent, Belgium, September 16-18, 2002, edited by Da Ruan , Pierre D´hondt and Etienne E. Kerre, World Scientific, Singapore, 2002), 163-170, Chongfu Huang
220.内集-外集模型的计算机仿真检验, 自然灾害学报, Vol.11, No.3, (2002), 62-70,黄崇福
221.Information diffusion techniques and small sample problem, International Journal of Information Technology and Decision Making, Vol. 1, No. 2, (2002), 229-249, Chongfu Huang
222.An application of calculated fuzzy risk, Information Sciences, Vol. 142, No. 1, (2002), 37-56, Huang Chongfu
223.地震灾害风险因素和风险评估指标的模糊算法,自然灾害学报, Vol.11, No.2, (2002), 51-58, 姚清林, 黄崇福
224.A framework for building intelligent information-processing systems based on granular factor space, Data Mining , Rough Sets and Granular Computing (edited by Tsau Young Lin, Yiyu Y. Yao and Lotfi A. Zadeh, Physica-Verlag (Springer), Heidelberg, Germany, 2002), 414-444, Fusheng Yu and Chongfu Huang
225.用计算机仿真技术检验自然灾害模糊风险模型,自然灾害学报, Vol.11, No.1, (2002), 44-51,黄崇福
226.Information matrix and application,Int. J. General Systems, Vol.30, No.6, (2001), 603-622,Huang Chongfu
227.Calculation vs. Subjective Assessment with Respect to Fuzzy Probability, Computational Intelligence ---Theory and Applications (Proceedings of 7th International Fuzzy Days Conference, Dortmund, Germany, October 1-3, 2001, edited by B. Reusch, Springer, Heidelberg, Germany, 2001), 393-411, Chongfu Huang, Claudio Moraga, and Xingguang Yuan
228.Fuzzy Risk Analysis Vs. Probability Risk Analysis, Soft Computing for Risk Evaluation and Management --- Applications in Technology, Environment and Finance (edited by Ruan, D., Kacprzyk, J. and Fedrizzi, M., Physica-Verlag, A Springer-Verlag Company, Heidelberg, Germany, 2001), 31-54, Huang Chongfu.
229.A new algorithm for estimating the risk of natural disaster with incomplete data, Int. J. General Systems, Vol. 29, No. 2, (2000), 175-204, Yee Leung and Chongfu Huang.
230.模糊直方图的概念及其在自然灾害风险分析中的应用,工程数学学报,Vol.17, No.2, (2000), 71-76, 黄崇福,白海玲
231.Calculation fuzzy risk with incomplete data, Intelligent Techniques and Soft Computing in Nuclear Science and Engineering (Proceedings of the 4th International FLINS Conference, Bruges, Belgium, August 28-30, 2000, edited by Da Ruan , Hamid Ait Abderrahim, Pierre D´hondt and Etienne E. Kerre, World Scientific, Singapore, 2000), 180-187, Huang Chongfu and Bai Hailing
232.Compatibility Function in Fuzzy Controls,Proceedings of 19th International Conference of the North American Fuzzy Information Processing Society, Atlanta, USA, on July 13-15, 2000, 470-474,Qihao Chen, Chongfu Huang
233.Reliability of fuzzy risk assessment by information distribution, Proceedings of 19th International Conference of the North American Fuzzy Information Processing Society, Atlanta, USA, on July 13-15, 2000, 278-282, Huang Chongfu.
234.自然灾害的模糊风险, 自然灾害学报, Vol.9, No.1, (2000) ,47-53,白海玲,黄崇福
235.Demonstration of benefit of information distribution for probability estimation, Signal Processing, Vol:80, Issue:6, (2000), 1037-1048, Chongfu Huang
236.Systems analytic models for fuzzy risk estimation, Computing with Words in Information/Intelligent Systems 2 (edited by Lotfi A. Zadeh and Janusz Kacprzyk, Physica-Verlag, A Springer-Verlag Company, Heidelberg, Germany, 1999), 195-220, Chongfu Huang and Da Ruan.
237.Estimating the relationship between isoseismal area and earthquake magnitude by hybrid fuzzy-neural-network method, Fuzzy Sets and Systems,Vol.107, No.2, (1999), 131-146, Chongfu Huang, Yee Leung.
238.Fuzzy risk and calculation, Proceedings of 18th International Conference of the North American Fuzzy Information Processing Society, (1999), 90-94, Huang Chongfu, Shi Peijun.
239.自然灾害风险分析的基本原理, 自然灾害学报, Vol.8, No.2, (1999), 21-29,黄崇福
240.Risk assessment of natural disaster in Hunan province, Risk Research and Management in Asian Perspective (Proceedings of the First China-Japan Conference on Risk Assessment and Management, November 23-26, 1998, Beijing, International Academic Publishers,1998), 342-349, Liu Xinli, Huang Chongfu, Shi Peijun and Fang Weihua.
241.Concepts and methods of fuzzy risk analysis, Risk Research and Management in Asian Perspective (Proceedings of the First China-Japan Conference on Risk Assessment and Management, November 23-26, 1998, Beijing, International Academic Publishers, 1998), 12-23, Huang Chongfu.
242.Risk estimation of natural disaster in Hunan Province by fuzzy mathematical method, Fuzzy Logic and Intelligent Technologies for nuclear Science and Industry (Proceedings of the 3rd International FLINS Workshop, Antwerp, Belgium, Septermber 14-16, 1998,edited by Da Ruan , Hamid Ait Abderrahim, Pierre D´hondt and Etienne E. Kerre, World Scientific, Singapore, 1998), 211-217, Chongfu Huang and Xinli Liu.
243.The calibration of the normal information diffusion model and its application in risk assessment on natural disaster, Fuzzy Logic and Intelligent Technologies for nuclear Science and Industry (Proceedings of the 3rd International FLINS Workshop, Antwerp, Belgium, Septermber 14-16, 1998, edited by Da Ruan , Hamid Ait Abderrahim, Pierre D´hondt and Etienne E. Kerre, World Scientific, Singapore, 1998), 195-202, Yee Leung and Chongfu Huang.
244.Introduction of fuzzy-information optimization processing, Fuzzy Set Theory and Applications (edited by Liu Yingming and et al, Hebei University Press, Baoding, China, 1998), 459-466, Huang Chongfu.
245.对不完备样本下风险分析方法的改进及应用, 自然灾害学报, Vol.7, No.2,(1998), 10-16, 刘新立,黄崇福,史培军
246.以历史灾情资料为依据的农业自然灾害风险评估方法, 自然灾害学报,Vol.7, No.2, (1998), 1-9, 黄崇福,刘新立,周国贤,李学军
247.Advances in information diffusion research, Proceedings of FUZZ-IEEE' 98, (1998), 813- 818, Huang Chongfu, Da Ruan.
248.Deriving samples from incomplete data, Proceedings of FUZZ-IEEE' 98, (1998), 645-650, Huang Chongfu.
249.Principle of information diffusion, Fuzzy Sets and Systems, Vol.91, No.1, (1997), 69-90, Huang Chongfu
250.航空生产计划系统的模糊仿真,航空学报,Vol.18,No.3,(1997), 282-288,黄崇福, 张正军
251.Two models to assess fuzzy risk of natural disaster in China, Journal of Fuzzy Logic and Intelligent Systems, Vol.7, No.1, (1997), 16-26, Huang Chongfu.
252.Using fuzzy method to study small sample problem of natural disaster risk assessment, Soft Computing in Intelligent System and Information Processing (Proceedings of 1996 Asian Fuzzy Systems Symposium, Copyright by IEEE, 1996), 435-440, Huang Chongfu.
253.Fuzzy risk assessment of urban natural hazards, Fuzzy Sets and Systems,Vol.83, No.2, (1996), 271-282, Huang Chongfu.
254.An extended fuzzy neural network, Intelligent Systems and Soft Computing for Nuclear Science and Industry (Proceedings of the 2nd International FLINS Workshop, Mol, Belgium, Septermber 25-27, 1996, edited by Da Ruan , Pierre D´hondt, Paul Govaerts and Etienne E. Kerre, World Scientific, Singapore, 1996), 145-152, Xiaozhong Li, Da Ruan and Chongfu Huang
255.Information diffusion principle and application in fuzzy neuron, Fuzzy Logic Foundations and Industrial Applications (edited by Da Ruan, Kluwer Academic Publishers, Massachusetts, 1996), 165-189, Chongfu Huang and Da Ruan.
256.模糊仿真的近似推理方法, 兰州大学学报(自然科学版), 1996,32(模糊数学与模糊系统专辑),275-281, 黄崇福
257.Fuzzy risk analysis in natural hazard, Bulletin for Studies and Exchanges on Fuzziness and its Applications,Vol.65, (1995/1996), 90-100, Huang Chongfu.
258.Interval and Fuzzy Approaches to Queuing Systems,Proceedings of APIC'95, A Supplement to the international journal of Reliable Computing, El Paso, Texas, USA, on February 23-25, 1995, 62-63, Huang Chongfu
259.管理中模糊系统的一种仿真方法,系统工程理论与实践,Vol.15,No.9,(1995),9-16, 黄崇福, 冯允成
260.模糊仿真中不完备知识样本的信息扩散处理方法, 西安电子科技大学学报, Vol.22, Sup., (1995), 13-20, 黄崇福,刘新立
261.城市地震灾害风险评价的数学模型, 自然灾害学报,Vol.4, No.2, (1995), 30-37, 黄崇福, 史培军
262.余震区长度与震级关系的模糊神经元网络模型,西北地震学报, Vol.17, No.1, (1995), 62-68, 王家鼎, 黄崇福
263.模糊离散事件动态系统及模糊数输入法仿真技术,模糊系统与数学, Vol.9, No.1, (1995), 7-15, 黄崇福, 冯允成
264.Fuzziness of incompleteness and information distribution method, Bulletin for Studies and Exchanges on Fuzziness and its Applications,Vol.61, (1995), 71-80, Huang Chongfu.
265.Fuzziness of incompleteness and information diffusion principle, Proceedings of FUZZ-IEEE/IFES' 95, (1995), 1605-1612, Huang Chongfu.
266.系统仿真集值化模糊处理方法, 系统仿真学报, Vol.6, No.4,(1994), 18-21, 黄崇福, 冯允成
267.FM/FM/1定义及运行研究, 中国工业与应用数学学会第三次大会文集, 清华大学出版社, (1994), 748-753, 黄崇福
268.模糊风险理论及方法的研究, 模糊系统与数学, 1994年增刊, 28-30, 黄崇福
269.用模糊集方法实现管理系统仿真输入非参数化的研究, 北京航空航天大学学报, Vol.20, No.3,(1994), 306-314, 黄崇福, 冯允成
270.Fuzzy mathematical model of urban natural hazard & risk assessment, Bulletin for Studies and Exchanges on Fuzziness and its Applications,Vol.59, (1994), 93-98, Huang Chongfu,Shi Peijun and Zhang Yuanmin.
271.城市自然灾害风险评价的二级模型, 自然灾害学报, Vol.3, No.2,(1994), 22-27, 黄崇福, 史培军
272.城市自然灾害风险评价的一级模型, 自然灾害学报, Vol.3, No.1,(1994), 1-8, 黄崇福,史培军, 张远明
273.Evaluation of the Capacity of Comprehensive Earthquake Prevention System in a Region and its countermeasures, Earthquake Research in China, Vol.8, No.2, (1994) 209-223, Xiu Xiangwen, Huang Chongfu and Hu Baosheng.
274.民房震害预测专家评定统计模型的探讨, 地震研究,Vol.16, No.2, (1993), 187-192, 徐祥文, 黄崇福
275.Factor states BP neural network and estimation of earthquake intensity, Proceedings of Fifth IFSA Word Congress (1993), 715-718, Huang Chongfu, Zhang Dazhi and Li Xianghao.
276.模糊人工神经元网络在地震工程中的应用, 地震工程与工程振动,Vol.13, No.2, (1993), 84-93, 黄崇福
277.两点式概型的信息扩散估计, 北京师范大学学报(自然科学版),Vol.29, No.3, (1993), 331-336, 黄崇福, 顾世山, 汪培庄
278.模糊信息处理中的信息扩散方法及其应用,西北大学学报(自然科学版), Vol.22, No.4, (1992), 383-392, 王家鼎, 黄崇福
279.利用专家经验对活动断裂量化的模糊数学模型, 高校应用数学学报, Vol.7, No.4, (1992), 525-530, 黄崇福, 汪培庄
280.对一般Fuzzy关系方程求解的研究, 模糊系统与数学, 1992年增刊, 98-100, 顾世山, 黄崇福
281.贝叶斯假设与信息扩散原理, 模糊系统与数学, 1992年增刊, 101-103, 黄崇福, 胡宝生。
282.非完备样本知识的优化处理, 北京师范大学学报(自然科学版),Vol.28, No.2, (1992), 129-135, 黄崇福
283.Principle of information diffusing relevant to fuzzy speech sound recognition, Bulletin for Studies and Exchanges on Fuzziness and its Applications , Vol.49, (1991-1992), 73-82, Huang Chongfu, Wang Jiading.
284.Application of fuzzy method in quantitative active faults, Bulletin for Studies and Exchanges on Fuzziness and its Applications , Vol.47, (1991), 102-107, Huang Chongfu, Wang Peizhuang.
285.模糊信息处理方法在纯随机统计中应用的探讨, 模糊系统与数学, Vol.4, No.1, (1990), 8-15, 黄崇福
286.建筑物震害预测的多元离散识别模型,第三届全国地震工学术会议论文集, (1990), 1832-1837, 徐祥文, 黄崇福
287.历史地震资料中的模糊信息研究及其在地震工程中的应用, 第三届全国地震工程学术会议论文集, (1990), 157-162, 黄崇福。
288.Information distribution method relevant in fuzzy information analysis, Fuzzy Sets and Systems, Vol.36, (1990), 67-76, Liu Zhenrong, Huang Chongfu.
289.结构动力反应与震害关系的模糊识别, 地震工程与工程振动, Vol.9, No.2,(1989), 57-66, 徐祥文, 黄崇福
290.震害经验的离散回归, 地震学刊, Vol.9, No.1, (1989), 13-19, 黄崇福, 张靖平
291.震害预测的模糊贴近类比法, 地震工程与工程振动,Vol.8 No.3, (1988), 57-66, 黄崇福, 徐祥文
292.建议一个弥补震害资料不足的方法, 地震研究, Vol.11, No.6, (1988),597-604, 黄崇福
293.The analysis of fuzzy information analysis in soil dynamics problem, Symposium on Fuzzy Systems and Knowledge Engineering, Guangdong High Education Press, (1987), 753-760, Wang Jiading, Huang Chongfu.
294.An elementary proof of information distribution method relevant in fuzzy information analysis, Symposium on Fuzzy Systems and Knowledge Engineering, Guangdong High Education Press, (1987), 355-364, Liu Zhenrong, Huang Chongfu.
295.云南活断裂分布对于震害面积影响的模糊定量研究, 地震学刊, Vol.7, No.1,(1987), 9-16, 刘贞荣, 黄崇福,孔庆征,尹芯芳
296.Isoseismial area estimation of Yunnan province by fuzzy mathematical method, Fuzzy Mathematics in Earthquake Researches (edited by Fen Deyi and Liu Xihui, Seismological Press, Beijing,1985), 185-195, Huang Chongfu, Liu Zhenrong
所有出版著作[1] 黄崇福、骆华松、杨永生,第六届中国西部风险分析与风险管理学术研讨会论文集,Atlantis出版社, 2019年
[2] Chongfu Huang and Zoe Nivolianitou (edited), Risk Analysis Based on Data and Crisis Response Beyond Knowledge, CRC Press, Boca Raton, USA, 2019
[3] 黄崇福,王成军,一带一路背景下的风险分析和危机反应,Atlantis出版社,2018年
[4] Ales Bernatik, Chongfu Huang and Olivier Salvi (edited), Risk Analysis and Management – Trends, Challenges and Emerging Issues, CRC Press, Boca Raton, USA, 2017
[5] 黄崇福,徐选华,赵思健,潘彬,大数据时代的风险分析和危机反应,Atlantis出版社,2016年
[6] Chongfu Huang, Abdelouahid Lyhyaoui, Guofang Zhai and Nesrin Benhayoun (edited), Emerging Economies, Risk and Development, and Intelligent Technology, CRC Press, Boca Raton, USA, 2015
[7] 黄崇福,王春乙,张韧编,海洋系统风险分析和管理的新视角,Atlantis出版社,2014年
[8] 黄崇福,包玉海,赵思健编,风险分析和危机反应中的信息技术,Atlantis出版社,2014年
[9] Chongfu Huang, Cengiz Kahraman (edited), Intelligent Systems and Decision Making for Risk Analysis and Crisis Response, CRC Press, Boca Raton, USA, 2013
[10] 黄崇福,翟国方编,风险分析和危机反应的创新理论和方法,Atlantis出版社,2012年
[11] 黄崇福,自然灾害风险分析与管理,科学出版社,2012年6月出版
[12] Chongfu Huang, Jaime Ortiz, Steve Sears (edited), Beyond Experience in Risk Analysis and Crisis Response, Atlantis Press, Paris, 2011
[13] 黄崇福,张继权,周宗放编,中国视角的风险分析和危机反应,Atlantis出版社,2010年
[14] Chongfu Huang, Jonathan B. Wiener, Jinren Ni (edited), New Perspectives on Risk Analysis and Crisis Response, Atlantis Press, Paris, 2009
[15] 黄崇福,刘希林编,风险分析与危机反应的理论和实践,Atlantis出版社,2008年
[16] Chongfu Huang, Christopher Frey, Jiali Feng (edited), Advances in Studies on Risk Analysis and Crisis Response, Atlantis Press, Paris, 2007
[17] 黄崇福,自然灾害风险评价:理论与实践,科学出版社,2005年2月出版
[18] Etienne E. Kerre, 黄崇福, 阮达,模糊集理论与近似推理,武汉大学出版社,2004年7月出版
[19] Chongfu Huang and Yong Shi, Towards Efficient Fuzzy Information Processing --- Using the Principle of Information Diffusion, Physica-Verlag (Springer), Heidelberg, Germany, 2002
[20] 黄崇福,自然灾害风险分析,北京师范大学出版社, 2001年2月出版
[21] Da Ruan and Chongfu Huang (edited), Fuzzy Sets and Operations Research for Decision Support, Key selected papers by Hans-Jurgen Zimmermann. Beijing Normal University Press, 2000
[22] Da Ruan and Chongfu Huang (edited), Fuzzy Sets and Fuzzy Information Granulation Theory, Key selected papers by Lotfi A. Zadeh. Beijing Normal University Press, 2000
[23] 黄崇福译 ([美] Bart Kosko著),模糊工程, 西安交通大学出版社和Prentice Hall合作出版, 1999年6月出版
[24] 黄崇福, 王家鼎,模糊信息优化处理技术及其应用, 北京航空航天大学出版社, 1995年2月出版
[25] 黄崇福, 王家鼎,《模糊信息分析与应用》, 北京师范大学出版社, 1992年12月出版