国家自然科学基金委员会, 国际(地区)合作与交流项目, 42361144877, 东南亚热带雨林生态系统稳定性的气候及人为影响机制研究, 2024-01-01 至 2026-12-31, 193万元, 在研, 主持;
中华人民共和国科学技术部, 第三次新疆综合科学考察项目, 2022xjkk00602, 兵团向南发展的水资源需求与供水能力调查, 2022-10 至2025-9, 100万元, 在研, 主持
HongtaoXu, Bin He*, Lanlan Guo, et al. Changes in the global finecomposition of forests from 2001 to 2020. Journal of Remote Sensing, 2024,4(5):0119.
HongtaoXu, Bin He*, Lanlan Guo, et al. Global forest plantations mappingand biomass carbon estimation. Journal of Geophysical Research:Biogeosciences,2024.
ZiqianZhong, Bin He*, Hans W.Chen, et al. Reversed asymmetric warming ofsub-diurnal temperature over land during recent decades. Nature Communications,2023, 14(1):7189.
HuanZheng, Lanlan Guo*, Bin He*, et al.The great climate mitigation potential of croplandecosystem management in China.Earth's Future, 2023, 11, e2023EF003586.
SifanWang, Bin He*, Hans W.Chen, et al. Fire carbon emissions overEquatorial Asia reduced by shortened dry seasons. Npj Climate and AtmosphericScience,2023, 6:129.
ZiqianZhong, Bin He*, Yingping Wang, et al. Disentangling the effects ofvapor pressure deficit on northern terrestrial vegetation productivity. ScienceAdvances 9(32):eadf3166.
Bin He*,Xiaoming Xie, Lanlan Guo. A shift from temperature to water as the primary driverfor interannual variability of the tropical carbon cycle.Geophysical Research Letters, 2023, 50, e2023GL102812.
TieweiLi, Lanlan Guo*, Bin He*. The forest resistance to droughts differentiatedby tree height in Central Europe. Journal of Geophysical Research:Biogeosciences, 2023, 128, e2021JG006668.
Bin He*, Ziqian Zhong,Deliang Chen, Junguo Liu, Yaning Chen*, et al. Lengthening dry spells intensifysummer heatwaves. Geophysical Research Letters, 2022, 49, e2022GL099647.
Rui Tang,Bin He*, Hans W Chen, Deliang Chen, Yaning Chen*, et al.Increasing terrestrial ecosystem carbon release in response to autumn coolingand warming. Nature Climate Change, 2022, 12, 380–385.
Xiaoming Xie,Bin He*, Lanlan Guo, et al. Revisiting dry season vegetationdynamics in the Amazon rainforest using different satellite vegetationdatasets. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology, 2022, 312, p.108704.
Ziqian Zhong,Bin He*, Yaning Chen*, et al. Higher sensitivity of plantedforests’ productivity than natural forests to droughts in China. Journalof Geophysical Research: Biogeosciences, 2021, 126(e2021JG006306)
Xuebang Liu,Bin He*, Lanlan Guo, et al. European Carbon Uptake has NotBenefited From Vegetation Greening. Geophysical Research Letters, 2021,48(20).
Bin He*, Chen Chen,Shangrong Lin, Wenping Yuan*, et al. Worldwide impacts of atmosphericvapor pressure deficit on the interannual variability of terrestrial carbonsinks. National Science Review, 2021, 9(nwab150)
Lanlan Guo,Tiewei Li, Deliang Chen, Junguo Liu, Bin He*, et al. Links between global terrestrialwater storage and large-scale modes of climatic variability. Journalof Hydrology, 2021, 598, 126419.
Xuebang Liu, Bin He*, LanlanGuo, et al. Similarities and Differences in the Mechanisms Causing the EuropeanSummer Heatwaves in 2003, 2010, and 2018. Earth’s Future, 2020, 7, e2019EF001386.
Xiaoming, Bin He*, Lanlan Guo, et al. Detecting hotspots ofinteractions between vegetation greenness and terrestrial water storage usingsatellite observations. Remote Sensing of Environment, 2019,231: 111259.
Bin He, Shuren Wang, Lanlan Guo, et al.Aridity change and its correlation with greening over drylands. Agriculturaland Forest Meteorology, 2019, 278: 107663.
Chen Chen, Bin He*, WenpingYuan, et al. Increasing interannual variability of global vegetation greenness.EnvironmentalResearch Letters, 2019, 14(12): 124005.
Yafeng Zhang, Bin He*, LanlanGuo, et al. The relative contributions of precipitation, evapotranspiration,and runoff to terrestrial water storage changes across 168 river basins. Journalof Hydrology, 2019, 579: 124194.
Yafeng Zhang, Bin He*, LanlanGuo, et al. Differences in Response of Terrestrial Water Storage Components toPrecipitation over 168 Global River Basins. Journal of Hydrometeorology,2019, 20(9): 1981-1999.
Ziqian Zhong, Bin He*, LanlanGuo, et al. Performance of Various Forms of the Palmer Drought Severity Indexin China from 1961 to 2013. Journal of Hydrometeorology, 2019,20(9): 1867-1885.