Seventh International Students’ Ecology and Environment Forum
—— Ecological Civilization and Green Transformation
Second Announcement
一、主论坛议程安排 Agenda of the Forum
In order to further deepen the idea of ecological civilization, accelerate the green transformation, and provide domestic and foreign students with a learning and exchange platform for cutting-edge progress in the environmental field, Beijing Normal University and Beijing Society of Environmental Sciences co-host the 7th International Students’ Ecology and Environment Forum (ISEEF), which is jointly organized by the School of Environment of Beijing Normal University, the Office of International Exchange & Cooperation of Beijing Normal University and the Environmental Education Branch of Beijing Society of Environmental Sciences .
The registration for the forum will be conducted online throughout the day on November 30, 2024. The opening ceremony will be held at the Jingshi Hall of Jingshi Academy Building in Beijing Normal University, at 9:00 am on December 1st. The opening ceremony and keynote speeches will be broadcast live globally online.
Date: December 1, 2024
09:00 - 17:00 |
参会人员线上签到 Sign In Online |
Date: December 1, 2024
开幕式直播链接及二维码 Link and QR code to live broadcast site of the opening ceremony: |
08:30 – 09:00 |
现场签到 Sign In Onsite (地点:京师学堂一楼签到处 Location:The First Floor at Jingshi Academy Building, Jingshi Hall ) |
09:00 – 09:30 |
特邀嘉宾致辞 Speeches by Special Guests 北京师范大学环境学院院长沈珍瑶教授 Shen Zhenyao, Dean of School of Environment, BNU 北京师范大学国际交流与合作处副处长李中山 Li Zhongshan, Vice Director of Office of International Exchange and Cooperation of BNU 中国高等教育学会生态文明教育研究分会理事长、中国工程院院士贺克斌教授 He Kebin, Director General of Ecological Civilization Education & Research Branch of China Association of Higher Education, Fellow of Chinese Academy of Engineering 北京环境科学学会常务理事、环境教育分会主任委员、北京师范大学环境学院党委书记徐琳瑜教授主持 Xu Linyu, Session Chair, Board Member of Beijing Society for Environmental Science, Chair of Environmental Education Branch of Beijing Society for Environmental Science, Secretary of the Party Committee of School of Environment, BNU |
09:30 – 10:00 |
参会人员合影 Group Photo of the Participants 休息 Break |
10:00 – 11:15 |
特邀嘉宾大会报告 Keynote Speakers Presentation 意大利罗马托尔维尔加塔大学副教授Andrea Appolloni Associate Professor at Tor Vergata University in Rome, Italy 全球环境策略研究所可持续生产和消费项目主任Atsushi Watabe Programme Director, Institute for Global Environmental Strategies (IGES) 柏林工业大学环境技术研究所研究员Peter Holzapfel Researcher, Environmental Technology Institute, Berlin University of Technology |
11:15 – 11:45 |
海报展示 |
11:45 – 13:30 |
午休 Lunch Break |
13:30 – 17:00 |
分论坛 Breakout Sessions (地点:京师学堂 Location:Jingshi Academy Building) |
17:00– 17:20 |
休息 Break (到京师厅就座 Go to Jingshi Hall) |
17:20 – 17:40 |
闭幕颁奖仪式 Closing and Awards Ceremony |
二、特邀主旨演讲 ISEEF-2024 Keynote Speakers
报告人:Andrea Appolloni副教授
基本信息:Andrea Appolloni博士,是意大利罗马托尔维尔加塔大学运营管理和可持续发展副教授。在托尔维尔加塔大学获得工商管理博士学位。他是英国克兰菲尔德大学的永久访问学者和意大利研究委员会副研究员。Andrea Appolloni博士专注于运营管理、供应链管理和可持续发展领域的本科及高管课程教学。他在国际领先期刊和会议上发表了多篇学术论文,并在多个国家和国际研究项目中担任协调负责人,其中包括欧盟资助的“玛丽·居里地平线2020可持续公共采购”项目。他曾作为访问学者在多所知名学府任职,包括天津大学、中国上海交通大学、美国田纳西大学诺克斯维尔分校和瑞士苏黎世联邦理工学院。他在托尔维尔加塔大学指导供应链管理专业的工商管理硕士,此外,他还是欧洲航天局支持的创新和可持续发展领域的研究空间中心的协调员。2024年,Andrea Appolloni博士被斯坦福大学评为爱思唯尔商业与管理领域全球前2%的科学家之一。
Title: Leading a new era of digital supply chains, improving sustainability in global complex world
Speaker: Andrea Appolloni
Introduction: Dr. Andrea Appolloni is an Associate Professor in Operations Management and Sustainability at Tor Vergata University in Rome, Italy. In the same University he completed his Ph.D in Business Administration. He is Permanent Visiting Fellow at Cranfield University (UK). and Research Associate at the Italian Research Council. His teaching areas focused on Operations, Supply Chain Management, and Sustainability courses at the undergraduate and executive levels. He has published and presented articles in several international journals and conferences. He is the coordinator of several national and international research programs, the most relevant being the European Project Marie Curie Horizon 2020 on Sustainable Public Procurement. He was visiting scholars at Tianjin University, Shanghai Jiao Tong University (China), at University of Tennessee in Knoxville (USA) and at ETH Zurich (CH). At the University of Tor Vergata, he led the specialization on Supply Chain Management at the Master of Science in Business Administration, and he is the coordinator of the ESA_LAB@UNITOV, a research space center on innovation and sustainability areas supported by the European Space Agency. In 2024 he was recognised by Stanford University as one of the top 2% of scientists worldwide in the Business and Management line realised by Elsevier.
报告人:Atsushi Watanabe
基本信息:Atsushi Watabe在气候缓解与适应国际合作项目和灾后恢复项目方面已有十多年的工作经验。自2014年以来,他一直协调联合国“一个地球”网络的可持续生活方式与教育项目,并支持亚洲、非洲、东欧和拉丁美洲的城市和社区开展基层创新,以实现可持续和具有弹性的生活方式及生计。
Title: Sustainable Living as Societal Unlearning Processes
Speaker: Atsushi Watabe
Introduction: Atsushi Watabe has worked on international cooperation programmes on Climate Mitigation and Adaptation and post-disaster recovery projects for more than ten years. Since 2014, he has coordinated the Sustainable Lifestyles and Education Programme of the UN One-Planet Network and supported ground-level innovations for sustainable and resilient lifestyles and livelihoods in the cities and communities in Asia, Africa, East Europe, and Latin America.
报告人:Peter Holzapfel
基本信息:Peter Holzapfel 是一位专注于可持续工程的研究员,现任柏林工业大学环境技术研究所研究员。他在生命周期评估(LCA)和氢能源技术领域有着深厚的专业背景,尤其在开发电催化界面和增材制造技术用于氢燃料电池和水电解方面有重要贡献。他在弗莱堡大学研究无贵金属电解催化剂应用,以及在清华大学开展关于生命周期评估中绿色氢与电力核算的研究。Holzapfel 博士在工业项目获取和研究经费提案制定方面经验丰富,致力于将学术研究转化为实际应用。他在柏林工业大学完成的博士论文《迈向供应链特定生命周期评估:挑战与解决方案》获得最高荣誉(Summa Cum Laude),展现了他在可持续工程和环境技术领域的学术卓越和实践能力。他的研究影响力覆盖学术界和工业界,为推进绿色能源技术和生态设计的实践提供了创新解决方案。
Title: Towards supply chain specific electricity accounting in life cycle assessment : Challenges and solutions
Speaker: Peter Holzapfel
Introduction: Peter Holzapfel is a researcher in sustainable engineering, currently working at the Environmental Technology Institute at Berlin University of Technology. He has a strong professional background in life cycle assessment (LCA) and hydrogen energy technologies, with significant contributions to the development of electrocatalytic interfaces and additive manufacturing techniques for hydrogen fuel cells and water electrolysis. His career also includes research on the application of non-precious metal electrocatalysts at the University of Freiburg and studies on green hydrogen and electricity accounting in life cycle assessment at Tsinghua University. Dr. Holzapfel has extensive experience in industrial project acquisition and research funding proposal development, focusing on translating academic research into practical applications. His doctoral thesis at Berlin University of Technology, titled "Towards Supply Chain Specific Life Cycle Assessment: Challenges and Solutions", was awarded the highest honors (Summa Cum Laude), demonstrating his academic excellence and practical expertise in the fields of sustainable engineering and environmental technology. His research impact spans both academia and industry, providing innovative solutions to advance green energy technologies and ecological design practices.
三、分论坛议程 Agenda of Breakout Sessions
Location:Jingshi Academy Building
The First Breakout Session
Collaborative Governance for Pollution Reduction and Carbon Emission Reduction①
Session Chairs: Zhan Jinyan, Liu Shiliang
Location:The First Conference Room at the Jingshi Academy Building
The Second Breakout Session
Collaborative Governance for Pollution Reduction and Carbon Emission Reduction②
Session Chairs: Meng Fanxin, Zhao Hongyan
Location:The Second Conference Room at the Jingshi Academy Building
The Third Breakout Session
Green Transformation and Low-carbon Development
Session Chairs: Mao Xianqiang, Li Hui
Location:The Third Conference Room at the Jingshi Academy Building
The Forth Breakout Session
Responding and Adaption for Climate Change
Session Chairs: Chen Jing, Li Yanfeng
Location:The Forth Conference Room at the Jingshi Academy Building
The Fifth Breakout Session
Environmental Pollution Prevention and Control and Ecological Restoration①
Session Chairs: Li Yingxia, Zhai Yujia
Location:The Fifth Conference Room at the Jingshi Academy Building
The Sixth Breakout Session
Environmental Pollution Prevention and Control and Ecological Restoration②
Session Chairs: Liu Qiang, Zhao Jinbo
Location:The Jingshi Academy Hall at the Jingshi Academy Building
四、参会事宜及注意事项 Note for Participants
(1)口头报告 Oral Report
All students making an oral presentation during the forum should prepare a PPT and a speech for about 10 minutes. Please don’t overrun your allotted time. There will be 5 minutes for Q & A after each presentation.
To facilitate interactions, it is recommended that a brief introduction of the speaker’s research field and personal profile be included in each speech.
To ensure smooth progress during the forum, please prepare PPT and arrive the venue of the session in advance.
(2)海报展示 Poster
Please make a poster according to the requirements in the invitation letter, there will be a poster presentation in the meeting, please prepare a 1-2 minute introduction in advance.
(3)旁听 Listener
There will be no registration fee.
The audience may watch the opening ceremony onsite and take part in the interactive discussion via a live broadcast link (or by scanning the QR code above).
Contact Us:
Address: Room 205A, School of Environment, Beijing Normal University
Telephone: 010-58805835
Email: envlxs@bnu.edu.cn; internationalforum@163.com
论坛详情,敬请关注北京师范大学环境学院官网二维码: For details about the forum, please follow the website: /bnu/smu_env/.