Parietal Mechanisms for Spatial Accuracy
Michael E. Goldberg 医学博士、教授
讲座摘要: In order to link perception and action the brain must have a spatially accurate representation of the visual world, so it can generate actions appropriate to the objects it perceives. The only way visual information enters the eye is through the retina, which moves constantly between brief fixations. The retinal location of targets for action may not be useful for calculating movements to acquire those targets. Two strategies have been postulated to calculate the accurate location of movement targets: Helmholtz suggested that the brain knows the command to move the eye, and therefore can use that motor command to update the sensory representation, calculating the trajectory of movement but not necessarily the spatial location of the target. Sherrington suggested that the brain can calculate accurate spatial target location if it knows the position of the eye in the world. This lecture will discuss the evidence for these two views of how the brain achieves spatial accuracy.
时间:2018年5月9日 (周三)上午10-12点
地点:北京师范大学京师学堂大楼 第三会议室(地下一层)