




尹一伊 博士 | Dr. YIN, Yiyi


2009-2012 北京大学心理学系,心理学专业,理学学士双学位

2012-2016 清华大学美术学院/新闻与传播学院,信息艺术设计交叉学科,文学硕士

2013-2015 美国南加州大学电影学院,批评研究(Critical Studies)专业,文学硕士

2015-2019 香港中文大学新闻与传播学院,传播学专业,传播学博士




Yin, Y., & Xie, Z. (2021). Playing platformized language games: Social media logic and the mutation of participatory cultures in Chinese online fandom. New Media & Society, first published online on Dec 14, 2021. https://doi.org/10.1177/14614448211059489

Yin, Y. (2021). “My baby should feel no wronged!”: Digital fandoms and emotional capitalism in China. Global Media & China, 6 (4): 460-475.

Yin, Y. (2020). An emergent algorithmic culture: The data-ization of online fandom in China. International Journal of Cultural Studies, 23 (4): 475-492.

Yin, Y., & Xie, Z. (2018). The bounded embodiment of fandom in China: Recovering shifting media experiences and fan participation through an oral history of Animation-Comics-Games lovers. International Journal of Communication, 12 (18): 33173334.

Li, Z., & Yin, Y. (2018). Attractiveness, expertise and closeness: The effect of source credibility of the first lady as political endorser on social media in China. Global Media and China, 3 (4): 297-315.

Yin, Y. (2018). Vocaloid in China: Cosmopolitan music, cultural expression, and multilayer identity. Global Media and China, 3 (1): 51-66.

尹一伊(2022),《论数字媒介时代影视文娱产业的变局》,《当代电影》,312 (3): 39-45页。

尹一伊(2021),《算法规训与粉圈实践:“227肖战事件”话语纷争的技术逻辑》,《文化研究》,46: 86-97页。

尹一伊(2021),《从“跨粉都”到“饭圈”:论中国网络粉丝实践的形成》,《电影艺术》,401 (6): 84-89页。

尹一伊(2021),《作为文本空间的“电影宇宙”:故事世界与跨媒介叙事》,《艺术评论》,211 (6): 79-93页。

尹一伊(2020),《分层•分众•分圈:线上传播对电影业的重构》,《当代电影》,2020 (12): 37-43页。

尹一伊(2020),《粉丝研究流变:主体性、理论问题与研究路径》,《全球传媒学刊》,7 (1)53-67页。
尹一伊、徐小棠 (2020),《从詹姆斯•艾沃里看英国“遗产电影”与作者论》,《当代电影》,287 (2): 92-98页。
尹一伊 (2013),《影响中国电影经济成功的因素分析——从票房预测模型看中国电影新发展》,《当代电影》 , 208 (7): 18-22页。

Pun, B., Yin, Y. & Fung, A. (2019). eSports gamers in China: Career, lifestile and public discourse among professional League of Legends competitors. In P. Penix-Tadsen (Ed.), Video Games in the Global South (pp.183-196). Pittsburgh, PA: Carnegie Mellon University: ETC Press.

Fung, A., & Yin, Y. (2019). New productive culture: Shanzhai or second degree of creation?, In De Jeroen K. (Ed.), You Must Create: Rethinking the Creativity Discourse in China (pp.149-170). Amsterdam University Press.
Yin, Y., & Fung, A. (2017). Youth online cultural participation and Bilibili: An alternative form of digital democracy in China?, In Luppicini R. & Baarda R. (Ed.), Digital Media Integration for Participatory Democracy (pp.130-152). IGI Global Press.

Yin, Y. (2016). Cinema, China. In Murray J., & Nadeau K. (Ed.), Pop Culture in Asia and Oceania (pp. 136-139). Greenwood Press.
Yin, Y. (2016). Hollywood films in China. In Murray J., & Nadeau K. (Ed.), Pop Culture in Asia and Oceania (pp. 162-164). Greenwood Press.

尹一伊 (2020),《从体验到情动:中国电竞产业中的粉丝现象研究》,收录于《游戏研究读本》,华东师范大学出版社,第300-309页。

尹一伊 (2014),《2013年英国电影产业报告》, 收录于《2013年全球电影产业报告 》, 中国电影出版社, 147-162页。
三、 学术会议发表
Yin, Y., & Xie, Z. (2021). “Platformised Fandom and Social Media in Asia”, roundtable presented at the 2021 Fan Studies Network (FSN) North American, virtual conference, Oct 23, 2021.

Yin, Y., & Xie, Z. (2021). “Playing Platformized ‘Language Games’: Social Media Logic and The Mutation of Participatory Cultures in Chinese Online Fandom”, paper presented at the 71st Annual ICA Conference, virtual conference, May 27, 2021.

Yin, Y. (2019). Speech Code as Fan-norm: An Ethnography of Communication of Chinese Idol-fan Community on Social Media, paper presented at the 2019 Annual Conference of the Society for Cinema & Media Studies (SCMS), Seattle, United States, March 17, 2019.
Yin, Y., & Xie, Z. (2018).
The Bounded Embodiment of Fandom in China: Connecting Shifting Media Experiences and Fan Participation through Oral History of ACG Lovers, paper presented at the 68th Annual ICA Conference, Prague, Czech Republic, May 26, 2018.
Li, Z., Yin, Y., & Yao, Q. (2018).
Unfriending Behaviors in Social Media Among Young Adults in China: An Exploration of Direct and Indirect Effects of Social-Psychological Factors, paper presented at the 68th Annual ICA Conference, Prague, Czech Republic, May 24, 2018.
Li, Z., & Yin, Y. (2017).
Attractiveness, Expertise and Privatization: The Effect of Source Credibility of the First Lady as Political Endorser on Social Media in China, paper presented at the 67th Annual ICA Conference, San Diego, United States, May 25, 2017.
Yin, Y. (2016).
Vocaloid in China: World Music, Cultural Expression & Multi-layer Identity, paper presented at The Crossroads Cultural Conference, Sydney, Australia, Dec 17, 2016.
Yin, Y., & Fung, A. (2016).
Youth Online Cultural Participation and Bilibili: An Alternative Form of Democracy in China?, paper presented at The Crossroads Cultural Conference, Sydney, Australia, Dec 15, 2016.
Yin, Y. (2014),
Fan Arts and the Contemporary Film Fandom in China, paper presented at The Asian Studies Conference Japan (ASCJ), Tokyo, Japan, June 23, 2014.