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王璇 : 北京大学药学院药物分析学教授,博士生导师。

    在北京大学药学院相继获得理学学士和硕士学位后赴日本留学,在日本获得博士学位。目前任国家药典委员会委员,国家中医药局中药分析学重点学科体内药物分析方向的负责人,中华中医药学会中药分析委员会副秘书长和北京药学会药物分析分会委员,Journal of Pharmaceutical Analysis 和《中国中药杂志》编委。九三学社北京大学第二委员会委员、药学院支社副主委。



电话:(010)-8280 6818(办公室);(010)-8280 1711(实验室)

传真:(010)-8280 6818

E-mail: xuanwang6818@bjmu.edu.cn
















4. 教学奖励





1. Comparative studies of saponins in 1-3-year-old main roots, fibrous roots, and rhizomes of Panax notoginseng, and identification of different parts and growth year samples. Journal of Natural Medicines, Volume 67, Issue 2 (2013), 339-349 Xiu-Hong Jia ·Chao-Qun Wang · Jin-Huai Liu · Xiao-Wei Li · Xuan Wang* · Shao-Qing Cai · Shu Zhu ·Katsuko Komatsu

2. Sesquiterpene and Aristolochic Acid Derivatives from Thottea hainanensis, Helvetica Chimica Acta,  Vol. 93:354-360 (2010),Shi-Wen DongXuan Wang*, Ming-Ying Shang, Chao-Mei Ma, Shu-Xiang Zhang, Xiao-Wei Lia, Min-Juan Xu, Shao-Qing Cai* , and Tsuneo Namba

3.Aristololactams and aporphines from the stems of Fissistigma oldhamii (Annonaceae), Phytochemistry,  86 (2013) 201–207   Yue-Wei Ge, Shu Zhu, Ming-Ying Shang, Xin-Yu Zang, Xuan Wang, Yan-Jing Bai, Li Li, Katsuko Komatsu, Shao-Qing Cai

4. Comparative study on the contents of aristolochic acid analogues in two kinds of Aristolochiae Fructus by high performance liquid chromatography. Journal of Natrual Medicines, (2013) 67:113–122   Yu-Qiong Xu,Xiao-Wei Li,Guang-Xue Liu,Xuan Wang*,Ming-Ying Shang,Xiao-Mei Li,Shao-Qing Cai

5. Aristolochic Acid Nephropathy: Variation in Presentation and Prognosis,nephrol dial transplant, (2012)27:292-298   Li Yang 1& and Tao Su 1&, Xiao-Mei Li 1*, Xuan Wang2, Shao-Qing Cai2, Li-Qiang Meng1, Wan-Zhong Zou 3, Hai-Yan Wang1

6. Chemical constituents fromSaruma henryi. J Chin Pharm Scien. 2009,18(2):110~114   Shi-Wen Dong, Ming-Ying Shang, Xuan Wang*, Shu-Xiang Zhang, Chen Li, Shao-Qing Cai

7.Profiling and identification of the metabolites of calycosin in rat hepatic 9000×g   supernatant incubation system and the metabolites of calycosin-7-O-ˇ-d-glucoside in rat urine by HPLC–DAD–ESI-IT-TOF-MSn technique,Journal of Pharmaceutical and Biomedical Analysis 70 (2012) 425– 439    Ya-Zhou Zhang, Feng Xu, Jing Dong, Jing Liang, Yuki Hashi, Ming-Ying Shang,Dong-Hui Yang, Xuan Wang, Shao-Qing Cai,?

8. Pharmacokinetica studies of aristolochic acid-I and -II in rats after intragastricaladministration of Radix Aristolochiae and Muskone J Chin Pharm Scien. 2009,18:79~83  Pema Dolma, Dong-HuiYang , Jie Yu, Xuan Wang, Shao-Qing Cai 

9. 5–Methoxyaristololactam I, the First Natural 5–Substituted Aristololactam from Asarum ichangense ,Natural Product Communications ,2011, 6 ( 1): 11 - 14  Bai–Bo Xie,, Ming–Ying Shanga, Kuo–Hsiung Lee,  Xuan Wang, Katsuko Komatsuc and Shao–Qing Cai

10. A new aristololactam from Asarum maximum  J Chin Pharm Scien. 2009,18:183~185   Jie Yu, Chao-Mei Ma, Chang-Feng Long, Xuan Wang, Ming-Ying Shang, Shao-Qing Cai, Masao Hattori, Tsuneo Namba

11.中药三七“一测多评”质量控制方法的系统研究,中国中药杂志  2012,37(22):3438~3445   王超群,贾秀虹,陈季,肖新月,王 璇*,蔡少青

12.单叶细辛中一个新的马兜铃酸类化合物,药学学报,2011,46(2)188-192  谢百波,尚明英,王璇,蔡少青,Kuo–Hsiung Lee

13.黄芩不同规格与化学成分及内在质量相关性的研究, 中国中药杂志  2012,37(4):426~433  王丹,蒋亚杰,梁艳,赵琳,蔡少青,尚明英,袁鹏飞,赵玉英,王璇*

14.道地与非道地黄芩的药效比较研究,中国中药杂志  2012,37(23):3628-3632   吴再旺 1,王喆明1,卢 月1,王 丹2,钱瑞琴1*,尚明英3王璇2*,蔡少青3

15.地龙酒炙前后水煎液气味的吹扫捕集-GC-MS-嗅闻联用研究,中国医药导报,2012,9(35):129   张萌1,徐焕禄2王璇1*, 蔡少青1

16. Production, Characterization of a Monoclonal Antibody against Aristolochic Acid-II and Development of its Assay System. The American Journal of Chinese Medicine, Vol. 36, No. 2, 425– 436, 2008   Min Tian, Hiroyuki Tanaka, Ming-Ying Shang, Seiko Karashima, Zhi Chao,  Xuan Wang, Shao-Qing Cai and Yukihiro Shoyama

17.Cytotoxic activity of some Asarum plants. Fitoterapia, 79 (2008) 293–297  Shao-Qing Cai,*,Jie Yu,Xuan Wang , Rui-Qing Wang, Fu-Xiang Ran,Ming-Ying Shang, Jing-Rong Cui, Katsuko Komatsu, Tsuneo Namba

18.马兜铃内酰胺-I进入人肾小管上皮细胞及细胞内分布和蓄积的观察.  中国中药杂志  2008,33(7):793~797 商 朴,王 璇*,李晓玫*,唐嘉薇,蔡少青

19.大鼠尿样中马兜铃酸及马兜铃内酰胺的固相萃取方法。中国中药杂志  2007,32(24):2613~2619  赵电红,屈 磊,王 璇*,李晓玫,许俊羽,蔡少青

20.影响中药三七HPLC指纹谱的若干因素,中国天然药,2004,2(1):33~41  李静,王璇,马付勇,贾秀虹,蔡少青*,梁鑫淼,小松かつ子

21.Simultaneous Determination of Five Aristolochic Acids and Two Aristololactams in Aristolochia Plants by High-performance Liquid Chromatography. Biomedical Chromatography, 2006, 20:309~318  C.-Y.Zhang, X. Wang, M.-Y. Shang, J. Yu, Y.-Q Xu, Z.-G. Li, L.-C. Lei, X.-M. Li, S.-Q. Cai1 * and T. Namba

22.New aristolochic acid, aristololactam and renal cytotoxic constituents from the stems and leaves of Aristolochia contorta . DIE PHARMAZIE , 2005, 60(10):  785~788  C.-Y. Zhang, X. Wang, T. Su, C.-M. Ma, Y.-J. Wen, M.-Y. Shang, X.-M. Li, G.-X. Liu, S.-Q. Cai *

23.Analysis of the Constituents in the Chinese Drug Notoginseng by Liquid Chromatography-Electrospray Mass Spectrometry. J Chin Pharm Scien,2004,13(4):225~237   J.-H. Liu , X. Wang*, S.-Q. Cai,K. Komatsu and T. Namba

24.Evaluation of Variation of Acteoside and Three Major Flavonoids in Wild and Cultivated Scutellaria baicalensis Roots by Micellar Electrokinetic Chromatography, Chem. Pharm. Bull., 2002, 50(7):896~899  L.-H.Xie, X.Wang, P.Basnet, N.Matsunaga, S.Yamaji, D.-Y.Yang, S.-Q.Cai, and T.Tani
