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来源:   发布日期:2020-01-07


报 告 人:Michael Beer

时   间:2020年1月13日(周一)14:00-15:30

地   点:中关村校区研究生教学楼101报告厅




  Michael Beer教授来自汉诺威莱布尼兹大学(德国九所顶尖理工大学联盟TU9成员之一)。作为莱布尼兹大学风险与可靠性研究所所长,Beer教授是工程领域风险与不确定性研究的国际著名专家。Beer教授毕业于德国德累斯顿理工大学,先后在美国莱斯大学、新加坡国立大学、英国利物浦大学、德国莱布尼兹大学具有全职工作经历。Beer教授目前在超过15种国际期刊担任主编、副主编、或编委,这其中包括多个国际顶级期刊,例如:Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing, Computers & Structures, Structural Safety, Probabilistic Engineering Mechanics


Michael Beer is Professor and Head of the Institute for Risk and Reliability, Leibniz Universität Hannover, Germany, since 2015. He is also part time Professor at the University of Liverpool and at Tongji University, Shanghai, China. He obtained a doctoral degree from Technische Universität Dresden and pursued post-doctoral research at Rice University. From 2007 to 2011 Dr. Beer worked as an Assistant Professor at National University of Singapore. In 2011 he joined the University of Liverpool as Chair in Uncertainty in Engineering and Founding Director of the Institute for Risk and Uncertainty and established a large Doctoral Training Center on Quantification and Management of Risk & Uncertainty. Dr. Beer’s research is focused on uncertainty quantification in engineering with emphasis on imprecise probabilities. Dr. Beer is Editor in Chief (joint) of the Encyclopedia of Earthquake Engineering, Associate Editor of the ASCE-ASME Journal of Risk and Uncertainty in Engineering Systems, Associate Editor of the International Journal of Reliability and Safety, and Member of thirteen Editorial Boards including Probabilistic Engineering Mechanics, Computers & Structures, Structural Safety, Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing, and International Journal for Uncertainty Quantification. He has won several awards including the CADLM PRIZE 2007 – Intelligent Optimal Design and a Certificate for Highly Cited Research in Structural Safety. His publications include a book, several monographs and a large number of journal and conference papers. He is a Fellow of the Alexander von Humboldt-Foundation, Chair of the C(PS)2 of the Bernoulli Society and Member of ASCE (EMI), ASME, IACM, ESRA, EASD, and GACM.




The presentation will highlight some key issues to take care of when preparing journal papers. Advice will be provided on how to select the right journal for the paper, how to define the right paper type, and how to work out a research paper with emphasis on the key items that make it a research paper. In addition to these basic items, information will be provided on how to address reviewer comments, how to understand editorial decisions, and how to deal with conflicting information and problems. In overall, the information provided targets at increasing the chance for success when submitting journal papers. This presentation is based on own experience as an author, reviewer and handling and associate editor for several international journals.