周游,现就职于北京理工大学经济学院,应用经济系,预聘助理教授/特别副研究员;华盛顿州立大学经济学博士;研究方向为区域经济学,能源与环境经济学,国际贸易等领域; 曾作为研究人员和博士后,在美国华盛顿州立大学货运交通政策中心和香港大学城市研究及城市规划中心从事相关研究;作为主要完成人参与了“美国西北太平洋区域多式联运交通中心建设评估”和“一带一路国家交通网络建设的经济效益分析”等5个科研项目。
[1] Liang, J., Qiu, J., Wang, X., Wu, J., Yang, S., & Zhou, Y. (2024). “Examining energy inequality: The impact of household wealth on heterogeneous response to temperatures.” Energy Policy, 190, 114142.
[2] Liu, X., Wang, X., Wu, D., Xu, Y., Zhang, W., & Zhou, Y. (2024). “Urban community-level stay-at-home orders and small businesses: Evidence from chain restaurants in Beijing during the COVID-19 pandemic.” Cities, 149, 104948.
[3] Li, H., Li, Y., Zhang, L., & Zhou, Y. (2024). “Interaction between household energy consumption and health: A systematic review.” Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, 189(Part A) 1364-0321.
[4] Li, H., Li, Y., Zhang, L., & Zhou, Y. (2023). “On the evaluation of the "coal-to-gas" project in China: A life cycle cost analysis.” Energy for Sustainable Development, 73, 116-125.
[5] Zhu, L., Liao, H., & Zhou, Y. (2023). “Fuel Adoption in Rural Heating: A Field Study on Northern China.” China Agricultural Economic Review, 15(2), 302-322.
[6] Zhou, Y., Zhang, L., & Chiaradia, A. (2022). “Estimating wider economic impacts of transport infrastructure Investment: Evidence from accessibility disparity in Hong Kong.” Transportation Research Part A: Policy and Practice, 162, 220-235.
[7] Zhou, Y., Zhang, L., & Chiaradia, A. (2021). “An Adaptation of Reference Class Forecasting for the Assessment of Large-scale Urban Planning Vision, a SEM-ANN Approach to the Case of Hong Kong Lantau Tomorrow.” Land Use Policy, 109, 105701.
[8] Yu, H & Zhou, Y. (2021). “Highway Expenditure and Induced Vehicle Emissions: Evidence from the US States.” Resource and Energy Economics, 65, 101245.
[9] Zhou, Y. (2020). “Ride-sharing, Alcohol Consumption, and Drunk Driving.” Regional Science and Urban Economics, 85, 103594.
[10] Zhou, Y., Jessup, E. L., & Lang, X. (2019). “Improved Methodology for Benefits Estimation of Pavement Projects.” Research in Transportation Economics, 77, 100739.
[11] Galinato, G. I. & Zhou, Y. (2018). “How a race to the bottom make you fat.” Applied Economics, 50(52), 5620-5640.
[12] 李晶茹, 周游, 廖华. 智能网联汽车推广的乘用车燃油消耗影响研究[J]. 煤炭经济研究, 2024, 44(1), 178-187.
[13] 周游, 张佳佳, 张良恺, 李茜, 滕远. 2024年国际天然气市场分析与趋势预测[J]. 北京理工大学学报(社会科学版), 2024, 26(2), 76-83.
[1] 教育部“春晖计划”合作科研项目:国道“断头路”的经济-能源-环境评估研究,2023-2025,主持
[2] 北京理工大学青年教师学术启动计划项目:我国国道“断头路”的成因,影响及对策,2021-2024,主持
[3] Economic Impacts of Mega Infrastructure Development in One Belt One Road Countries, 2019-2021, University of Hong Kong, 参与.
[4] Assessing Feasibility of an Inland Container Terminal in the Pacific Northwest, 2017-2020, U.S. Department of Agriculture, 参与.
[5] Improved Methodology for Benefits Estimation of Preservation Projects, 2016-2018, Washington State Department of Transportation, 参与.
[6] US 95 Freight Multi-Modal Corridor Supply Chain: A Pilot Study, 2014-2016, Idaho Transportation Department, 参与.
[7] Freight Commodity Flows: Selected Washington State Highways, 2012-2014, Washington State Department of Transportation, 参与.
2022: Annual Conference of the Canadian Economics Association*.
2021: Annual Meeting of the Canadian Agricultural Economics Society*, 北京理工大学管理与经济学院青年学者学术研讨会.
2020: International Association for China Planning Annual Conference.
2019: Association of Collegiate Schools of Planning Annual Conference, Transportation Research Board Annual Meeting,
2017: Transportation Research Board Annual Meeting*, Transportation Research Forum.
2016: World Conference on Transport Research, Canada-US Transportation Research Forum, Western Economic Association International Annual Meeting.
2015: Agricultural & Applied Economics Association Annual Meeting, Southern Economics Association Annual Meeting, Transportation Research Forum.
2014: Western Economic Association International Annual Meeting.