实验室名称 |
生物医用材料分室 |
实验室地址 |
5#320 |
面积(m²) |
80 |
历史沿革情况及现有规模 |
由一名研究员、两名副教授以及在读博士生和硕士生组成,在课题组组长冯增国教授的带领下先后承担并完成了国家863计划、国家自然科学基金、国家自然科学基金国际交流合作、北京市科委重大研究计划等多项课题。 |
方向和任务 |
磷亚胺类“非茂”烯烃聚合催化剂、环二肽小分子凝胶因子、可降解聚酯的功能化修饰与血管组织工程、环糊精自组装与超分子共聚物。 |
仪器设备情况 |
凝胶渗透色谱,差热扫描量热仪,荧光光谱仪等。 |
实验队伍情况 |
3位博士,3名在读博士生,8名在读硕士生。 |
实验教学及科研情况 |
实验教学主要包括:《材料化学实验》、《材料物理实验》、《材料科学技能培养》、《生物医用材料的制备和表征》等。 科研情况: 2017年度 1. Wang L , Jin X , Ye L , et al. Rapidly Recoverable Thixotropic Hydrogels from the Racemate of Chiral OFm Monosubstituted Cyclo(Glu-Glu) Derivatives[J]. Langmuir, 2017, 33(48). 2. Cao J , Geng X , Wen J , et al. The penetration and phenotype modulation of smooth muscle cells on surface heparin modified Poly(ε‐caprolactone) vascular scaffold[J]. Journal of Biomedical Materials Research Part A, 2017, 105(10):2806.. 3. Wang L , Hui X , Geng H , et al. Synthesis and gelation capability of mono- and disubstituted cyclo(L-Glu-L-Glu) derivatives with tyramine, tyrosine and phenylalanine[J]. Colloid & Polymer Science, 2017, 295(2):1-13. 4. Yan Z, Ye L, Zhang A, et al. The mobility of threaded α-cyclodextrins in PR copolymer and its influences on mechanical properties[J]. Chinese Journal of Polymer Science, 2017, 35(6): 752-763. 5. Geng H, Ye L, Zhang A, et al. Ultrasound-induced gelation of fluorenyl-9-methoxycarbonyl-l-lysine (fluorenyl-9-methoxycarbonyl)-OH and its dipeptide derivatives showing very low minimum gelation concentrations[J]. Journal of colloid and interface science, 2017, 490: 665-676. 6. Wang Q , Xu H , Zhou S Z , et al. The preparation of hybrid trimer by cyclo-oligomerization of TDI and HDI and its curing process with polyols to form elastic PU coating[J]. Journal of Coatings Technology & Research, 2017(43):1-10. 7. 陈建军* 王铁石 唐正伟 徐一兵 徐林 曹茂盛 冯增国. 膦亚胺半茂钛催化体系合成无规聚丙烯弹性体的研究[J]. 高分子学报, 2017(8):1294-1303. 8. 适配双链与非适配单链包结γ-CD聚准轮烷嵌段共聚物合成与表征[J]. 高分子学报, 2017(8). 9. 陈建军, 王铁石, 唐正伟, 徐林, 曹茂盛, & 冯增国. 单茂膦亚胺钛配合物催化乙丙共聚及其共聚物在改善润滑油黏度指数中的应用[J]. 石油化工, 2017, 46(8):1034-1042.. 10. 宗倩颖, 叶霖, 张爱英, et al. 基于赖氨酸环二肽水凝胶因子的合成与凝胶化研究[J]. 北京理工大学学报, 2017, 37(8):869-874. 2016年度 1. Geng H , Zong Q , You J , et al. Gelation capability of cysteine-modified cyclo(L-Lys-L-Lys)s dominated by Fmoc and Trt protecting groups[J]. Science China, 2016, 59(3):1-10. 2. Guo A , Yan Z , Ye L , et al. The Synthesis and Characterization of Spacer‐Free Liquid Crystal Polyrotaxane by Virtue of the Mobility of Threaded α‐Cyclodextrins[J]. Macromolecular Chemistry & Physics, 2016, 217(5):646-653. 3. Li Q, Gan L, Tao H, et al. The synthesis and application of heparin-based smart drug carrier[J]. Carbohydrate polymers, 2016, 140: 260-268. 4. Duan N , Geng X , Ye L , et al. A vascular tissue engineering scaffold with core-shell structured nano-fibers formed by coaxial electrospinning and its biocompatibility evaluation[J]. Biomedical Materials, 2016, 11(3):035007. 5. Geng H , Ye L , Zhang A Y , et al. Low-Molecular-Weight Organo- and Hydrogelators Based on Cyclo(L-Lys-L-Glu)[J]. Langmuir, 2016, 18(18). 6. Yan Z, Guo A, Ye L, et al. The synthesis and characterization of a processable polyrotaxane-based triblock copolymer via a “two steps” strategy[J]. RSC Advances, 2016, 6(39): 33221-33230. 7. Ye L , Cao J , Chen L , et al. The fabrication of double layer tubular vascular tissue engineering scaffold via coaxial electrospinning and its 3D cell coculture[J]. Journal of Biomedical Materials Research Part A, 2015, 103(12):3863-3871. 8. Zong Q, Geng H, Ye L, et al. Synthesis and gelation capability of Fmoc and Boc mono-substituted cyclo (L-Lys-L-Lys) s[J]. Chemical Research in Chinese Universities, 2016, 32(3): 484-492. 2015年度 1. Jiang L, Peng Z, Guo A, et al. A one-step synthesis of polyrotaxane via in situ Michael addition reaction[J]. Iranian Polymer Journal, 2015, 24(8):679-685. 2. 姜冉冉, 孔韬, 叶霖,等. β-CD聚轮烷嵌段共聚物的制备及其溶致响应性[J]. 高分子学报, 2015(7):800-807. 3. 宗倩颖, 耿慧敏, 王璐,等. Fmoc和Boc双取代赖氨酸环二肽的合成及其凝胶化性能研究[J]. 化学学报, 2015, 73(5):423-430. 4. Zhu G C , Gu Y Q , Geng X , et al. Experimental study on the construction of small three-dimensional tissue engineered grafts of electrospun poly-ε-caprolactone.[J]. J Mater Sci Mater Med, 2015, 26(2):112. 5. Kong T , Lin J , Ye L , et al. Synthesis of water soluble polyrotaxanes by end-capping polypseudo-rotaxanes of γ-CDs with PHEMA-PPO-PEO-PPO-PHEMA using ATRP of MPC[J]. Polymer Chemistry, 2015, 6(32):5832-5837. 6. 耿慧敏, 宗倩颖, 尤劼,等. 赖氨酸环二肽有机凝胶因子的合成及其选择性凝胶化与染料吸附[J]. 应用化学, 2015, 32(8):900-908. 7. Lin J, Kong T, Ye L, et al. Self-assemblies of γ-CDs with pentablock copolymers PMA-PPO-PEO-PPO-PMA and endcapping via atom transfer radical polymerization of 2-methacryloyloxyethyl phosphorylcholine[J]. Beilstein Journal of Organic Chemistry, 2015, 11(1):2267-2277. 8. Ye L , Cao J , Chen L , et al. The fabrication of double layer tubular vascular tissue engineering scaffold via coaxial electrospinning and its 3D cell coculture[J]. Journal of Biomedical Materials Research Part A, 2015, 103(12):3863-3871. 9. 武健丹 虎龙 张凯 彭应杰 张爱英* 叶霖 冯增国. PAN/β-CD复合纳米纤维膜的制备及其对中性红的吸附[J]. 合成树脂及塑料, 2015(3):5-9. 10. Kong T, Lin J, Ye L, et al. Synthesis of water soluble polyrotaxanes by end-capping polypseudo-rotaxanes of γ-CDs with PHEMA-PPO-PEO-PPO-PHEMA using ATRP of MPC[J]. Polymer Chemistry, 2015, 6(32): 5832-5837. 2014年度 1. Kong T, Ye L, Zhang AY,等. Loose-fit polypseudorotaxanes constructed from γ-CDs and PHEMA-PPG-PEG-PPG-PHEMA[J]. Beilstein Journal of Organic Chemistry, 2014, 10(1):2461. 2. Ye L, Liu X, Ito K, et al. The preparation of an azo-substituted polyrotaxane end-capped with PNIPPAAm and its dual stimuli-responsive behavior for drug delivery applications[J]. Journal of Materials Chemistry B, 2014, 2(35): 5746-5757. 3. Pei-jing Wang, Lin Ye, Ai-ying Zhang, et al. Synthesis and characterization of polyrotaxanes comprising α-cyclodextrins and poly(ε-caprolactone) end-capped with poly(butyl methacrylate)s[J]. Polymer International, 2014, 63(6):1025-1034. 4. Jiang, Lan, Ye, Lin. Self‐Assembly of Polyrotaxanes Synthesized Via Click Chemistry of Azido‐Endcapped PNIPAAm‐b‐Pluronic F68‐b‐PNIPAAm/γ‐CD with Propargylamine‐Substituted β‐CDs[J]. Macromolecular Chemistry/s&/sphysics, 2014, 215(10):1022-1029. 5. Jiang L, Gao Z, Ye L, et al. A Polyrotaxane-based pH-labile Drug Delivery System[J]. Periodica Polytechnica Chemical Engineering, 2014, 58(1): 55-60.
建设特色及成果 |
建设课程:《聚合过程的化学与技术》、《材料结构与性能表征》、《高分子合成化学》; 获批基金: 国家自然科学基金委: 20374008环糊精自组装超分子结构可降解水凝胶的研究,20674006采用巯基-乙烯基单体聚合反应制备环糊精聚轮烷的研究,20974015γ-环糊精双链包结聚轮烷的合成研究,21174018 环二肽凝胶因子的分子设计、合成及其作为药物控释载体的研究,21774016γ-环糊精与乙烯基嵌段共聚物非适配包结产物制备研究; 国家自然科学基金国际交流合作: 20681240507第四届中韩生物材料与纳米生物技术研讨会,20711140361基于巯基化多糖与环糊精聚轮烷的刺激响应性水凝胶作为药物载体的研究; 国家高技术研究发展计划(863计划): 2007AA021905心血管修复用纳米生物材料研发, 2006AA02A134小口径组织工程血管的基础及应用研究 国家重点研发计划: 2017YFC1104101小口径组织工程血管的构建与产品研发 企业横向联合项目: 20130941048基于改进的TDI单体的异腈酸酯建筑材料。 |
实验室主任(职称) |
仪器设备负责人 |
叶霖 |
电话及邮件地址 |
68912650,yelin@bit.edu.cn |