


学术报告题目:极度拥堵事件的交通预测/Traffic estimation for extreme congestion events
报告人:Dr. Daniel Work, Assistant Prof, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
时间:2016年5月27日  下午2:00-3:30  学术报告
      2016年5月27日  下午3:30-4:30 合作研究讨论

报告内容:This talk will describe new approaches to monitor traffic for extreme congestion triggers ranging from temporary events to city-scale disasters. While the field of traffic monitoring has advanced rapidly over the last several years due to falling sensing, communication, and computational costs, several holes remain which have high impact operational efficiency and safety. This talk explores three such problems and their potential solutions. The first part of the talk will explore the challenges of sensing traffic conditions caused by temporary events such as sporting and cultural events. The talk will discuss the development of sensing platforms developed at Illinois that address these needs for temporary sensing. The second part of the talk links the traffic state estimation problem with the traffic incident detection problem, resulting in a unified framework to solve both problems simultaneously. The final part of the talk considers a solution to the emerging problem quantifying the resilience of the city-scale traffic network to extreme event such as natural disasters using only GPS data readily available from taxis. 

     Daniel Work is an assistant professor in the Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering (courtesy), and the Coordinated Science Laboratory at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. He earned a Bachelor of Science degree (2006) from the Ohio State University, and a Master of Science (2007) and Ph.D. (2010) from the University of California, Berkeley, each in civil engineering.  Work was a guest researcher at Microsoft Research, Redmond in 2010 and a visiting researcher at Nokia Research Center, Palo Alto from 2008-2010 prior to joining the faculty at Illinois.  His research interests are control, estimation, and optimization of transportation systems, mobile sensing, and inverse modeling & data assimilation.Prof. Work’s honors and awards include the CAREER Award from the National Science Foundation (2014) The Faculty Fellow Award from the National Center for Super Computing Applications (2014), and the IEEE ITSS Best Dissertation Award (2011).
