For this seminar, we invite five outstanding young scholars from world-renown universities and research institutions to share their latest design research on a variety of interdisciplinary topics, such as digital media, urban design, environmental design, human-computer interaction, social space and beyond.
【线下地点 / Location】
中关村校区 / 良乡校区 / 唐山研究院
【线上直播平台 / Online platform】
Zoom / 腾讯会议 (会议号待公布TBA)
Lecture 1 / 2020. 11. 29
沉浸式多媒体设计 / Immersive Multimedia Design
Dr. Jingru Pan is lecturer at Central Academy of Fine Art. She obtained both Bachelor and Ph.D. degrees from Tsinghua University. She was a visiting scholar at Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT). She is also the co-founder of Blackbow, a national leading design studio of multimedia and visual art.
Lecture 2 / 2020. 12. 06
城市活力与空间句法——围墙是扼杀城市活力的罪魁祸首? / Urban Vitality and Space Syntax: Is physical boundary the main culprit for stifling urban vitality?
Yufeng Yang is a PhD candidate at Space Syntax Laboratory, The Bartlett School of Architecture, University College London (UCL). His research focuses on public space, spatial behaviour, space quantification, morphology, and space syntax.
Lecture 3 / 2020. 12. 20
数据材料创造新含义 / Data Design: To Create Meanings, Aesthetic and Affection
Dr. Bin Yu is data designer of Philips Design Center in Eindhoven. He did his Ph.D. study and Postdoc research in the department of Industrial Design at Eindhoven University of Technology. Before his design research career, Dr. Yu has worked for Shenzhen Institutes of Advanced Technology, Chinese Academy of Sciences as a biomedical engineer.
Lecture 4 / 2020. 12. 27
莫辨:设计研究的个人实践 / Staying with the Unsettling: A Personal Practice of Design Research
Dr. Jingru (Cyan) Cheng is a cross-disciplinary design researcher. Currently, she is a postdoc researcher and design tutor at Royal College of Art. She obtained the PhD by design degree from AA and awarded commendation from RIBA in 2018.
Lecture 5 / 2021.01. 03
小微公共空间的精细化之路 / Elaborated Design Approaches of Small and Micro Public Spaces
Dr. SiSi Liang is associate professor and assistant to the dean of School of Architecture at Tsinghua University. She obtained the Ph.D. degree in Urban Planning from the School of Design at the University of Pennsylvania. Dr.Liang is also the Young Member of Foreign Urban Planning Committee of CACP, the deputy secretary general and the director of both Architectural Programming and POE committee and Institute of Urban Design of ASC.
Dr. Xipei Ren is Associate Professor at Beijing Institute of Technology. He did PhD, postdoc and now hold a researcher position at Eindhoven University of Technology.
韩默 ,北京理工大学设计与艺术学院助理教授、副研究员、硕士生导师 。清华大学建筑学院博士。
Dr. Mo Han is Assistant Professor at Beijing Institute of Technology. She did PhD at Tsinghua university.
孙子文,北京理工大学设计与艺术学院 / 助理教授、副研究员、硕士生导师。英国爱丁堡大学建筑学博士、博士后、设计和硕士论文导师。英国高等教育学会会士 (Fellow HEA),苏格兰皇家建筑师协会会员 (Associate RISA),中国城市科学研究会健康城市专委会委员。
Dr. Ziwen Sun is Assistant Professor at Beijing Institute of Technology. He received a PhD and worked as an Open-ended Tutor and Postdoctoral Researcher at the University of Edinburgh as well as University Teacher at Newcastle University.
国际青年设计研究下午茶活动依托于北京理工大学“设计与研究 - 国际青年学者联盟”,关注前沿设计研究与实践,为学界业界的青年学者和设计师搭建共享平台,积累、讨论和传播相关知识、经验和方法。
Initiated by BIT Design Research Young Scholar Federation, this international design research seminar focuses on the state-of-the-art of design research and practices. Through sharing and discussing knowledge, experiences and methodologies, we aim at building a collaborative platform for young researchers and design practitioners.