祝烈煌(Zhu Liehuang) 特聘教授,博士生导师,学院党委书记 出生年月:1976年9月 办公电话:010-68913694 电子邮件:liehuangz@bit.edu.cn 办公地点:中心教学楼709 |
1. Liehuang Zhu, Zijian Zhang, Chang Xu. Secure and Privacy-Preserving Data Communication in Internet of Things. Springer, 2017
2. Liehuang Zhu, Keke Gai, Meng Li. Blockchain Technology in Internet of Things. Springer, 2019
3. Meng Shen, Liehuang Zhu, Ke Xu.Blockchain: Empowering Secure Data Sharing. Springer, 2020
1. Zhiguo Wan, Tong Zhang, Weizhuang Liu, Mingqiang Wang, Liehuang Zhu. Decentralized Privacy-Preserving Fair Exchange Scheme for V2G Based on Blockchain. IEEE Transactions on Dependable and Secure Computing. Online. (CCF A, 中科院SCI一区)
2.Meng Shen, Jinpeng Zhang, Liehuang Zhu, Ke Xu, Xiaojiang Du. Accurate Decentralized Application Identification via Encrypted Traffic Analysis Using Graph Neural Networks. IEEE Transactions on Information Forensics and Security. 16:2367-2380, 2021. (CCF A, 中科院SCI一区)
3.Chang Liu, Liehuang Zhu, Xiangjian He, Jinjun Chen. Enabling privacy-preserving shortest distance queries on encrypted graph data. IEEE Transactions on Dependable and Secure Computing. 18(1):192-204, 2021. (CCF A, 中科院SCI一区))
4.Meng Shen, Yiting Liu, Liehuang Zhu, Xiaojiang Du, Jiankun Hu. Fine-Grained Webpage Fingerprinting Using Only Packet Length Information of Encrypted Traffic. IEEE Transactions on Information Forensics and Security. 16:2046 - 2059, 2021.(CCF A, 中科院SCI一区))
5.Keke Gai, Xiao Qin, Liehuang Zhu. An energy-aware high performance task allocation strategy in heterogeneous fog computing environments. IEEE Transactions on Computers. 70(4): 626 - 639, 2020.(CCF A, 中科院SCI一区))
6.Meng Shen, Junxian Duan, Liehuang Zhu, Jie Zhang, Xiaojiang Du, Mohsen Guizani. Blockchain-based incentives for secure and collaborative data sharing in multiple clouds. IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications. 38(6):1229 - 1241, 2020. (CCF A, 中科院SCI一区))
7.Meng Shen, Huisen Liu, Liehuang Zhu, Ke Xu, Hongbo Yu, Xiaojiang Du, Mohsen Guizani. Blockchain-assisted secure device authentication for cross-domain industrial IoT. IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications 38 (5), 942-954, 2020. (CCF A, 中科院SCI一区))
8.Chuan Zhang, Liehuang Zhu, Chang Xu, Ximeng Liu, Kashif Sharif. Reliable and Privacy-Preserving Truth Discovery for Mobile Crowdsensing Systems. IEEE Transactions on Dependable and Secure Computing. Online. 2019. (CCF A, 中科院SCI一区))
9.Liehuang Zhu, Meng Li, Zijian Zhang, Zhan Qin. ASAP: An anonymous smart-parking and payment scheme in vehicular networks.IEEE Transactions on Dependable and Secure Computing. 17 (4), 703-715,2018.(CCF A, 中科院SCI一区))
10.Liehuang Zhu, Xiangyun Tang, Meng Shen, Xiaojiang Du, Mohsen Guizani. Privacy-preserving DDoS attack detection using cross-domain traffic in software defined networks. IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications 36 (3), 628-643,2018. (CCF A, 中科院SCI一区))
11.Meng Shen, Baoli Ma, Liehuang Zhu, Rashid Mijumbi, Xiaojiang Du, Jiankun Hu. Cloud-based approximate constrained shortest distance queries over encrypted graphs with privacy protection. IEEE Transactions on Information Forensics and Security 13 (4), 940-953, 2017.(CCF A, 中科院SCI一区))
12.Meng Shen, Mingwei Wei, Liehuang Zhu, Mingzhong Wang. Classification of encrypted traffic with second-order markov chains and application attribute bigrams. IEEE Transactions on Information Forensics and Security 12 (8), 1830-1843, 2017. (CCF A, 中科院SCI一区)
13.Jialing He, Zijian Zhang, Jian Mao, Liran Ma, Bakh Khoussainov, Rui Jin, Liehuang Zhu. Video Aficionado: We Know What You Are Watching. IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing. Online. 2020. (CCF A,中科院SCI一区)
14.Meng Shen, Zelin Liao, Liehuang Zhu, Ke Xu, and Xiaojiang Du. VLA: A Practical Visible Light-based Attack on Face Recognition Systems in Physical World, ACM UBICOMP, 2019. (CCF A会议)
15.Yiwei Liu, Jiamou Liu, Zijian Zhang, Liehuang Zhu, Ansheng Li. REM: From Structural Entropy To Community Structure Deception. NeurIPS 2019, Accepted, Vancouver, Canada.(CCF A会议)
16.Xiangyun Tang, Dongliang Liao, Weijie Huang, Liehuang Zhu, Meng Shen, Jin Xu. Fully Exploiting Cascade Graphs for Real-‐Time Forwarding Prediction. AAAI 2021. (CCF A会议)
17.Zijian Zhang, Wenqiang Cao, Zhan Qin, Liehuang Zhu, Zhengtao Yu, Kui Ren: When Privacy Meets Economics: Enabling Differentially-private Battery-supported Meter Reporting in Smart Grid. IWQoS 2017: 1-9, Vilanova, Spain. (CCF B会议, Best Paper Award)
18.Keke Gai, Jinnan Guo, Liehuang Zhu, Shui Yu. Blockchain meets cloud computing: a survey. IEEE Communications Surveys & Tutorials. 22 (3), 2009-2030, 2020. (中科院SCI一区,IF:23.7)
19.Gai, Keke; Wu, Yulu; Zhu, Lihuang; Qiu, Meikang and Shen, Meng. Privacy-Preserving Energy Trading Using Consortium Blockchain in Smart Grid. IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics, 15(6):3548-3558, 2019. (中科院SCI一区,ESI高被引)
20.Zhu, Liehuang; Wu, Yulu; Gai, Keke and Choo, K.K.R. Controllable and trustworthy blockchain-based cloud data management. Future Generation Computer Systems, 9:1527-535, 2018. (中科院SCI一区,ESI高被引)
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1. 国家重点研发计划项目,公有链安全监测及溯源服务关键技术研究, 2020.11-2022.11,956万元,项目负责人
2. 国家重点研发计划课题,天地一体化网络实体认证与接入防护关键技术及系统,2016.07 - 2019.06,917万元,课题负责人
3. 国家自然科学基金重点项目,基于区块链的数据隐蔽传输机制研究, 2019.01-2022.12, 258万元, 项目负责人
4. GF基础科研重点项目,基于区块链的×××全生命周期管理, 2019.01-2022.01, 400万元,项目负责人
5. 广东省重点研发计划项目,新型去中心化网络技术的监管与安全防护,2019.01-2022.05,150万元,课题负责人
6. GF科技创新特区项目, 面向XXX大数据分析的区块链协同计算技术,2018.06-2020.01,240万元,项目负责人
1. 2020.12 国家级领军人才
2. 2020.12 北京市科学技术进步二等奖,排名第一
3. 2018.12 中国通信学会网络与信息安全杰出人才奖
4. 2017.12 党政机要密码科学技术进步奖三等奖
5. 2017.12 中国通信学会优秀博士学位论文奖,指导教师
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