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麻省理工学院(Massachusetts Institute of Technology)是世界著名私立研究型大学,截止至2018年10月,麻省理工学院的校友、教职工及研究人员中,共产生了93位诺贝尔奖得主(世界第六) 、8位菲尔兹奖得主(世界第八)以及25位图灵奖得主(世界第二)。MIT素以顶尖的工程学而著名,拥有众多顶级实验室,位列2016-17年世界大学学术排名(ARWU)工程学世界第一,被称为工程科技界的学术领袖。QS2019材料科学排名全球第一。




1)New Materials Design & Machine Learning

麻省理工学院材料科学与工程学院(DMSE, MIT)核心实验室主办,由麻省理工学院人工智能/材料科学学科的核心教授担纲课程设计和教学工作。教学团队包括多名来自麻省理工学院人工智能实验室、材料科学与工程实验室等核心科研教学团队的资深教授。课程将重点关注用机器学习的方法反向发现新材料,以及材料科学与其他交叉学科的前沿研究方向等内容,以Project Based Learning (PBL)教学法展开,教学课程与麻省理工学院同期开设的相关学科课程内容同步。

2)MIT Artificial Intelligence for Financial Engineering

麻省理工学院斯隆管理学院(MIT Sloan School of Management)人工智能研究团队主办,由麻省理工学院人工智能/金融工程学科的核心教授担纲课程设计和教学工作。教学团队包括多名来自麻省理工学院人工智能实验室和斯隆管理学院等核心科研教学团队的资深教授。课程将重点关注人工智能对未来商业社会的影响与挑战,以及人工智能与商业管理的交叉学科等内容。课程将以Project Based Learning (PBL)教学法展开,教学课程与麻省理工学院同期开设的相关学科课程内容同步。



2020寒假MIT New Materials Design & Machine Learning课程分为Pre-learning、On-campus Course、Post-learning三大部分,共计74个课时。


On-campus Course由两大模块组成——学术模块和探索模块。





1)New Materials Design & Machine Learning

Course Description:

Computational Materials Science involves and enables the visualization of concepts and materials processes which are otherwise difficult to describe or even imagine. Among other things, this field of allows materials to be designed and tested efficiently.


Computational and analytical techniques are necessary for materials science and engineering topics, such as material structure, symmetry, and thermodynamics, materials response to applied fields, mechanics and physics of solids and soft materials. Presents mathematical concepts and materials-related problem-solving skills alongside symbolic programming techniques. Symbolic algebraic computational methods, programming, and visualization techniques; topics include linear algebra, quadratic forms, tensor operations, symmetry operations, calculus of several variables, eigensystems, systems of ordinary and partial differential equations, beam theory, resonance phenomena, special functions, numerical solutions, statistical analysis, Fourier analysis, and random walks.


Academic Syllabus:

The course begins with basic reviews of the foundations of Computational Materials Science before moving on to a more rigorous development of the theories and methodologies that underlie this novel field. Students will also have the chance to explore the applications of the theoretical portions of the program through lectures and site-visit opportunities.


Academic Module:

Module 1: Introduction of New Materials

Module 2: Advanced Machine Learning for Materials Science

Module 3: New Materials Intelligence

Module 4: Computer-driven design of molecular materials


2)MIT Artificial Intelligence for Financial Engineering

Course Description

In order to compete in the rapidly developing financial sector, it is becoming increasingly necessary to make use of Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence technologies to analyze massive amounts of data and predict trends.

Financial Engineering is a multidisciplinary field drawing from finance and economics, mathematics, statistics, engineering and computational methods. Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence play a significant role in the creation of models and trading ideas from Renaissance and similar funds.

The main goal of this program is to provide the knowledge and practical skills necessary to develop a strong foundation on core paradigms and algorithms of Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence, with a particular focus on applications of Machine Learning to various practical problems in Finance.

Students will learn the foundational methods in this field of study as well as have extensive opportunities to understand its implementation in real financial contexts.


Academic Syllabus

With a focus on the organizational and managerial implications of these technologies, rather than on their technical aspects, this course will arm students with the knowledge and confidence students need to pioneer its successful integration in finance. The emphasis of this program will be on the use of simple stochastic models to price derivative securities in various asset classes including equities, fixed income, credit and mortgage-backed securities. This program will also consider the role that some of these asset classes played during the financial crisis.

Methodologies in artificial intelligence and data analysis will be introduced, after which students will gain an in-depth understanding through studies of applications of these technologies in innovative workshops and company visits.


Academic Module

Module 1: Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence in Finance

Artificial intelligence in finance is transforming the way we interact with money. AI is helping the financial industry to streamline and optimize processes ranging from credit decisions to quantitative trading and financial risk management.

Module 2: Financial Engineering and Arbitrage-based Pricing Models

The objective of the module is to introduce students to the modern framework for pricing of financial securities, including fixed income assets and derivatives. We cover the fundamental valuation concepts, pricing models, and methodological tools and applications.

Module 3: Financial Engineering and Risk Management

Financial Engineering is a multidisciplinary field drawing from finance and economics, mathematics, statistics, engineering and computational methods. The emphasis of FE & RM Part I will be on the use of simple stochastic models to price derivative securities in various asset classes including equities, fixed income, credit and mortgage-backed securities. We will also consider the role that some of these asset classes played during the financial crisis.





On-campus Course(2周)


  • 课程概览、预习课件
  • 学术报告阅读、测评
  • 个人作业及论文


  • 共50学术课时 - 结合Project Based Learning (PBL) 教学法
  • 24课时 – 专业课
  • 10课时 – 实践课
  • 12课时 – 学术报告阅读、小组讨论、实践成果汇报
  • 4 课时 – 机构探访、研讨会
  • 实践成果后续跟进
  • 助理研究员申请
  • 长期项目跟进



  • 个人作业 5%
  • Project 1 20%
  • Project 2 20%
  • 个人论文 20%
  • 团队作业展示及演讲 35%

* 按规定完成学习计划和任务且成绩合格者将获得由官方颁发的课程学习证书



1)New Materials Design & Machine Learning

1.W. Craig Carter

POSCO Professor, Department of Materials Science and Engineering, MIT

MacVicar Faculty Fellow

Research Interests: Computational Materials Science, Energy, Energy Storage


2. Markus Buehler 

Department Head, Department of CEE,  MIT  
Jerry McAfee (1940) Professor in  Engineering

Research Interests: Materials science and mechanics of natural and biological protein materials (materiomics)


3.Rafael Gomez Bombarelli

Toyota Professor, Department of DMSE, MIT  

Research Interests: Computational Materials Science


4.Boris Kozinsky

Professor, John A. Paulson School Of Engineering and Applied Sciences, Harvard University

Research Interests: Computational Materials Science


2)MIT Artificial Intelligence for Financial Engineering

1.Leonid Kogan

Nippon Telegraph & Telephone Professor of Management

Professor, Finance, MIT Sloan School of Management

Director, MIT Laboratory for Financial Engineering


2.Andrew W. Lo

Charles E. and Susan T. Harris Professor, MIT Sloan School of Management

Director, MIT Laboratory for Financial Engineering


3.Kalyan Veeramachaneni

Principal Research Scientist, Department of EECS, MIT

Research Interests: Big data; Human data interaction; Impactful domains



  1. 课程计划:Pre-learning(4周)+ On-campus Course(2周)+ Post-learning(4周)。共计10周课程学习计划,包含出发美国前4周Pre-learning,2周在MIT的学习,以及课程结束后4周的Post-learning。
  • Pre-learning(4周):4周Pre-learning将以在线学习的形式开展,出发前4周会陆续给学生推送包括预习资料、课程教学计划、学习工具、日程安排及小组作业等相关资料,提前让学生了解课程信息,并提交预习阶段相关个人作业。
  • On-campus Course(2周):2周在MIT的核心课时共计50课时Contact Hour,包含学术部分Academic Lecture共 24课时,以及实践部分共26课时,包含Academic Projects共10课时,Academic reading, discussion, presentation 共12课时,Organization visiting and workshops共4课时。
  • Post-learning(4周):课程结束后,将持续为学生提供后续咨询、申请等服务,


  1. 实验室/机构探访:实践课时部分将为参与项目的同学提供深度体验和了解MIT实验室和材料科学领先企业的顶级研发团队的机会,更加全面前瞻性地了解相关技术商业化的发展进程。
  2. PBL教学法:在学生完成Pre-learning4周的学习之后,会按照各校学生的学习成绩、英文能力、专业背景等不同考评标准为各校学生匹配作业难度分级的小组,学生将以小组(5-6人)为单位完成每周对应小组作业。
  3. 文化探访:将主要通过波士顿作为美国的教育之都,历史之都,艺术之都,体育之都等四方面了解波士顿当地的多元文化,如哈佛自然历史博物馆、皮博迪·艾塞克斯博物馆、波士顿艺术博物馆、科技馆、波士顿市立图书馆、美国职业体育赛事文化体验等。
  4. Fellowship为使学生们更加全面客观地了解在美留学生活状况及当地文化,由美国当地大学生组成的Fellow团队成员将全程与学生一起,为学生提供全面的辅导及协助,帮助同学们深入了解波士顿的当地生活及文化。
  5. 未来规划指导为提升参与课程的同学在该学术领域的专业知识和实践运用,项目期间将组织针对职业发展、科研、就业、创业等主题方向的讲座,为同学们提供未来职业发展、工作方向的指导,同学们未来发展提供新思路及指导意见。
  6. 课程证书:按照授课要求完成规定学习及考核内容将获得课程官方证书;项目中表现优异者将有机会获得授课教授的推荐信,利于学生未来留学计划。


  1. 全日制在读研究生;
  2. 具备较强的英语语言沟通能力,同等条件下,优先选拔具有雅思/托福成绩的同学,雅思不低于6.5,托福不低于88。(未能提交有效托福雅思成绩的同学需参加面试)
  3. 身心健康,遵纪守法,能较快适应国外的生活、学习和环境;
  4. 热爱祖国,在校期间遵守相关法律法规,政治思想端正;
  5. 有意识自觉维护国家形象和学校名誉,严格遵守学校规定,富有团队合作精神。





On-campus Course:2020年2月1日-2月15日





1. 项目费: 5450 USD/人

2. 研究生院将根据申报情况择优进行资助








(6) 国际保险费用










  1. 个人身份证、护照、学生证扫描件各 1 份
  2. 护照尺寸照片扫描件 1 份
  3. 本科及研究生阶段成绩单扫描件 1 份
  4. 签证所需材料主办方将另行通知



  1. 报名截止时间:2019年12月6日
  2. 扫描以下二维码进行项目线上报名。


      3. 完成线上报名并获得录取邮件后,向研究生院提交:







研究生院:张老师 010-68913589


