
来源:    发布日期:2015-06-10

1.     Jian Sun, Jie Chen, Guoping Liu. Quantized Networked Predictive Control of Systems with Communication Delays. Proceedings of the 30th Chinese Control Conference (CCC’2011). 2011. (EI)

2.     Pingli Lu, Ying Yang. Synchronization and Control of Directed Transport in Chaotic Inertial Ratchets Via Passive Control. Proceedings of the 30th Chinese Control Conference (CCC’ 2011). 2011. (EI)

3.     Pingli Lu, Ying Yang. Control and Synchronization of Chaos in RCL-Shunted Josephson Junctions. Proceedings of the 30th Chinese Control Conference (CCC’ 2011). 2011. (EI)

4.     Pingli Lu, Ying Yang. Rich Global Dynamical Phenomenon of a Synchronous Machine Model. Proceedings of the 30th Chinese Control Conference (CCC’ 2011). 2011. (EI)

5.    Wei Xiaodan, Wu Qinghe. LQG/LTR Controller Design for 3-DOF Hover System. Chinese Automation Congress (CAC’2011). 2011. (EI)

6.    Yutian Mao, Hao Fang, Jie Chen, Wei Ren, Lihua Dou. Decentralized Motion Coordination of Multi-Agent Systems with Connectivity Maintenance and Restoration. CAC’ 2011. 2011. (EI)

7.    王亚楠, 陈杰, 甘明刚. 基于差分进化的改进粒子滤波目标跟踪算. 2011中国控制会议(CCC’2011). 2011. (EI)

8.     彭志红, 孙琳, 陈杰, 吴金平. 基于改进多智能体协同进化算法的多无人机低空突防航迹规划研究. 2011中国控制会议 (CCC’2011).  (EI)

9.     路平立. 高超声速飞行器姿态的姿态的鲁棒容错H∞控制器设计. 2011中国控制会议 (CCC’2011). 2011. (EI)

10.  龚鹍, 邓方, 陈杰. 基于自适应差分进化算法和傅里叶神经网络的电子罗盘的标定. 第三十届中国控制会议. 2011: 740-745.

11.  Jia Zhang, Chen Chen. Information Stream Based Effectiveness Evaluation of Air Defense Networked Fire Control System. in Control Conference (CCC) 2011 30th Chinese. 2011.

12.   Chen Wenjie. Adaptive Control of 6-DOF Parallel Manipulator. In The 30th Chinese Control Conference. 2011.